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吳明軍; Wu, Ming-Chun 林登順; 語文教育學系教學碩士班 2007


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 吳明軍; Wu, Ming-Chun
  • 林登順; 語文教育學系教學碩士班
  • 主題: 人物研究; 張文環; 台灣文學; Wen-Huan Chang; Taiwanese literature; study of characters
  • 描述: 張文環,在日據時期為台灣人精神留下紀錄的台灣作家,跨越戰爭與二二八時期,一生經歷文化與政治場域的飽聞之士,從年輕到老年,其創作獨鐘情於「原鄉」,「原鄉」成為他魂牽夢縈的精神指標。張文環的文學在小說裡。本論文著眼於張文環的小說作品、以及各評論家、研究者對其作品的研究中,藉由文字呈現來了解在時代與社會的轉變中,時空背景與社會意識對小說人物的影響。本論文共分六大章,除了緒論與結論之外,可分為「作家」、「作家的小說」、「作家的小說人物」三大重點,藉由張文環的小說人物,探索他在文學及人生經歷上的轉折,分析他的作品與時代的呼應關係,明瞭他想透過作品展現的心靈狀態,以及了解在殖民與高壓統治之下,台灣人民這一路走來的滄桑與堅強;並從形式與心理,來分析其小說作品中的人物角色。 第一章緒論。首先說明研究動機與目的、文獻探討、研究方法與限制、以及研究範疇與論文大綱。 第二章張文環的創作背景。分別從求學經歷與時代背景,來探討張文環的成長背景。求學經歷包括:童年留學生涯,以及邁向東京,嶄露文鋒;時代背景,將從民族意識的覺醒、台灣新文學的誕生、皇民化運動的推展,以及光復後,政權回歸國民政府四部份,二二八事件與白色恐怖戒嚴時期,對於張文環在言、動方面的影響,縱看這四大主軸聯成的時代動線,來了解張文環創作的時代背景;接著述及張文環的人生經歷與文學創作階段。先說明他的人生經歷:以文學活動對抗殖民統治、創作的轉折與生命的沈潛、復出文壇與巨星的殞落,藉以了解他對台灣文學的奉獻與貢獻;再將張文環的文學創作歷程以時間點分為三階段,並作說明:第一階段,1933----1937年,初試啼聲的萌芽期、第二階段,1938----1944年,決戰時期的高峰期、第三階段,1972----1978年,沉潛之後的復出期三個階段,以明瞭他在各個階段的創作作品,並從創作年代、創作作品、小說主要人物、小說故事的背景、情節內容等等幾個部分著手,對其作品作概觀性的介紹。 第三章張文環小說的人物─形式。從張文環作品中可以看出他對各類型的人物的描繪與形象的塑造及刻劃,亦不難看出他對這塊土地的關懷與熱情,絲毫不因時空的轉變而有所減損。本章節將從小說人物的介紹方法、人物的佈局技巧、人物形象的塑造三方面,對張文環小說人物進行形式的研究。 第四章張文環小說的人物─心理。內在層面的分析包括了對小說人物心理的探討、小說人物性格的分析、小說人物人性的特質,以此三個角度來進行剖析。 第五章張文環小說人物表現之藝術性。小說引人之處,構築於作者對主題的巧思與安排、活靈活現的小說人物,以及動人的寫作手法。因此,以主題思想、創作手法以及書寫風格三部分,對張文環小說人物表現之藝術性加以分析研究。 第六章結論。透過小說人物所呈現的意義,來為賦予張文環應有的地位與文學價值。並以傾盡一生的熱情挹注台灣文學的發展為他的文學生命作註腳,也為本篇論文作總結。
    Chang, Wen-huan, a Taiwanese writer, who recorded the Taiwanese spirit during Japanese Occupation Period, went through war and 228 Incident. He was knowledgeable and hid works focused on “home”. “Home” became a guide to his spirit. Chang, Wen-huan’s literature is in his novels. The essay focuses on Chang, Wen-huan’s novels and the critics’ research on his novels. Through the words, the essay also tends to reveal the influences of space-time background and social consciousness on the characters and the meanings expressed by the characters in the transition of time and society. There are six chapters in the essay. Except introduction and conclusion, the other five chapters contain three points: the writer himself, the writer’s novels and the characters in his novels. With Chang, Wen-huan’s novels, we can explore his turn on literature and life experiences, analyze the concord relation between his works and the time, realize the spiritual state that he wanted to represent through his works and we can also understand Taiwanese people’s sorrow and bravery under the colonizing and the governing with the high pressure. The characters of his novels are analyzed from outer and inner aspects. Chapter one: introduction. It describes the motives and purposes for the research, the study on documents, the research approaches and restrictions, the research category and the outlines of the essay. Chapter two: Chang, Wen-huan’s background of creation. This is separately discussed from his educational experiences and the era background. His educational experiences include studying aboard in his childhood and becoming a famous writer in Tokyo. The era background includes the awakening of national consciousness, the birth of Taiwan new literature, and the promotion of imperializing the people and the return of political power to national government after recovering Taiwan. This part describes the influences of 228 Incident, caused by the wrong policy, and then the influence on Chang, Wen-huan’s speaking and acting during White Terror Period. Then Chang, Wen-huan’s life experiences and literary creation stages are described. His life experiences are explained first. He opposed the colonial rule by his literary activity. Later he turned his writing direction and calmed himself down. Afterwards he returned to the literary stage and at last he died. Through his life experiences, we can understand his devotion and contribution to Taiwanese literature. As for his literary creation stages it can be divided into three parts: the rudiment period, the peak period and the return period. His works will be generally introduced from the time, creation characters, background and plots of his novels. The characters of Chang, Wen-huan’s novels- analyzed from other aspects. The analyses will be approached with the ways to introduce the characters, the skills to arrange the characters and the images to mold the characters. Chapter four: the characters of Chang, Wen-huan’s novels- analyzed from inner aspects. The inner aspects include the research of the characters’ psychology, the analyses of the characters’ personality and the exploring of the characters’ humanity.Chapter five: arts of the characters in Chang, Wen-huan’s novels. The appeal of a novel to readers is the author’s thoughts and arrangement, the vivid characters and the moving writing skills. Therefore, the three parts mentioned above are going to be analyzed in this chapter. Chapter six: conclusion. Through the meanings expressed by the characters, Chang, Wen-huan’s position and value in literature is set. His literature life is footnoted by devoting all his passion and that is also the conclusion of this essa
  • 建立日期: 2007
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
