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許敦凱; Hsu, Tun-kai 林宏一; Hung-Yi Lin; 材料科學系自然科學教育碩士班 2008


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 許敦凱; Hsu, Tun-kai
  • 林宏一; Hung-Yi Lin; 材料科學系自然科學教育碩士班
  • 主題: 科學對談; 啟發式科學寫作; 科學問題; science discussions; Science writing heuristics; science problem
  • 描述: 一般傳統習作的書寫活動,主要僅限於片段知識的紀錄以及單調問題應答等,大部分屬於表面層次及被動的書寫活動,對於學童在自然科學的學習中並沒有發揮其應有的效能。本研究所指的啟發式科學寫作是一種以教師教學模板與學生思考模板為架構,設計問題導向式的學習單,引導學生將其面對的科學主題,自由的寫下其想法,再經由交互的討論與發表之後,修改其寫作,並經常書寫學習心得,藉以統整其科學概念、促進其科學思考能力的一種寫作方式。 本研究以國小五年級兩班為研究對象,探究學童在自然與生活科技領域實施啟發式科學寫作融入式教學活動後,對其與同儕間的科學對談內容的影響。藉由學生面對科學議題時所呈現的科學對談類型之變化、學生學習回饋單、研究者手札等,作為研究之依據,採量化和質性分析方式同時進行研究分析,以作為將來提升學生科學學習效率之參考。研究結果:啟發式科學寫作融入式教學對於「記憶性對談類型」與「思考性對談類型」的能力是有幫助的,並且可以提供同儕合作學習的環境,以有效提昇科學素養,在緊湊的學習活動中,學生不至流於發呆、漫不經心。但是從另外一方面來說,科學寫作的融入,額外增加學生和老師的負擔,而其效果無法在短期內顯現在自然科學成績上。從長遠來看,啟發式科學寫作融入式教學對於自然科學的學習是有幫助的。
    Generally speaking, doing traditional laboratory homework is mainly limited to record fragmental knowledge and answer monotonous questions, which, most of all includes only surface-level understanding and passive note-taking activities. That is the reason why doing written homework isn’t really efficient enough for students in learning natural science. Science writing heuristics (SWH) use the teachers’ teaching template and the students’ thinking template as a framework from which to design a problem-based learning homework . In this way, the strategy prompts students to write down their own ideas about the science topic they deal with. After peer discussion and presentation, students have to modify their reflections and writing concerning the topic as well as to record their own explanations and observations. By doing so, SWH help students to integrate their scientific concepts and promote their scientific thinking ability.This study aims to explore the impact on the student’s science discussions after using the SWH to teach fifth-graders in science field. The subjects are students in two different classes. Data collected concerning the changes in their opinions of science after discussion, student evaluations and researcher’s field notes was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively for reference to promote the student learning efficiency in science.The results of the research are as follows:Integrating SWH into teaching is helpful to “memory-oriented” and “thinking-oriented” science discussions. SWH can also provide students with opportunities to cultivate students’ science literacy through cooperative learning with classmates. In addition, during tight-scheduled learning activities, students will pay more attention in class. However, SWH will put more burdens on students and teachers, and its effects won’t be apparent in their performance immediately. In the long run, the data appears to suggest that SWH may help students in science learning.
  • 建立日期: 2008
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
