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施麗美; Sh, Li-mei 劉仙湧; Hsien-Yung Liu; 體育學系教學碩士班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 施麗美; Sh, Li-mei
  • 劉仙湧; Hsien-Yung Liu; 體育學系教學碩士班
  • 主題: 跳繩運動; 八百公尺跑走; 心肺功能; rope skipping; 800m walk-run activities; cardiopulmonary function
  • 描述: 本研究目的在於探討跳繩與八百公尺跑走兩種不同運動訓練方式介入對於國小五年級學童心肺功能影響。本研究主要是以高雄縣燕巢國小五年級學童共五十六名男女同學為研究對象,並進一步分為跳繩運動及八百公尺跑走兩組各二十八名。在跳繩運動實驗組方面,每週一、三、五實施十二分鐘跳繩運動訓練;在八百公尺跑走運動實驗組方面,每週一、三、五實施八百公尺跑走訓練。所有研究對象在訓練前、後須接受靜脈舒張、靜脈收縮與靜脈心跳三種心肺功能效標之檢測。所得資料分別以相依樣本t考驗進行跳繩教學與八百公尺跑走實驗組心肺功能前、後測的差異;以獨立樣本t考驗比較跳繩教學實驗組與八百公尺跑走教學實驗組之心肺功能後測的差異。研究結果發現:跳繩與八百公尺活動訓練介入對於國小五年級學童心肺功能提升有正面助益;跳繩運動訓練與八百公尺運動訓練介入在有效正面提升國小五年級學童的心肺功能之程度方面則無顯著差異。因此,根據本論文研究結果的建議是:適量增加跳繩運動與八百公尺跑走運動訓練時數,並針對學童興趣與能力,培養學童自發性的運動,以養成學童規律運動的習慣,以提升國小五年級學童的心肺功能。
    The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of the trainings of rope skipping and 800m walk-run on the cardiopulmonary function of the fifth-grade students at primary school. The study recruits 56 fifth-grade students of Yanchau elementary school in Kaohsiung county and assigns randomly into two groups with 28 even students, respectively. The intervention treatment of rope skip group includes 12-minute exercise every Monday, Thursday and Friday morning; while another group with 800m walk-run exercise training at the same time. All subjects finished pre- and post-tests undergoing vein diazotization, vein shrinkage, vein palmus. The differences between pre- and post-test scores of cardiopulmonary function of two groups were examined by dependent sample t-test and independent sample t-test to examine significance. This study results indicate that trainings of rope skipping and 800m walk-run could reinforce the cardiopulmonary function of 5th graders significantly. Finally, this study provides some suggestions based upon these findings: to increase appropriate amount of training time for rope skipping and 800m walk-run, and to motivate students to cultivate regular exercise habits, thus, to reinforce their cardiopulmonary function as the healthy harvests.
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
