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毛定然; Mao, Ting-jan 林登順; Teng-Shun Lin; 國語文學系 2007


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 毛定然; Mao, Ting-jan
  • 林登順; Teng-Shun Lin; 國語文學系
  • 主題: 吳偉業; 詩史; 人物形象; 梅村體; 吳梅村; 敘事詩; narrative poetry; Meicun style; literary character; Wu Meicun; poetic history; Wu Weiye
  • 描述: 詩人吳梅村生逢明清遞嬗之際,時局之變動劇烈,人心之震撼尤甚。他身為明臣,蒙崇禎皇帝厚恩,卻未能於國變時以身殉國,入清之後,在避難鄉里期間,因承受不住清廷的壓力下而受召入仕,成為貳臣,於自責悔恨中了卻餘生。雖然梅村大節有虧,但他精采跌宕的一生,配合動盪不安的時代,刺激著詩人的情感,提供他源源不絕的創作題材,使他的詩具有「詩史」之特質。在梅村的詩作中,出現的人物頗多,上至皇室宮闈,下至凡夫俗子,在梅村筆下,呈現栩栩如生之不同風貌。這些人物除了反映人事滄桑和個人的人格特質,也記錄一代興亡,抒發亡國遺民之沉痛,頗具意義。因此本論文即以「梅村詩之人物形象研究」為主題,針對梅村詩中當代人物,藉由詩句探討其所呈現之人物形象,並發掘其背後之歷史淵源,以及了解梅村形塑此人物形象所呈現之內涵及表現技巧,最後並探討梅村詩刻畫人物形象之成就與影響。
    The poet, Wu Meicun (吳梅村), was born during the time period as the Ming dynasty was to be overthrown by the Qing Dynasty. The time was under a great flux; people were profoundly shaken. As a Ming official, he constantly received great mercy from the Chongzhen Emperor. When the country entered the reign of the Qing dynasty, he fled and stayed in a small village instead of giving his life for the country as the regime change. Under the coercion from the Qing court, he was impressed to serve in the court, which made him an er-chen (貳臣), a former official who subsequently serves the new emperor in the following regime. It affected him to spent the rest of his life in bitter remorse. Meicun''s moral principle would be questioned, but his freewheeling spirit and being in a time of turmoil inspired poetic sentiments out of him and provided bountiful subject matters for his creative works nevertheless. It made his poetry as poetic history. There were quite a great number of characters appeared in Meichun''s poems, from the emperor and the empress to an everyman. Under his writing, each had an unique and lively image. These characters significantly represented the rise and fall of his era and expressed deep grief of the adherents of their fallen country besides reflecting personalties and vicissitudes in life. In this dissertation, the subject therefore is, as mentioned in the title, “A research on the literary images in Wu Meicun''s poems”. The literary characters of the contemporary people are to be probed through the verses in his poems. The possible historical origins behind these characters are to be disclosed. The intension and the technique which manifested each character by Meicun are to be comprehended. At the end of this dissertation, the achievement and the impact of how Meicun created his literary characters in his writing of Meicun style is discussed.
  • 建立日期: 2007
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
