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沈柏丞; Shen, Bo-cheng 高實珩; none; 美術學系碩士班 2013


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 沈柏丞; Shen, Bo-cheng
  • 高實珩; none; 美術學系碩士班
  • 主題: 感覺; 文本; 翻譯; 複製; 微光; 點字; sentiments; translation; text; reproduction; brail; gleam of light
  • 描述: 本論述以「感覺再譯・微光」為題,主要探討個人從2008年到2013年研究所期間藝術創作的實踐過程、脈絡省思,以及探研其相關創作理念及美學思考。本文藉由自省、分析、創作之行動研究等方法釐清個人的內在思維和創作實踐,並彙整出整體藝術創作的脈絡軌跡。 主體架構共分為五個章節,第一章緒論中陳述本論文之研究動機、研究目的、方法、範圍與架構。第二章探討相關藝術理論與創作觀點之連結,以及文本、翻譯、複製之間的關係。第三章論述創作媒材與形式,對應並省思自身創作的發想和實踐過程,詳述媒材實驗與紀錄。第四章剖析〈閱讀系列〉、〈留聲計畫〉等作品的形式和表現。第五章結論則歸納整體創作觀點與實踐。透過本文之書寫,反思並回溯個人曾經歷的創作思考和轉折,以作為未來創作研究和更深入探討之依據。
    Entitled “Sentiments Reinterpreted: the Gleam of Light,” this study is an attempt to revisit my artworks dating back to the graduate school period (2008-2013) in terms of the process of art practices and contextual reflections, while at the same time exploring their underlying conceptsor aesthetic ideas. In this study, methods of action research such as introspection, analysis and art projects are employed not only to clarify my internal thoughts and creative practices, but also to summarize the evolution of my art works as a whole. The main part of this study comprises five chapters. Chapter 1 is an introduction statingthe motives, purpose, methodology, scope and framework of my research project. Chapter 2 explores how art theories are linked to the perspectives on artistic creation, as well as the dynamics between texts, translation and reproduction. In Chapter 3, the media and forms adopted for my artworks are addressed and deliberated in accordance with the process in which those works were conceived and executed. Available in the same chapter are details about how I experimented with the media and kept records accordingly. Chapter 4 delves into the forms and styles I utilized to present “The Reading Series” and “The Voice Recording Project.”The conclusion in Chapter 5 summarizes my views on artistic creation as a whole, and how I put them into practice.As the present study requires me to write about, to contemplate and to review the ideas behind my past artworks as well as the turning points in my artistic pursuits, the findingswould hopefully pave the way for forthcoming project-oriented research or further discussions.
  • 建立日期: 2013
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
