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陳志昌; Chen, Jyh-chang 戴文鋒; Wen-Feng Tai; 台灣文化研究所 2008


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 陳志昌; Chen, Jyh-chang
  • 戴文鋒; Wen-Feng Tai; 台灣文化研究所
  • 主題: 養生; 食療; 食禁; 食物相剋中毒圖解; 民曆; 民俗醫療; 飲食文化; an illustration of incompatible food; Taiwanese Farmers'' Almanac; food taboo; folk medicine; dietary culture.; folk culture
  • 描述: 「食物相剋中毒圖解」以圖像表現為主並佐以少量文字方式呈現,目的在於:讓民眾瞭解因食物相剋情形而產生之各類中毒現象,用以事先避食,勿致身體不適,今多附載於民曆系統之中。這類食禁知識,亦可見於藥包袋包裝、中醫典籍、民俗醫療文本、海報、唱片、隨身筆記本等,透過文本的存在顯示,飲食知識透過這些傳播媒介傳播到各地、各階層,可佐證「食物相剋中毒圖解」對民眾生活的影響層面的廣度。當然也透過這麼多類的文本,從民曆刊印的年代、海報的防諜戒嚴背景、隨身筆記本及郭大誠唱片發行年代等訊息,推測「食物相剋中毒圖解」出現的時間應該為1960年代上下,傳播之今也有超過30年的時間,對於民間生活的影響甚深。 從歷史的史料脈絡來看,「食物相剋中毒圖解」知識以傳統中國醫學的食物療養觀念為文本來源,「藥食同源」的治療功效,目的還是在於「養生」之目的,在於強健身體以延年益壽,而非得以完全取代「治療」的功效。但不論是圖解上諸多的食禁配伍內容、疾病症狀、解毒物,卻無法完全以中醫的陰陽五行理論來詮釋。食禁內容顯示可能存在另一套屬於常民生活的民俗知識,重疊又相異於傳統中國醫學知識的本草學範疇;可能存在著一套民俗醫療理論,不同於舊有中醫理論的民俗詮釋。既然中醫理論為食禁的知識來源,中國週遭的日本也是受食療養生觀念影響的國家,在台灣受日殖民統治的同時,也受到日本美術設計工業的影響。這種以商業為導向的情形,是戰後民曆食禁知識由文字轉換為圖解的最最重要的因素之一,應當是民曆業者構思提升民曆的知識內容與樹立美術編輯風格,用以吸引讀者的關注目光,並增加銷售數量。 食禁是建構在中醫知識的理論上,建構在醫療文化的病痛經驗及體液病因的集體意識之上,所以食禁不用透過實驗,因為建構在集體意識下的個人經驗是會被合理化,並以口語的方式在人際間傳播。「食物相剋中毒圖解」並提供知識性及娛樂性,透過民曆、食禁海報、藥包、歌曲等文本,它提供並營造出社會人際關係的認同感。而這民俗醫療知識當然會受到來自西方醫療體系的質疑,不過我們也可以發現,自文化所習得的病因觀,並不會輕易的就消逝殆盡。
    Taiwanese Farmers'' Almanac is a kind of folk thesaurus.It contains Chinese calender, a lucky or unlucky day for certain events and an illustration of incompatible food etc. An illustraton of incompatible food is my major research that is about cultural prohibition in aspects of food. Taiwanese belief food can offer nutrition, determine the nature and extent of interpersonal distance between people. And it also cause illness, if people don’t know in-compatible food. An illustration of incompatible food does exist for teaching and warning people. Incompatible food is a kind of food taboo. This knowledge was from traditional Chinese Medicine but became a part of folk medicine. Accordingly, we can find incompatible food in other folk text, including all of the following﹕the cover of officinal and disc﹔a pocketable notebook﹔the family cyclopedia about self-treatment( in Japanese)﹔the posters drew in-compatible food﹔a book about ptisan treatment and the other folk medicine text. According to those text contents, we can made a conjecture about the illustration of incompatible food that was created in 1960’s. Traditional Chinese Medicine considers that food can be classfied into the Five Elements. The doctrine of five phases describes two cycles of balance, a generating or creation (生, shēng) cycle and an overcoming or destruction (剋, kè) cycle of interactions between the phases. But in Taiwanese opinions, food relates to them as follows﹕In folk belief the proper choice food is the way of maintaining bodily harmony. Specifically, balancing “spiritual heat” and “spiritual coolness”, by appropriate manipulation of “hot” and “cold” food. In short, incompatible food is critical to all harmony—in one’s own body, in one’s social life, and in one’s interaction with the world.
  • 建立日期: 2008
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
