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吳依靜; Wu, Yi-ching 侯志正; Chih-Cheng Hou; 音樂教育學系教學碩士班 2008


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 吳依靜; Wu, Yi-ching
  • 侯志正; Chih-Cheng Hou; 音樂教育學系教學碩士班
  • 主題: 德弗乍克; 樂曲分析; 國民樂派; Music Analysis; Nationalist School; Dvořá; k
  • 描述: 十八世紀晚期至十九世紀間,歐洲幾個國家當中,興起民族音樂樂風以創作民族音樂為矢志。在當時民族主義的藝術活動與政治形式相互連動的情況下,標題音樂或民族歌劇等作品大量輩出。而德弗乍克卻在那樣的時代,拓展室內樂的領域,因而室內樂的創作,可說是在他藝術生涯發展中,有著重要的代表性與決定性成就。因此本論文,即以他在美國時期中最為人所熟知的《第十二號F大調弦樂四重奏,作品九十六》,就其作曲特質、運用的技法與邏輯,作為本論文之論述範疇。本論文一共分為五個章節,第一章為緒論,分別為研究動機、研究目的、研究範圍與限制、研究方法、論文架構、名詞釋義。第二章為作曲家生平之探討。第三章為德弗乍克風格概論,從國民樂派時代意義、德弗乍克音樂創作分期到德弗乍克音樂風格、樂種概述。第四章為德弗乍克《第十二號F大調弦樂四重奏,作品九十六》針對本作品創作語法,就其動機、主題、調性、和聲、轉調、主題材料、音樂織度、風格、樂句法、配器及作曲家的理念等等之相互關聯性作一探討。第五章則為最後的結論與建議。
    Ethnomusicology emerged in several European countries in the late 18th century and early 19th century. In that period of time, due to strong nationalism in many countries, artistic activities were strongly influenced by political status, and a large number of nationalistic-influenced program music and folk operas were produced. In that era, there were only few composers interested in composing chamber music, one of whom was Antonín Leopold Dvořák. He devoted himself to chamber music and his works in chamber music were highly recognized and they played a decisive role in his great success. In this thesis, the characteristics, techniques and logic of his most notable work, String Quartet No, in F major, Op. 96, which composed when he lived in America, is analyzed. This thesis conprises into five chapters. Chapter one is the introduction, which includes the motivation, purpose, scope and the restrictions, methods, structure and terminology of this research. Chapter two is an overview of Dvořák’s life. Chapter three is a general discussion of Dvořák’s style through the different periods of his music composition, and the influence of ethnomusicology on his style and his musical works. Chapter four is a discussion on the musical essences of Dvořák’s String Quartet No. 12 in F Major, Op. 96, and it on the relationships among the motive, thematic material, modal, harmony, transposition, texture, style, phrasing, orchestration and the composer’s philosophy. Chapter five is the conclusion and suggestions for further research.
  • 建立日期: 2008
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
