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鍾錦織; Chung, Chin-chih 任秀媚; Hsiu-Mei JEN; 教育經營與管理研究所 2007


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 鍾錦織; Chung, Chin-chih
  • 任秀媚; Hsiu-Mei JEN; 教育經營與管理研究所
  • 主題: 幼兒; 能力指標; 性別平等教育; early childhood; gender equity education; competence indicators
  • 描述: 本研究旨在建構幼兒階段的性別平等教育能力指標。研究者採質性研究的方式,使用焦點團體訪談法、參與觀察法及深度訪談法,分別針對第一線教師、幼兒及學者專家進行資料的蒐集。研究結果發現,只要教師給予適當的引導與討論,並提供開放的機會,幼兒有能力可以達到下列十一項指標:一、認知領域:(一)認識兩性身體的異同(二)了解展現自我不受性別限制(三)了解家庭的組成(四)了解家務分工不受性別限制。二、情意領域:(一)尊重自己與別人的身體自主權(二)尊重自己與別人的隱私權(三)尊重性別的多元特質。三、行動領域:(一)維護身體自主權與隱私權(二)適當表達自己的意見和感受,不受性別限制(三)接納異性,與異性互動(四)接納性別的多元特質。最後基於上述結果,本研究建議教育主管機關、幼教師及從事性別平等教育的相關人士,可以參考此幼兒性別平等教育能力指標,從事相關政策的訂定、課程的設計及未來研究的進行。關鍵字:幼兒、性別平等教育、能力指標
    This paper presents several competence indicators of gender equity eucation for early childhood education. In order to collect relevant information from participants (teachers, children, and experts), the researcher implemented qualitative research practice by using three approaches: focus group, participant observation and depth interview. The results showed that if teachers could conduct children with adequate discussions and participations, children would be able to achieve the following competence indicators: 1. Cognitive domain:(1) recognize the differences of physical features between male and female(2) realize that display of self is gender-free(3) realize the formation of a family(4) realize that the division of domestic labor is gender-free2. Affective domain:(5) respect body autonomy of self and others(6) respect privacy of self and others(7) respect the diversity of gender3. Active domain:(8) claim body autonomy and privacy of self(9) fairly express opinions and feelings of self, regardless of gender(10) accept opposite-sex peers and be willing to interact with them(11) accept the diversity of genderBased on the above results, the conclusions reached in this study can hopefully serve as useful recommendations for relevant educators, parents, educational policies, and further studies.Keywords:early childhood, gender equity education, competence indicators
  • 建立日期: 2007
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
