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林玉涵; Lin, Yu-han 范玉玲; Yu-lin Fan; 生態旅遊研究所碩士班 2008


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 林玉涵; Lin, Yu-han
  • 范玉玲; Yu-lin Fan; 生態旅遊研究所碩士班
  • 主題: 文化旅遊; 策略規劃; 三角交叉檢視法; 西拉雅族; 平埔族; 北頭洋部落; ; Culture Tourism; Triangulation; Pingpu; Siraya; Strategic Planning; k-thâ; u-iû; ° Tribe
  • 描述: 文化旅遊為生態旅遊之進行模式之一,每個地區的文化差異性為促成觀光活動的要素。本文欲以台南地區分布最廣的平埔族─西拉雅族群的文化資源發展生態旅遊的潛力進行研究。佳里鎮舊稱「蕭壟」,是西拉雅族四大社之一,而北頭洋則是蕭壟社的發源地,可知其文化地位的重要性。2003年擴大籌組台南縣蕭壟社北頭洋發展協會,整合現有資源發展北頭洋文化之旅。本研究主要目的:(一)暸解西拉雅族文化特性及其文化復振的歷史意義。(二)以遊客參與西拉雅文化認知與體驗程度,瞭解北頭洋部落外在環境資源的潛力分析。(三)瞭解北頭洋部落內在資源發展條件與社區發展協會及地方居民對地方發展的認知為內部環境潛力。(四)研擬北頭洋部落發展生態旅遊策略規劃。為達到上述的研究目的,本論文以文獻探討、質性訪談法之半結構式訪談問卷方式作為研究方法,並輔以遊客問卷調查,瞭解部落發展之內外在環境資源之潛力,使用三角交叉檢視法整合質性與量化資料,進一步提出發展策略與建議。 結果顯示1.外在環境發展潛力─大環境之政策面,公部門對於平埔族的重視程度,隨著多元文化發展而提升,是外部環境所具有的潛力;遊客部份,體驗度與重遊意願具有高度相關,進一步確認遊客肯定北頭洋部落之文化資源,發展旅遊上具有市場需求的潛力。2.內部資源發展潛力─資源部份,北頭洋部落擁有了豐富的西拉雅文化資源,自然資源部份亦有飛沙崙生態資源,且位置鄰近雲嘉南國家風景區,透過資源整合將可能提升資源發展潛力。當地居民與社區發展協會對於發展生態旅遊樂見其成,視為內部發展的潛力。最後,本研究依據策略規劃相關理論提出北頭洋部落未來發展策略與建議,提供給有關單位於規劃管理時參考,讓北頭洋部落能夠達到文化永續傳承。
    The culture tourism is one of the ways carrying on ecotourism, each regional areas of development is different, and resident’s attitudes and values will affect the tourism development.When we analysed the potentiality of cultural resource to development ecotourism, the resident’s attitude is an important factor.The town called Pâk-thâu-iû° is Siraya tribes’ place of origin. Since 1990, concluding the rise of the consciousness of the native people, the push in local government and scholars, and the efforts of the elders in every clan, the traditional culture is getting important, protected and concerned for the further ecotourism development. The place personage explores a lot of precious culture assets gradually, developing out and belong refined the Siraya cultural resources. The community development association was established in 2003 to combine local resource, develop the Pâk-thâu-iû° tour of culture, and develop Siraya traditional culture.The main purpose of this research, after being probing into the community, is to carry on the culture ecotourism. The local people and community development association draw the cognition and attitude of refined Siraya culture, develop potentiality analysis of the ecotourism as the local character.Finally, this research plans to propose the tribe development and strategies in the future. The result of the research can offer the administration concerned consulting with planning and management, and make the cultural resources to continue and sustainability.
  • 建立日期: 2008
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
