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蘇郁嵐; Su, Yu-lan 謝苑玫; Yuan-mei Hsieh; 音樂學系碩士班 2013


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 蘇郁嵐; Su, Yu-lan
  • 謝苑玫; Yuan-mei Hsieh; 音樂學系碩士班
  • 主題: 教學內容; 音樂教師; 國小音樂教學; 和聲; 教學方法; instructional materials; music teacher; elementary music teaching; harmony; instructional method
  • 描述: 本研究旨在了解臺南市國小音樂教師對於和聲教學價值的認知與實踐狀況,研究者整理國內外相關的和聲教學內容與教材,並參考國內外音樂課程標準,設計研究工具進行問卷調查,並比較不同背景變項的教師在和聲教學價值的認知與實踐狀況上的差異。本研究使用「國民小學音樂教師和聲教學認知與實踐之調查問卷」針對臺南市101學年度的音樂教師進行普查,共發放問卷415份,回收有效問卷317份,問卷回收率76.4%。回收資料採用SPSS for Windows 19.0之統計套裝軟體,以平均數、百分比、卡方考驗、皮爾森積差相關等統計方式進行分析。本研究結論如下:一、臺南市國小音樂教師大多肯定和聲教學的價值,在和聲教學實踐方面著重於透過實際操作〈演唱、演奏〉來培養學生的和聲感,並體驗和聲之美,純粹音程及和弦的認識與聽唱教學則較少實施。二、臺南市國小音樂教師對和聲教學價值的認知與實際教學狀況會因為不同職務、不同年資以及不同學校規模而有顯著差異。三、在國小和聲教學中,臺南市國小音樂教師遇到的困難比例最高的項目是「學生缺乏學習興趣」與「學生音樂學習能力不足」。四、臺南市國小音樂教師在和聲教學方面最需要的協助,前三個項目為「和聲教學相關的有聲資料」、「操作性音樂軟體」以及「舉辦與和聲相關的教學研習」。五、臺南市國小音樂教師對於國小和聲教學價值的認知與實際教學狀況呈現正相關。
    The study is conducted through research on how the harmonic technique is been taught in the school, it''s value and practical use by the music teachers in Tainan. The researcher re searched and compared different music curriculums and teaching materials from different countries around the world and devise a questionnaire to find out how Tainan teachers'' variable background can affect the way the harmonic technique is been taught in the class and how is the importance for the elementary school students.The research uses SPSS for WINDOWS 19.0 based on the the replied 317 questionnaires out of 415 the recovery rate of 76.4%. This study is done by using "Means, Percentage, Chi-square and Pearson correlation analysis " the conclusions are in below:1.Tainan elementary school music teachers emphasis on using singing and playing instruments to allow the students to understand and appreciate music theory''s Harmonic function. However, they find it hard to progress deeper into teaching patterns like intervals and triads in the music theory. 2. Variable teacher''s positions, teaching years and school scales in Tainan city appear to have noticeable affects on music teachers understand, abilities and actual teaching practice in the class. 3. The two biggest challenges for Tainan elementary school music teachers are "the lack of interests" and "lack in abilities to learn music" from the students.4. The most urgent needs that the Tainan elementary school music teachers required when teaching the harmonic music theory are: " Audio teaching materials on harmonic theory provided by the related educational department", " practical music software for teachers or students", "music workshops for teachers to develop better knowledgable for the class or teaching methods". 5. The conclusion of this study proves that the researchers speculation on Tainan elementary school music teachers'' challenges on teaching harmonic theory associated with students abilities, interests; music class hours, schools'' scares, teacher''s professional background and knowledge of music, teacher''s teaching years and age. All of the above factors contribute to the struggle of achieving the creative learning music process.
  • 建立日期: 2013
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR


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