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李筱媺; Li, Hsiao-mei 汪中文; Chung-Wen Wang; 國語文學系 2007


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 李筱媺; Li, Hsiao-mei
  • 汪中文; Chung-Wen Wang; 國語文學系
  • 主題: 汪容甫; 駢文; ; Poetry; Wang Rong-Fu; Pian Wen
  • 描述: 汪容甫是清代揚州學派中,少數兼具擅長經學、史學、子學與文學的學者。他從小即受到窮困生活的壓力,卻仍能堅持理想,努力不懈的致力於學術研究的領域,故得以在學術領域中取得多方面的成就,並有功於啟發後學。而世之論容甫,多贊其經、史、子學方面之建樹,少論及其文學方面之成就。然容甫文學作品雖所製不多,但可從中探其情感、心志,此有別於經術研究的另一風貌;再者,容甫於詩歌和駢文方面有許多傳世佳作,揚名於清代中期之文壇。本研究以汪容甫的詩與駢文為主要研究內容,採探其文學創作之多元內涵。汪容甫早歲即勤奮鑽研詩的寫作,宗法漢、魏、晉詩和唐詩,其詩作具有含蓄蘊藉與溫柔敦厚之特點,題材多來自於個人日常生活之所思所感,因此自我表現的色彩比較濃厚。本研究將汪容甫詩分為「情誼詩」、「詠物詩」、「交遊詩」、「詠懷詩」四類進行析論,探究其詩之創作主旨與精華;並從「意象塑造」、「詞語鍛鍊」、「典故化用」三方面,體現汪容甫詩的藝術造詣。汪容甫的駢文以漢、魏、六朝為典範,具有充實的社會內容和真摯的情感表達,本研究將其駢文依體裁分為哀祭類、箴銘類、頌贊類與序跋類,以見汪容甫駢文之蘊含與成就;並以「篇章形式」、「藝術成就」、「題材多元」三部份來探討汪容甫駢文之特色與卓越建樹。
    Wang Rong-Fu was a scholar in Qing Dynasty. He was good at study of scriptures, historiography, philosophy and literature. People praised his study of scriptures, historiography and philosophy more than literature. Although he had few literary works, we can understand his feeling and mind from these works. This research explored the cultivation of Wang Rong-Fu''s literary works by his poetry and Pian Wen. Wang Rong-Fu began to write when he was very young and worked hard on writing. His poetry are implicit, gentle and honest. The subject matters almost came from his view and impression on daily life, so the literary works expressed his own personal characteristic. There are four parts in this research: the poetry about friendship, the poetry about praising things, the poetry about trip and the poetry about yearning. And it would be discussed to find out the purport and essence of Wang Rong-Fu''s poetry. The research also explored Wang Rong-Fu''s Pian Wen and discovered the cultivation, achievement and characteristic of the Pian Wen.
  • 建立日期: 2007
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
