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許湞菱; Hsu, Chen-Ling 郭聰貴; Tsong-Guey Kuo; 教育經營與管理研究所 2007


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 許湞菱; Hsu, Chen-Ling
  • 郭聰貴; Tsong-Guey Kuo; 教育經營與管理研究所
  • 主題: 專業成長需求; 工作困擾; 實習教師; working trouble; professional growth need; student teacher
  • 描述: 本研究旨在瞭解國民小學實習教師工作困擾與專業成長需求之現況,並依據研究結果提出建議,以作為教育主管機關、師資培育機構、實習學校及實習教師之參考。本研究採用問卷調查法,以改編之「國民小學實習教師工作困擾與專業成長需求調查問卷」為研究工具,研究對象為台南縣市之國民小學實習教師,共寄發485份問卷,有效問卷為406份,可用率為83.71%。所得資料以平均數、標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析。本研究獲致下列結論:一、國民小學實習教師有中等程度之工作困擾,其中以「生涯規劃」之困擾最大二、國民小學實習教師有高程度之專業成長需求三、不同教育背景、學校所在地及適用制度之國小實習教師工作困擾有顯著差異四、不同性別及學校規模之國小實習教師在工作困擾上沒有顯著差異五、不同背景變項之國小實習教師在專業成長需求沒有顯著差異 依據上述結論,本研究提出下列建議:一、對於教育主管機關的建議1.提供多元化教師生涯發展資訊管道,彌補城鄉資源之差異2.規劃符合實習教師需求的研習活動,提供多元化的專業成長課程二、對於師資培育機構的建議1.加強實習教師職前教育與訓練2.舉辦生涯輔導活動的研習,協助教師做好生涯規劃3.提昇實習教師在教學實務層面的專業能力三、對於實習學校的建議1.慎選實習輔導教師,提供實習教師多元輔導2.多提供實習教師在教師甄試上之幫助與輔導3.酌量分配行政實習工作,避免造成實習教師工作負擔四、對於實習教師的建議 1.積極主動參與符合自己需求的專業成長活動,以增進自我成長 2.要隨時自我檢視,進行反省
    The purposes of this study were to understand the current situatuon of working troubles and professional growth needs of student teachers in the elementary schools and provide the suggestions for the educational administrative authorities, the institutions for teacher training, schools for internship and student teachers. This study adopted questionnaire survey.The revised “Questionnaire of the Working Troubles and Professional Growth Needs of Student Teachers in the Elementary Schools” was used as instrument. The questionnaires were handed out to 485 student teachers. Valid questionnaires were 406 with usable rate of 83.71﹪. The collected data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The conclusions of this study were as follows:1. The working troubles of student teachers in the elementary schools belonged to average degree and the “career planning” was the most.2. The professional growth needs of student teachers in the elementary schools belonged to above the average.3. The working troubles of student teachers in the elementary schools were significantly different among student teachers of different educational background, school location and teacher internship program.4. The working troubles of student teachers in the elementary schools were not significantly different among student teachers of different gender and school size.5. The professional growth needs of student teachers in the elementary schools were not significantly different among student teachers of different background. According to the above conclusions, the following suggestions were offered:1. To the educational administrative authorities:(1) To provide a great diversity of channels for the career development information of student teachers in order to recover the differences between town and country. (2) To plan suitable workshop in accordance with student teachers’ needs and provide a great diversity of professional growth courses.2. To the institutions for teacher training: (1) To strengthen the preservice education and training of student teachers. (2) To hold workshop for career guidance and assist student teachers in planning their career. (3) To improve the professional ability in teaching practice of student teachers.3. To the schools for internship: (1) To choose tutor cautiously and provide a great diversity of guidances for student teachers. (2) To provide assistance and guidance for student teachers in teacher examination. (3) To assign the administrative practicum work properly in order to avoid causing student teachers’ working burdens.4. To the student teachers: (1) To actively participate in professional growth activity which is in accordance with personal needs in order to improve self-growth. (2) To make the self-examination at any moment.
  • 建立日期: 2007
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
