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高翠蘭; Kao, Tsui-lan 胡蘭沁; Lan-chin Hwu; 社會科教育學系碩士班 2008


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 高翠蘭; Kao, Tsui-lan
  • 胡蘭沁; Lan-chin Hwu; 社會科教育學系碩士班
  • 主題: 戶外教學; 戶外教學成效; 戶外教學滿意度; outdoor education; effectiveness of outdoor education; satisfaction of outdoor education.
  • 描述: 九年一貫課程開始實施後,各學校結合課程及鄉土的戶外教學如火如荼的展開,戶外教學已逐漸受到教育者的重視。本研究的目的是想要瞭解高雄縣國小實施戶外教學的現況、家長對戶外教學的看法,以及學生在戶外教學成效上之其滿意度,進而探究影響戶外教學成效及滿意度的相關因素。本研究採用問卷調查法,以高雄縣公立國小四、五、六年級學生為研究對象,以分層隨機抽樣進行施測,共得有效問卷1215份,所得資料利用SPSS12.0中文版本進行信、效度及項目分析、描述性統計分析與逐步回歸分析,得到以下結果:一、 高雄縣國小最常辦理的方式是同一學年教師合作辦理每學年一次、活動時間為一天的戶外教學。活動的性質以「休閒娛樂活動」最多,「野地探索活動」為最少。大部分教師都有實施行前教育,內容以「指導活動安全」最多。大部分教師以「班級為單位」實施教學後檢討,並以「學習單填寫」方式實施學習評量。二、 大部分高雄縣國小的學生家長都贊成戶外教學,並認為舉辦戶外教學以一學期一次、一次一天為最好。有六成的家長認為學校選擇的地點是合適的並覺得滿意。有三成的家長認為家長的參與是重要的,並願意參與戶外教學。大部分家長比較擔心「交通安全」及「活動安全」的問題,並不贊成搭家長的車舉辦戶外教學。三、 學生年級、戶外教學活動性質、學校規模、戶外教學滿意度皆能有效解釋戶外教學學習成效。四、 國小四年級學生較六年級學生更認同參與戶外教學後在學習成就方面可獲得提升。戶外教學活動性質比行前教育及教學評量對促進學生各方面成長更有影響力。五、 學校規模、戶外教學活動性質、戶外教學成效皆能有效解釋戶外教學滿意度。六、 戶外教學成效及戶外教學滿意度互有顯著正相關。最後,根據研究結果提出建議,供教師、學校單位、行政單位及後續學術研究者參考。
    After the implementation of Grade 1-9 Curriculum, each school has combined the outdoor education with the heritage and culture education. Outdoor education has already been emphasized by educators gradually. The purposes of the study were to explore the present situations of elementary schools in Kaohsiung County practicing outdoor education, to examine parents’ views on the utilization of outdoor education, and to investigate the students’ learning satisfaction and performance on the effects of outdoor education. The main objects of this study were 1300 elementary school students in the fourth, fifth and sixth grade in Kaohsiung County. A total of 1215 samples were obtained. Data were collected by means of survey techniques. And the analysis used the SPSS statistical software package to calculate the reliability and validity, descriptive statistics, and stepwise regression. Empirical results were shown as follows:1. Most common ways of outdoor education in Kaohsiung County elementary schools were holding annual one-day activities with teachers in the same grade. The most common type of outdoor education was “recreation” and the less one was “field adventuring”. Most teachers actualized pre-education focusing on safety declaration before the outdoor education. Most teachers reviewed in “class as unit” after activities, and the method of evaluation was conducted by mainly “reference worksheets”.2. Most students’ parents in Kaohsiung County elementary schools agreed with the outdoor education, and suggested holding one-day outdoor education activities once each semester. According the results, 60% of the parents were satisfied with the place where the school choose and think that the place was suitable. Furthermore, 30% of the parents think that parents’ participation was important, and would like to participate in outdoor education. However, ”the traffic safety” and “the activity is safe” were the most parents relatively afraid, and disagree to take parents’ cars to run outdoor education. 3. The factors of “grades of the students”, “the type of outdoor education”, “the school’s genders”, and “satisfaction of outdoor education” can all effectively explain the students’ effectiveness of outdoor education.4. The fourth-grade students agreed more than sixth-grade students that outdoor education can promote the self-development on cognition, affection and skills. The effect of the type of outdoor education on promoting the self-development was more influential than the education before going and the instructional assessment.5. The school’s size, the type of outdoor education, and effectiveness of outdoor education can all explain the students’ learning satisfaction of outdoor education.6. The effectiveness of outdoor education and the students’ learning satisfaction of outdoor education were positively correlated with each other.According to above conclusions, the study provides several specific suggestions to elementary school teachers and authorities, the government, and follow-up research.
  • 建立日期: 2008
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
