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蔡均凱; Tsai, Chun-kai 賴志彰; Zhi-zhang Lai; 台灣文化研究所 2007


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 蔡均凱; Tsai, Chun-kai
  • 賴志彰; Zhi-zhang Lai; 台灣文化研究所
  • 主題: 歷史; 空間; 溪湖; History; Shihu; Geography
  • 描述: 溪湖位於彰化縣的中心地帶,它不但是族群交會的重要地區,更是彰化縣各鄉鎮在經濟、文化與交通上的交會地帶,透過不同時期的政治、經濟、社會等因素的影響,形成溪湖豐富的空間與歷史變遷過程。 在漢人入墾以前,溪湖地區最初僅有平埔族人居住其間。在清代漢人入墾溪湖地區以前,他們的生活沒有太大的轉變,但是漢人入墾以後,在漢人的同化與侵逼之下,平埔族人終而消失在官方的記錄之中,溪湖逐漸成為漢人傳統的農業莊落。 清代是漢人入墾溪湖地區的全盛時期,同時也是紛爭四起的時代。各個姓氏族群大量入墾溪湖,並且結合同姓族人形成血緣聚落。不過隨著社會秩序的穩定,以及各族群對地方認同感的加強,不同的姓氏族開始結成區域同盟,族群間的對立情況也逐漸消失,而福安宮一帶,由於可以連通鹿港與彰化,地處族群交流地段,更逐漸成為商業貿易地帶,形成市街。 日治時期溪湖製糖所建立以後,糖廠不但創造了許多就業機會,糖鐵更是成為對外連通的重要交通工具,在糖廠的帶動之下,福安宮前市街的商業日益繁盛,西式建築更是如同雨後春筍般的成為市街上的主要建築,糖廠廠區更是自成小社區,聚居許多日本人。戰後初期,由於戰時的破壞與二二八事件的爆發,溪湖的發展一度停頓。事件過後,溪湖糖廠逐漸恢復運作,再度帶動溪湖地區的發展,溪湖也逐漸恢復日治時期的產業規模,此一時期可說是溪湖地區的復原建設期。 1960年以後,溪湖在工商產業日益發達,以及都市計劃的影響之下,溪湖逐漸脫離傳統農業鄉鎮的範疇,目前在地方政府與文史工作者共同的努力之下,溪湖正努力推動觀光產業與精緻農業,並促動溪湖的商業發展。現在溪湖的聚落空間型態已逐漸由過去傳統的農村,蛻變為商業發達的新興鄉鎮。
    Lying at the central part of Chunghwa County, Shihu, a traditional agriculture city, plays a significant role not on the racial minling stage but also as a gathering spot on economic, culture and transportation. With its advantage geographic location, Shihu has developed its own uniqe community and abundant history by the influence of different factors, such as colonial govemments, political situation, economic development and social change. Before the Chin dynasty, there were only few aboringinals, the Hoanya, inhabited . Before the Han people intrude the land, the Hoanya had a little varied liftstyle. Along with the settlement of the Han settlers intrude the land, day by day and year by year, the Hoanya, an underprivileged group, accordingly had been assimilated by the Han’s culture and custom. Finally, the Hoanya had vanished from the official record ing history. And then, Shihu has gradually become a typical Han’s agricultural village.The Han’s frontiers in Shihu reached its peak time in Chin dynasty. It’s also a chaotic era of disturbance and disorder, the settlers began to intrude the land and they united their own blood with the same family name living together. Accordingly, there were many small communities assembled and scattered at that time. However, with the stability and order of the maturing society and the strength of recognition on the local region, those small separated communities entered into alliance with each other. The conflict and disputation between the immigrants has disappeared. Furthermore, the area around the Fu-Ann temple has ever in degree become the business and trading center, because of its advantaged location connecting Lu-Kung and Chung-Hwa.During colony years ruling by Japanese, the Shihu Sugar Factory(SSF), TSC was erected. Since then, SSF had stimulated the local prosperity and development in industries and commercials until post WWII. In this period, the marking and trading were continuously growing. After 1960, with the maturity of the developed industries and commercials and the influence of metro plan, Shihu derailed its scope of traditional agricultural village. Meanwhile, with the effects of local public administration(government) and volunteers, Shihu is pursuing a new image of tourist spot and exquisite agriculture. Obviously, Shihu is on its way ready toward the brand new dynasty.
  • 建立日期: 2007
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
