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鄭楹蓁; Cheng, Ying-zhen 黃秀霜; Hsiu-Shuang Huang; 測驗統計研究所 2007


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 鄭楹蓁; Cheng, Ying-zhen
  • 黃秀霜; Hsiu-Shuang Huang; 測驗統計研究所
  • 主題: 智慧評量; 智慧; 大學生; college students; wisdom; wisdom assessment
  • 描述: 本研究主要的目的在發展大學生智慧評量,希望藉由此評量初探大學生的智慧表現。本研究之試題是根據柏林智慧小組的智慧理論文架構,試題形式是模擬生活中的兩難情境,請受試者根據情境問題提出可能的解決方式。評量內容分為三個分測驗,共八題;包含生活規劃3題、生活管理3題、生涯回顧2題,採實作題型。研究對象為台灣之大學生,共採取便利抽樣,總人數464人。本評量將智慧表現分為五個層次。依照受試者在各題的表現來看,受試者整體平均表現在層次三。本研究將受試者依照能力值分為三個水準,高表現、一般表現及低表現組,三組在不同向度的表現呈現相似的趨勢,生涯規劃與生活管理優於生涯回顧。高表現組在生涯規劃的表現最佳,生活管理次之,且都明顯優於生涯回顧;一般表現組則在生活管理向度表現最佳,生涯規劃次之,且都明顯優於生涯回顧;低表現組雖然在生活管理與生涯規劃較佳,但三個向度呈現相同的層次表現,與高表現及一般表現組比起來三個分向度上的表現差別較小。再由IRT分析來看,各分向度試題間的難度在.038∼.761之間,屬於偏難的測驗。本評量之整體內部一致性信度為.776,評分者間的等級相關為為.875,且有良好的構念效度。整體而言,不同學院及不同父母教育程度之大學生在智慧表現上沒有顯著差異,但在不同性別和年級的智慧表現則有差異,女生的表現優於男生,且達到顯著差異。不同年級智慧表現的差異來源為二年級和三年級大學生表現上的差異所造成。
    The primary purpose of the research was to develop the evaluation in the wisdom of the undergraduate students. The researcher hoped to realize the performance of wisdom of undergraduate. The questions in this assessment were based on the structure of the wisdom theory from Berlin Wisdom Project. The items were in terms of stiumilated situation, the subjects figured out the possible solution. The wisdom assessment consisted of three facets, a total of 8 items. Three items for the aspect of life-planning, three items for the aspect of life-management, and two items for the aspect of life-review. Those subjects were undergraduate students in Taiwan, the total number of 464 people. The wisdom assessment performance was divided into five levels. In all subjects in accordance with that performance, the average performance of the subjects was at third level. The subjects were divided into three levels of performance, high-performance group, general-performance group and low-performance group, three groups in different dimensions of performance showed similar trends, life planning and life management were better than life review. In accordance with the IRT, each of the dimensions of difficult questions is between .038 - .761, the overall assessment of internal consistency reliability is .776, score reliability is .875, and with a good construct validity. Overall, different colleges and different parenting education degree college students in the wisdom of no significant performance differences However, in different gender and grade the wisdom performance difference between the performance.
  • 建立日期: 2007
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
