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歐惠萍; Ou, Hui-ping 管志明; CHIH-MING KUAN; 台灣文化研究所 2007


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 歐惠萍; Ou, Hui-ping
  • 管志明; CHIH-MING KUAN; 台灣文化研究所
  • 主題: 產業文化; 辦桌; 內門鄉; Banzhuo(banquets catering); industry culture; Neimen Township
  • 描述: 古今中外,不論哪個族群,都有在特定場合擺桌宴客的風俗,台灣也不例外,在台灣的漢人社會裡,「辦桌」一直是此種風俗中最普遍也最常見的飲食活動,而高雄縣內門鄉的辦桌產業在台灣享有極高的知名度,向為媒體報導相關主題的取材處,因此本研究乃以高雄縣內門鄉為研究範圍,探討內門鄉辦桌產業的產業文化。本研究透過文獻、深度訪談與參與觀察等方式蒐集資料,並將取得的資料予以分類、統計、分析,期能透過確切的數字準確呈現出內門鄉辦桌產業文化的真實面貌。在對內門鄉辦桌產業組成要素與經營運作模式有一全面且深入的瞭解之後,本研究發現:一、早期內門鄉婦女在務農之餘,配合旗山香蕉外銷的需求,以編製竹簍供旗山蕉農裝盛香蕉為主要副業,在紙箱與塑膠簍取代竹簍之際,適逢鄉內辦桌產業進入「包辦」時代,繁多的業務亟需有烹飪經驗的婦女來協助,因此原本從事竹簍編製業的內門鄉婦女乃在此機緣下紛紛轉而投入辦桌業,開啟內門鄉辦桌產業蓬勃發展的扉頁。二、早期內門鄉由於承租不到辦桌器具,因此自立門戶的業者皆須自備辦桌器具和倉庫,使得「資金」取代「廚藝」成為內門鄉辦桌業者的先決條件。廚具自備也有助於往後每場次成本的降低,使得內門鄉辦桌產業在同業間更具競爭力。三、內門鄉辦桌產業的高度發展,使得鄉內大多數人的就業機會維繫在少數人(辦桌業者)身上,由於業者在菜色研發與人員進修方面並不積極,利潤也極微薄,因此仍偏向銷售勞務而非服務或創意的性質。四、辦桌產業在內門鄉歷經了四十多年的發展後,在菜餚安排上非常講究傳統習俗的從業人員,在生活上卻出現「不忌諱農曆七月出遊」與「不避諱接觸喪事場合」等與傳統習俗相違背的情形;內門鄉當地居民也因鄉內辦桌從業者眾,而出現特殊的人際互動模式:當地居民遇有婚喪喜慶需要辦桌宴客時必須採用輪流或拼場的方式來解決人情壓力的問題。
    Whenever and wherever,every ethnic groups all have the custom of entertaining guests at a banquet on special occasions.Taiwan is not an exception.Banzhuo is the pervasivest activities of the custom in Taiwan Hans.Neimen Township is famous as Banzhuo in Taiwan,so this masterer trys to explore Banzhuo industry culture in Neimen township.This masterer thesis collects datas through literature,deep-interviewing and participating observation to categorize,numerate,analyze the datas to show the true situation of Banzhuo industry culture in Neimen township correctly. After understanding the composed elements,managing and operating models of Banzhuo in Neimen township completely,this masterer thesis presents some conclusions as follows:1.The Banzhuo industry in Neimen township stems from the downfallen industry of bamboo-made baskets.2.Due to renting no related utensils of Banzhuo,the independent dealers who were originally hired by the other Banzhuo dealers must purchase all utensils by themselves,so replacing the capital to cooking capability became the precondition for Banzhuo dealers.3. Owing to high development of Banzhuo industry,the major job opportunities are held by the minor people(the Banzhuo dealers).4. Due to being not aggressive in innovating new recipes and educating the chefs or related workers of Banzhuo industry,the service that the dealers provide is leaning to selling labor,not the service or creativity. 5. The Banzhuo staff who is excessively care about traditional customs of recipes on different occasions have some contradicted attitude to traditional custom in daily life.6.Because of numourous Banzhuo dealers in Neimen township,the chances of banquets catering are usually shared alternatively and equally to optimize human intrest among the local residents.
  • 建立日期: 2007
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
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