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鄧美枝; Teng, Mei-chih 張惠貞; Hui-Chen Chang; 語文教育學系教學碩士班 2007


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 鄧美枝; Teng, Mei-chih
  • 張惠貞; Hui-Chen Chang; 語文教育學系教學碩士班
  • 主題: 社會變遷; 閩南語; 民間文學; 囝仔歌; 民俗; folklore; social change; Folk-literature; Nursery Rhymes; Taiwanese
  • 描述: 台灣閩南語傳統囝仔歌,近年來由於受到政府對本土文化的重視,明定落實「母語」為教學科目之一,漸漸受到大眾的關注;過去大家總認為它是供孩童們唸唱的歌謠,不屑一談,甚至任其荒蕪、消失,還存在的只是譜曲成歌的幾首而已;但是如果從兒童文學、民間文學、社會學、民俗學或教育學等角度來研究,將可發現它是台灣開發歷史中,隨時代變遷下,尤其近百餘年來紀錄庶民生活的悲、歡、喜、樂、哀、愁……等的精粹文學史。 本論文以目前台灣各縣市文化中心所出版的民間文學集中的傳統囝仔歌為研究對象,其範疇包括宜蘭、台北、桃園、苗栗、台中、彰化、雲林、嘉義、台南、澎湖等十個縣市,主要探討台灣閩南語囝仔歌的社會文化內涵及民俗現象等。全文共分六章,第壹章為緒論,說明研究動機與目的,研究範圍與架構,並定義台灣閩南語囝仔歌。第貳章說明資料蒐集與處理目前研究狀況,分別就專書、博碩士論文及各縣市文化中心所出版的民間文學集三方面做說明。第叁章探討台灣閩南語傳統囝仔歌的傳播與發展過程,從原鄉囝仔歌的起源做切入,再談到台灣閩南語囝仔歌的變遷;異文現象歧異且特別,「台語之中,只知其音,不知其字者,所在多有,諸家記錄,或擬其聲,或擬其義,各隨己意,殊未統一。」 第肆章台灣閩南語傳統囝仔歌的社會生活變遷內容,分別深入探討其生活型態、歲時年節與宗教信仰、工作職業與社會現象紀錄等各方面的生活面向。第伍章台灣閩南語傳統囝仔歌的精神意涵,談到民族情節反映、菜籽宰命的宿命觀、子孫綿延傳承的倫理觀。第陸章探討台灣閩南語傳統囝仔歌文字的音樂性研究,從節奏和音色兩方面切入。第柒章為台灣閩南語傳統囝仔歌囝仔歌在教學上的應用,先談到當前閩南語教育實施的困境,再談到教學上的應用,並舉例示範之。第捌章為結論。 台灣閩南語傳統囝仔歌因產生於民間,透過口耳相傳,足以反映民間的風俗民情,也能表現民間的生活情趣,和民俗有很密切的關係,因此是研究民俗的最好材料。台灣閩南語傳統囝仔歌的記載傳承,也可作歷史軌跡中褒貶論斷之見證資料,雖是語句通俗,又是民間文學,但是它是一份先民智慧的結晶和珍貴的文獻素材,所以它是值得提倡及發揚的。
    The importance of local culture gains the attention of government nowadays. Mother tongue was included to be one of the major subjects, and people start paying close attention to the Nursery Rhymes. People used to regard Nursery Rhymes as children’s chants, and only few of the chants were composed. Most of the rhymes disappeared because of people’s ignorance. Looking at the Nursery Rhymes from children literature, folk literature, sociology, folklore, and education angles, Nursery Rhymes are the brilliant history of literature. It documented Taiwanese sadness, happiness, delight, joy, grief and worry for the past ten decades in Taiwanese civilization and development. This thesis aims at the research of Taiwanese Nursery Rhyme from the folk literature collection in different culture centers locating around the island, including Yilan, Taipei, Taoyuan, Miaoli, Taichung, Changhua, Yunlin, Chiayi, Tainan, and Penghu. This thesis contains six chapters to discuss the social state and folklore: The first one is introduction, explaining research motivation, purpose, scope, structure, and definition of Nursery Rhymes. Chapter two explains data collection and recent research state, illustrating the points from the books, theses and dissertations, and folk literature publications from culture centers around the island. Chapter three discusses the spread and development of Taiwanese Nursery Rhymes. This chapter starts from the origin of Chinese Nursery Rhymes to the changes of Taiwanese Nursery Rhymes. Chinese and Taiwanese use different words to explain same meaning. Taiwanese is a dialect without characters. People documented the language from the sounds or meaning without united characters and words.Chapter four contains social changes of Nursery Rhyme lyrics, discussing life styles, national holidays, religions, occupations, social phenomena, and the like. Chapter five talks about the spirit of Nursery Rhymes, relating to the reflection of nationalism, fatalism, and ethics. Chapter six explores the musical research of traditional Taiwanese Nursery Rhyme by means of both rhythm and timbre aspects. Chapter seven refers to the current dilemma of teaching Taiwanese, practical applications of traditional Taiwanese Nursery Rhyme on teaching and gives some examples and demonstrations as well. Chapter eight is the conclusion of all.Traditional Taiwanese Nursery Rhymes was created from all walks of life, fully reflecting people’s local conditions and customs and expressing the delight of life. And it’s also closely related to folklore. Taiwanese Nursery Rhyme’s documentation and handing down to next generation can be the critical data of history. Although Nursery Rhymes are folklores with common and simple words and sentence structures, they are precious literature created by ancestors’ wisdom. The worth and value of their promotion and development are undeniable.
  • 建立日期: 2007
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
