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潘昭蓉; Pan, Chao-jung 尹玫君; Mei-ChunYin; 教育學系課程與教學碩士班 2007


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 潘昭蓉; Pan, Chao-jung
  • 尹玫君; Mei-ChunYin; 教育學系課程與教學碩士班
  • 主題: 學校本位課程; 學校本位課程評鑑; 學校本位課程評鑑指標; School-based Curriculum; School-based Curriculum Evaluation; School-based Curriculum Evaluation Indicators
  • 描述: 本研究研製之目的在於,分析學校的優勢與限制,而歸納分析適合學校發展的本位課程,故以「讀經教育」為學校本位課程,且採用CIPP(背景、輸入、過程及成果簡稱CIPP)為學校本位課程的評鑑模式,分為課程籌劃階段、課程設計階段、課程實施階段到最後課程評鑑階段,並以此建構學校本位課程評鑑指標,與課程評鑑的實施方式,進而提升學校本位課程評鑑的專業能力,進行學校本位課程評鑑實作,公布評鑑結果提出可行策略作為課程持續改進的依據,以追求課程品質的提升。本研究之研究方法以個案研究為主,輔以部份量化統計資料,更周全呈現研究分析與詮釋結論。本研究之學校本位課程評鑑歷程研究發現與結論如下:一、將「讀經教育」列為學校本位課程,有利於語文能力與品格修養的提升二、CIPP模式最適合學校本位課程發展評鑑三、建構學校本位課程評鑑指標,可先「參考專家或他校選用的評鑑標準」再依據學校脈絡「自行建構」的模式進行四、應用本位課程評鑑結果減少課程理想與課程實施現實的落差五、由學校本位課程評鑑歷程的實作,減少教師對評鑑的壓力六、學校成員真誠面對本位課程評鑑結果所呈現的問題與衝擊七、依據課程評鑑量化與開放性問題的探討,呈現課程發展歷程的困境與問題,落實評鑑結果的應用,持續課程發展根據結論提出對學校本位課程評鑑的建議,提供國民小學未來規劃與實施學校本位課程評鑑之參考。
    A procedure was to work out a suitable school-based curriculum by analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of an elementary school. This study explored “Classics reading class” for school-based curriculum of the Sheng Xyan Elementary School. The CIPP(context, input, process, product)was used for school-based curriculum development model. To set up the evaluation indicator for school-based curriculum and its implementation procedures, the professional capability for evaluating a school-based curriculum is promoted further. This study mainly focused on a single case, which is supported by quantification statistics, in order to present a complete analysis and explanation.The following conclusions are drawn based on the evaluation of school-based curriculum:1.By using the school-based curriculum—the “Classics Reading class” students’ language competence and characters are improved.2.When setting up the evaluation indicators for school-based curriculum, the school has to refer experts’ views and other schools’ evaluation indicators, and work out its own model. The importance of “the evaluation for a school-based curriculum” is to shorten the gap between the ideal and the reality of a school-based curriculum.3.Present the difficulty and problems of implementing a school-based curriculum through the quantification statistics and open discussion. Apply the evaluation results to continuously develop the curriculum.According to the conclusions mentioned above, the researcher gives some suggestions for elementary schools to plan and implement their own school-based curriculum.
  • 建立日期: 2007
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
