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林庭韻; Lin, Ting-yun 丁學勤; Shueh-chin Ting; 教育經營與管理研究所 2007


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 林庭韻; Lin, Ting-yun
  • 丁學勤; Shueh-chin Ting; 教育經營與管理研究所
  • 主題: 心理距離; 師生互動; psychological distance; post-graduate students and supervisors
  • 描述: 研究生的學習層面,不僅涵蓋知識的傳授,甚至於包括經驗的傳承,這些都是以良好師生關係為基礎。如果不能因應這必然的趨勢-建立良好的師生互動關係,研究生的學習目的將無法充分達成,因此由師生關係和諧的重要性來看,為了在教學指導環境中有高品質的呈現,對於指導教授與研究生互動行為的研究確實有其必要性,且根據許多媒體訊息也可以看得出來,師生互動關係不再是過往的尊卑體制,師生雙方將可能更容易產生心理距離,因此,積極探究出指導教授與研究生間師生互動中產生心理距離的因素變得重要,所以本研究將以碩士與博士研究生的觀點,藉由深度訪談,來深入瞭解指導教授與研究生互動關係中產生心理距離的因素。 本研究主要目的為完整整理出師生互動心理距離產生的因素,理論建構主要係由閱讀心理距離相關文獻的過程中,形成心理距離的理論概念基礎,並依此構築研究所師生互動關係中產生心理距離因素的完整分類架構,以作為實證分析之分類標準,並研擬訪談大綱、設定選樣標準,以利後續深度訪談之用,在研究資料蒐集上,本研究採取深度訪談策略,以滾雪球抽樣的方式選取碩士生11位與博士生9位,共20位研究生作為研究對象,研究對象樣本盡可能涵蓋各種不同變數,以期能在師生互動關係中,完整地整理出產生心理距離的因素,本研究的作法是先經由文獻探討概要性整理出分類模式,再將訪談結果依分類模式做分類,以能清楚了解師生互動產生心理距離的影響因素。 在研究結論的部分,本研究結果共有三大類因素會造成師生之間產生心理距離:分別為師生因素、學校因素與社會因素,本研究整理出影響心理距離的因素,在「師生因素」的部分包括:師生個人背景與人格特質、師生能力、師生期望與角色定位、師生個人認知與價值觀、師生人際互動技巧等;在「學校因素」的部分包括:學校環境、學校正式與非正式規範、學校行政、學校同儕文化等;在「社會因素」的部分包括:教育政策與大眾傳播媒體等。研究者認為,本研究主要將可能使師生產生心理距離因素做出整理,並不比較大小程度,因此後續研究者將可以比較心理距離大小程度、並且做跨群體的比較,而本研究也針對對降低指導教授與研究生之間的心理距離提出相關建議。
    Learning levels of post-graduates includes not only knowledge teaching but also acculturation that are all based on good supervisor-graduate student relationship. If not creating good supervisor-graduate student interaction, we will not arrive the end destination of graduate students’ good learning. From the importance of harmonious teacher-graduate student interaction, it’s necessary to make a research of supervisor-graduate student interaction for the high quality of teaching and learning. And according to many misrepresent, we can know that teacher- graduate student interaction is no longer like before. It’s easier to beget psychological distance between teachers and students. Therefore, researching the factors that engender the psychological distance between teachers and students is important. So, this study will find out all the factors engendering the psychological distance between supervisors and students in psychological distance perspective by in-depth interview. This study’s main intention is to induce all the factors engendering the psychological distance between supervisors and students. Establish the full framework of the factors engendering the psychological distance between teachers and students based on the theoretical basis formed by reading the literature about psychological distance. And use the framework to analyze the recording data of interview. Before in-depth interview, researcher will make an interview question outline and set the sampling criteria. Select 11 Master degree and 9 Ph. D candidates with snowball sampling to interview for collecting all the factors engendering the psychological distance between teachers and students. The results of this study found that: there are three main factors including teacher-student factor, school factor, and social factor that engender the psychological distance between teachers and students. This study will not compare the extent of psychological distance. So, the after-researchers can make it. At the end of this study, researcher also provided the suggestions to lower the psychological distance.
  • 建立日期: 2007
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR


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