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陳禛容; Chen, Chen-jung 林懿貞; Yi-chen Lin; 科技管理研究所碩士班 2008


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 陳禛容; Chen, Chen-jung
  • 林懿貞; Yi-chen Lin; 科技管理研究所碩士班
  • 主題: 整合行銷傳播; 批判評估設計與決策; 批判系統思考; 生技產業; Integrated marketing communications; Critical Systems Thinking; Critically Evaluating Designs and Decisions; Biotechnology industry
  • 描述: 整合行銷傳播理論在實務和學術研究上已經引起相當多的注意,而且其發展持續引起更多的關注。然而,整合行銷傳播理論仍然受到一些批評,有些學者對於整合行銷傳播理論持反面的看法,認為整合行銷傳播理論是過於簡易的管理風潮,缺乏強大的理論基礎支持。但是支持整合行銷傳播理論發展的學者則反駁此看法,其認為整合傳播理論仍然處於發展階段,需要靠其它的研究引導補足整合行銷傳播理論發展不足之處或建立新的方法協助支持整合行銷理論發展。現今組織處在快速變動、複雜的行銷溝通環境下,組織為了適應和在此環境競爭生存可以採用系統思考理論。因此,本研究目的為利用批判系統思考理論以系統思考觀點檢視生技組織如何強化執行整合行銷傳播並且針對生技產業中的組織發展有效的整合行銷傳播策略。本研究的概念性研究架構包括整合行銷傳播的六大構面為認知整合、單一形象、資料庫整合、消費者整合、利害關係人整合、評估整合以及批判系統思考中批判評估設計與決策構面。本研究針對生技產業設計進行調查研究,主要研究對象為台灣生技產業中分子生物檢測市場的使用者,實施方式包括專家訪談、問卷調查、內容分析而分為二個步驟,首先,質化測量法-包含文獻回顧與引導式訪談,採取文獻回顧、整合以及質化專家訪談,對象為產、學、研專家,其資料作為問卷調查之假設、問項之依據;其次,量化測量法-包含問卷擬定、問卷發放和資料的統計分析進行調查,總計發放300份問卷,回收123份並且得出量化結果。最後透過統計驗證分析,探討生技組織如何發展執行行銷傳播策略。
    The concept of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) has received considerable attention from practitioners and academics alike and that interest has continued into the new millennium. However, there are still a number of criticisms of IMC theory which is simply a management fashion that lacks a solid theoretical base. IMC is likened to new wine put into old wineskins. It’s the need to conduct additional research, either to refute the weaknesses of IMC or to help build a theory to support it. Due to the dynamic, complex marketing communication environments, the organizations can adopt systems thinking theory to suit and survive in its surroundings. Hence, this research adopts Critical Systems Thinking (CST) theory to examine how it can contribute to IMC implementation for the biotechnology organizations with a theoretical support and develop the effective integrated marketing communications for organizations of the biotechnology industry.This research applies a conceptual framework employing the six aspects of IMC: awareness integration, unified image, database integration, customer-based integration, stakeholder-based integration, evaluation integration and Critically Evaluating Designs and Decisions (CEDD) of CST. The sampling contains users in the molecular diagnostic markets in Taiwan. Firstly, empirical experts were selected for the pilot, a total of 6 experts were interviewed in order to explore the key constructs of this research. Secondly, a total of 300 questionnaires were sent to the target population, of which 123 questionnaires were useful for data analysis. Finally, the discussion is presented how the biotechnology organizations can improve the aspects of IMC in a systemic view through the statistical analysis results.
  • 建立日期: 2008
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 英文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR


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  • scope:("NUTN"),scope:(NUTN_ALEPH),scope:(NUTN_IR),scope:(NUTN_SFX),primo_central_multiple_fe
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