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許雅清; Hsu, Ya-ching 呂翠夏; Tsu-sha Lue; 幼兒教育學系碩士班 2007


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 許雅清; Hsu, Ya-ching
  • 呂翠夏; Tsu-sha Lue; 幼兒教育學系碩士班
  • 主題: 情緒教育課程; 行動研究; 幼兒; Emotion-centered Curriculum; Preschoolers; Action Research
  • 描述: 本研究採行動研究的方式,探討幼稚園教師如何發展適合中班幼兒的情緒教育課程。本研究對象為高雄市一所國小附設幼稚園之中班幼兒。研究中以多元的方式蒐集資料,提供多方面的資料回饋與檢證,藉此呈現幼兒情緒表現與成長之情形。根據研究過程與結果提出結論並對未來的研究做一些建議。一、結論(一)發展後的情緒教育課程1.課程內容:情緒課程內容的設計深入淺出,依照幼兒的情緒發展能力,從情緒覺察到情緒表達,再到情緒調節的能力提升。以繪本、遊戲和角色扮演進行情緒教育;從幼兒生活經驗中尋找題材;提供幼兒足夠的醞釀時間回顧情緒經驗2.教學策略方面:透過穩定情緒的環境設計與例行工作來營造安全溫馨的氣氛;藉由提供正確的情緒標籤、討論情緒的肇因等策略提升幼兒的情緒能力。(二)幼兒情緒發展特質與改變:幼兒比較有辨識正向情緒的能力;情緒詞彙的運用漸多元;雙重複雜情緒的出現;情緒調節能力的改變,同時幼兒也學習尊重多元的看法。(三)須克服的困難:在社會方面有文化背景的影響;學校方面有師生比例和教師本身具備的情緒知識的影響;家庭方面仍有少數家長陷在「把幼稚園課程當成小學先修班」的迷思中,無法完全認同情緒對幼兒的認知學習的幫助。二、未來的應用與建議:幼稚園宜推廣情緒教育課程,與主題單元做結合並加強親職教育;建議增加非語言的觀察部分,探討戶外遊戲、自由探索等時間對幼兒情緒教育的影響,應用更多的戲劇教學在情緒教育課程上。
    The study was an action research done by an early childhood teacher to develop an emotion-centered curriculum in a four-year-old class, as an example to explore how emotion education could be merged into current curriculum. The findings and conclusions were as follow:1. The development of the emotion-centered curriculum. The curriculum was designed according to the contents of young children’s emotional development, including the identification, understanding, expressiveness, and regulation of emotion. It was carried on by the reading of illustrated books, drawings, and play. It looked for themes from young children’s daily-life experiences, used the concrete teaching aids to guide the discussions of emotion experiences, and provided enough time for the reminiscence of the experiences. Moreover, the curriculum was implemented through a stable environment and routine work to construct a secure and warm atmosphere.2. The developmental characteristics and change of emotion-related behaviors: Four-year-old children in the study had already recognized positive emotions. The usage of emotion vocabularies was gradually grown, showing how language, cognitive, and emotional development complementing each other. There was some sign of the start to understand the dual complicated emotions by four-year-old children.3. The difficulties needed to be overcome: The social and cultural influences were seen in the process of implementing the curriculum. The teacher-student rates and teachers’ knowledge on emotional development had great impact on the implementation of the curriculum. A few parents had the myth of regarding preschools as the preparation of the elementary school. They did not support the view that emotional development contributed to cognitive and learning abilities. The research also gave suggestions to the future educational and research implications.
  • 建立日期: 2007
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
