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陳志昇; Chen, Chin-Sheng 劉世雄;徐綺穗; Shih –Hsiung Liu;Chi -Sui Hsu; 教育學系課程與教學碩士班 2007


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 陳志昇; Chen, Chin-Sheng
  • 劉世雄; 徐綺穗; Shih –Hsiung Liu; Chi -Sui Hsu; 教育學系課程與教學碩士班
  • 主題: 學童衝突情境案例教學; 案例; 學童衝突情境; 學童人際衝突事件; interpersonal relationship conflict matters; case method; conflict situation; case based teaching on conflict situation
  • 描述: 處理學童的衝突事件,常會佔老師相當多的級務時間,也影響教學成效。若要全靠教師處理學童形形色色的人際衝突,不如培養學童自行解決衝突的策略和能力。本研究之目的即是,發展國小高年級人際衝突教學案例教材,建立學童人際衝突案例教學法之教學實施程序,並於國小進行實驗教學,以評估案例教材及教學實施對學童之影響。根據研究目的,實驗組接受十周衝突情境案例教學法的實驗處理,為了瞭解學生經過案例教學後的學習效果,研究者以實驗組和控制組學童課後所填寫的「學童人際衝突反應量表」進行分析。另為了發展學童解決人際衝突教材,建立學童人際衝突情境教與學實施程序,分別設計課程實施中的「衝突情境解決策略創作單」;課後「學童課後案例教學教材和教學活動興趣量表」及「學童課後自我學習檢核表」,期望從學童的學習觀點,瞭解案例教材和教學活動是否有助於學童處理人際衝突事件。本研究之結論如下:一、發展國小高年級學童解決人際衝突教材方面:研究者在以學童日常衝突情境作為案例編寫之教材,經實驗組學童在課後「學童課後案例教學教材和教學活動興趣量表」中之反應得知,其對教材認同度呈高度正向肯定。也顯示教材對學童具吸引力並有高度的參與興趣。二、建立學童人際衝突案例教學法之教學實施程序方面:實驗組學童在課後「學童課後案例教學活動興趣量表」中,也顯示能增進其專注度並能從完成案例活動中得到成就感。三、高年級學童接受「衝突情境案例教學」後,對其處理人際衝突之影響方面:實驗組學童後測的「學童人際衝突事件反應量表」之各分量平均得分均未達到顯著差異。但實驗組學童在「學童課後自我學習檢核表」各分量表之反應中,認為從衝突情境案例教學法的教學活動中得到良好的學習成效。研究者根據以上結論,針對學童人際衝突案教材之發展、案例教學法教與學之實施程序及未來研究等三方面提出建議。
    According to the purpose of this study, the controlled group was under an experiment using a case based instruction method on the conflict situation for 10 weeks. The conclusion was as follows:(1) In terms of developing teaching materials on resolving interpersonal relationship conflicts for the 5th and 6th graders, The result of the scale on students’ interest on the course also indicated that students in the experimental group were very interested in the materials and looking forward to participating in related activities.(2) In terms of establish the administration procedure of situational teaching on students’ interpersonal relations conflicts, he result of the scale on students’ interest on the course also indicated that there was an improvement on the concentration of the students in the experimental group. They were also able to gain a sense of achievement through the case based activities.(3) In terms of the effects of the 5th and 6th graders in handling the interpersonal relationship conflicts after taking the conflict situation case based teaching, there was no significant difference among the average scores of the scales in the students’ interpersonal relationship conflict self-reaction scale. However, the result of the students’ self-evaluation enumeration form showed that it was very fruitful for the students in the experimental group from the case based learning activities. According to the above conclusion, suggestions on the development of teaching materials in students’ interpersonal relationship conflict, the implementation of the teaching and learning of the case based teaching and the recommendation for the future study were provided.
  • 建立日期: 2007
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
