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潘芳葳; Pan, Fang-wei 謝苑玫; Yuan-mei Hsieh; 音樂學系碩士班 2013


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 潘芳葳; Pan, Fang-wei
  • 謝苑玫; Yuan-mei Hsieh; 音樂學系碩士班
  • 主題: 絃樂團指導教師; 國小絃樂團; 教學信念; Directors of the string orchestras; String orchestras of elementary schools; Teaching beliefs
  • 描述: 本研究旨在探討臺南市國小絃樂團指導教師於教學目標、課程與教材、教學方法、教學評量、教室管理及教師角色等六個層面的教學信念。本研究採取質性研究法,運用訪談與教學觀察深入瞭解六位國小絃樂團指導教師的教學信念觀點。本研究結果如下:ㄧ、絃樂團指導教師認為學生參與絃樂團練習能啟發音樂潛能,開展學生的音樂演奏能力,並藉由音樂演出活動培養美好良善的品格教育。二、絃樂團指導教師認為適切的課程設計與教材內容是達成教學成效之主要關鍵,教師以學生為學習核心,重視學生的個別化需求,強調按部就班引導學生累積基礎能力與進階技巧。三、絃樂團指導教師認為學生是教學活動的主體,教師運用多元教學方式能協助學生穩固學習基礎與提昇程度,並促進學生的學習成效。四、絃樂團指導教師認為經由教學評量明瞭學生程度並掌握學生的學習狀況,教師慎重考量學生個別學習差異後進行適性的評量方式進而實踐教學目標。五、絃樂團指導教師認為教室管理得宜能維持學生學習品質同時有助於整體教學運作。六、絃樂團指導教師認為在教學過程中教師擔任的角色對於學生成長發展具有關鍵性影響。
    The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the teaching beliefs of six directors of the string orchestras at the elementary schools in Tainan city. Their teaching beliefs were further examined in six aspects: teaching objectives, curriculum and teaching materials, teaching methods, assessment of teaching, classroom management, and the roles of teachers. The data were collected through interviewing and observation. Based on the analysis of the data, these participating directors were in agreement with the followings, as the major findings of the study:1.Participating in the string orchestra can not only enhance students’ music potentials and ability, but also refine their character development due to musical performances.2.A proper design of curriculum and teaching materials is the key to teaching efficiency. Teachers should regard students as the main party in the teaching and learning process and respect individual students’ learning needs. Proper guidance should also be given to students in order to allow their basic abilities accumulated and their skills advanced step by step.3.As students are the focus of the teaching and learning process, diversified teaching techniques should be adopted to help students form a solid foundation and promote their learning efficiency as well.4.In order to understand students’ proficiency level and take control of their learning condition, teachers should conduct adaptive assessment of student performances with a consideration of their individual differences.5.Appropriate classroom management not only helps maintain the quality of student learning and but also assists the teaching process to go smoothly.6.Finally, how students will learn is closely related to the role the teachers choose to play throughout the entire teaching and learning process.
  • 建立日期: 2013
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
