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王郁文; Wang, Yu-wen 黃建中; Chien-Chung Huang; 數學教育學系碩士班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 王郁文; Wang, Yu-wen
  • 黃建中; Chien-Chung Huang; 數學教育學系碩士班
  • 主題: 數學史輔助教學; 學習動機; historia mathematica teaching method; motivation
  • 描述: 本研究的主要目的,在於比較「數學史輔助教學」和「傳統講述式教學」對國二學生學習「尺規作圖」單元之學習成就與動機的影響,探討實驗組學生在數學史輔助教學後與對照組學生在數學動機與成就上的差異情形,並探討實驗組高、低程度學生經數學史輔助教學後的反應情形,希望提供國中教師未來在數學教學上之參考。本研究採準實驗研究法,利用叢集隨機抽樣,將實驗對象以非隨機方式分配為實驗組和對照組,並透過相關的文獻探討來編擬數學史教材以對實驗組學生進行教學實驗。量的分析方面,同時對兩組學生進行尺規作圖成就測驗、數學學習動機量表前後測驗,並運用 SPSS14.0 版/ WIN 8.0中文視窗版軟體和 EXCEL 2000來統計分析研究資料;質性分析方面,在整體教學實驗結束後,對實驗組學生進行學習回饋問卷並於高、低分群中各選取一名學生進行學習動機方面的個別晤談。歸納分析結果,得到以下結論:一、接受數學史輔助教學的實驗組學生其數學學習動機顯著優於接受傳統講述式教學的對照組學生。二、數學史輔助教學與傳統講述式教學,對於國二學生在「尺規作圖」單元的成就測驗沒有顯著差異。三、在尺規作圖單元中,接受數學史輔助教學的實驗組學生對數學抱持喜好態度的大幅提升。四、在尺規作圖單元中,大多數透過數學史輔助教學的實驗組學生會想要更主動去學數學。五、對於數學史輔助教學的實驗組學生而言印象最深刻與最喜歡的單元中「有關尺規作圖的歷史題材」勝過其他單元。六、在尺規作圖單元中,大多數實驗組學生對於數學史輔助教學的方式給予正向的肯定。七、在尺規作圖單元中,大多數實驗組學生對於數學史輔助教學給予的學習幫助認為有所助益。八、在尺規作圖單元中,大多數實驗組學生對於數學史輔助教學後的習慣有所改變。九、大多數實驗組學生希望,在未來老師在數學課都能使用數學史來輔助教學。
    The main purpose of this study was to compare the influence of the Historia Mathematica Teaching Method (HMTM) on learning motivation. A teacher who uses the HMSTM teaches mathematical concepts using historical sources. Participants in this study were 8th grader. Students in the experimental condition were taught by the HMSTM, while students in the comparison group were taught by the traditional teaching method. In this research study, Researcher examined the different outcomes, learning accomplishments and motivation of students. Furthermore, Researcher investigated the thoughts and beliefs of students in the experimental group. This study could serve as a reference that could guide 8th grader teachers in their teaching of mathematics.This study adopted a quasi-experimental approach and used random cluster sampling. Both groups were taught the Ruler-and-compass construction. After a review of the relevant literature, Researcher prepared the materials that were used by the experimental group—Ruler-and-compass construction. The students in both of the two groups took the same Ruler-and-compass construction test and math learning motivation evaluation pre-test and post-test. SPSS14.0/WIN 8.0 for Chinese version Windows and EXCEL 2000 were used to statistically analyze the research data. After teaching had finished, for the qualitative analysis, a learning feedback questionnaire survey was administered. Additionally students were interviewed, one each from the high score group and the low score group. Through this analysis, I obtained the following results: 1. The learning motivation of the students taught by the HMTM was superior to that of students that were taught by traditional lecture teaching.2. No significant difference in achievement was found between the HMTM and traditional lecture teaching.3. The interest in Math learning among students in the experimental group increased significantly.4. Students in the experimental group were more active in learning math in the ruler drawing unit. 5. Students in the experimental group had more memory of the historical materials used in the ruler drawing unit and they liked those materials more than the non-HMTM materials used in other units.6. Most of the students in the experiment group gave positive responses in the HMTM.7. Most of the students in the experiment group felt that they had benefited from learning through the HMTM.8. The majority of the students in the experiment group changed their math learning habits after learning by the HMTM.9. Most of the students in the experiment group expressed that they would like to be taught by the HMTM in the future.
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
