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周鈺淇; Chou, Yu-chi 謝碧雪; Bih-Sheue Shieh; 數學教育學系教學碩士班 2008

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  • Title:
  • Author: 周鈺淇; Chou, Yu-chi
  • 謝碧雪; Bih-Sheue Shieh; 數學教育學系教學碩士班
  • Subjects: 圖示教學; 乘法單位量; Graphical representation teaching; Multiplication unit quantity
  • Description: 本研究的目的在探討國小二年級學童在學習乘法概念時,若以單位量觀點來教學,再配合圖示的表徵方式增加題意和解題概念的釐清,則學童在乘法學習之成效如何。研究者設計以生活化、趣味活動引起學習動機,再讓學童透過單位量的圖示來察覺乘法的結構,以整合單位量和單位數兩個概念。教學活動結束後,以課堂佈題單、課堂中觀察、課後學習單和晤談,來了解學童乘法概念的學習歷程,並透後測以及延後測的統計分析與晤談結果,比較兩組學童在乘法意義與解題上的表現。本研究以研究者所任教之班級為實驗班,再選擇同學年程度相似的二個班級為對照組,採用t檢定、單因子變異數分析之統計方法,探討本研究教學活動是否能提升學童乘法學習成效,並進行問卷調查及訪談,瞭解學生學習與成長的歷程。茲將研究結果摘述如下:1、依據本研究學後測及延後測統計結果分析,得知以單位量觀點再配合圖示的表徵方式來教學,能提升學生乘法學習成效,對學童剛學習乘法概念,是很好的媒介方式。2、以單位量觀點再配合圖示進行乘法教學活動,讓學童學習到清楚且深刻的乘法概念,對學童的乘法概念保留很有影響力,因為老師更容易與學童做乘法的概念溝通,不用費力再示範解題,只要稍微引導,學童很快連結舊經驗,找出正確的解題策略。3、學童對「幾有幾個」和「幾個幾」的語言不容易掌握,所以乘法學習初期,應先著重「幾有幾個」的用法,因為剛好和「幾的幾倍」的用法相對應。學童就不會因語言的因素,而干擾主要的乘法學習,等學童乘法概念已經熟悉後,再提到「幾有幾個」,也可以說是「幾個幾」的轉換。4、圖示教學的解說比一般文字的解說更容易讓學童理解,透過圖示的數量表徵,讓學童容易掌握住文字題中單位量、單位數間的關係。也可減少學童一看到數字就直接相乘的解題模式,讓學童多一些時間思考,回顧檢驗算式。教師也可以藉由學童的畫圖,來了解學童對題目的思考,診斷學童的思考程序是否有不合理處,引導學童去檢驗並修正。
    The purpose of this study was to explore the second graders’ performance on multiplication learning when taught by the viewpoint of unit quantity and the way of graphical representation to get much clearer understanding on mathematics problem description and problem solving. The researcher devised lively, interesting activities to cause students’ learning motivation and then had students perceive multiplication structure through graphical representation of unit quantity to integrate the concepts of unit quantity and unit number. When teaching activities had finished, the researcher used problem-posing sheet, classroom observation, after-class work sheet, and interview, to realize students’ learning procedure for multiplication concepts. Besides, through the statistic analysis of post-test and follow-up test, and the result of interview, the researcher would compare students’ performance within two groups on multiplication meaning and problem solving.In the study, questionnaires were distributed to students instructed by the researcher as the experiment group and those in two other classes as the contrast group, and then were statistically analyzed by t-test and one-way ANOVA, to explore whether such teaching activities would enhance students’ multiplication learning ability. On the other hand, the method of interview was also employed in the study to understand students’ learning procedure.The main findings were as follows: 1. According to the statistic analysis of post-test and follow-up test, it was shown that teaching by the viewpoint of unit quantity and the way of graphical representation would be a medium to enhance students’ multiplication learning ability.2. The way of teaching by the viewpoint of unit quantity and the way of graphical representation was helpful for students on their multiplication concept learning and multiplication concept conservation as well, so that students would find out the correct problem solving strategies from their pre-experiences only by the teacher’s slight explanation.3. Students could hardly understand the description of languages (such as three had fours and three of fours). Due to that, the researcher found out that students had to get the usage of “three had fours” clear, and then kept learning the usage of “three of fours”, so that they wouldn’t get confused in multiplication learning.4. The illustration of graphical representation was easier for students to comprehend the relationship between unit quantity and unit number, and to reform their accustomed problem solving model. In addition, through students’ drawing, teachers would find out students’ unreasonable thinking procedure and then guide them to correct it.
  • Creation Date: 2008
  • Format: 121 bytes
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier:
  • Source: NUTN IR

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