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簡珮如; Chien, Pei-Ju 洪顯超; Sian-chao Hong; 視覺藝術研究所 2006


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 簡珮如; Chien, Pei-Ju
  • 洪顯超; Sian-chao Hong; 視覺藝術研究所
  • 主題: 想像; 記憶; 時間; 水墨; 簡珮如; 直覺; Time; Instinct; Creating Chinese Paintings; Memory; Imagination A Series of Time; Imagination
  • 描述: 藝術創作是藝術活動內在思維的呈現,透過思想理念與情感經驗,從創作中去實踐與發現自我內在的精神與特質,經由學理與美學思想來深入分析,探索內在思想的領域,從一種時間生活的微觀,啟發藝術創作的動力,在感性與理性的創作歷程中,構築個人時間經驗的美學生活觀。本論文探討作者於二○○二年至二○○六年期間的作品與創作歷程,以及對記憶.直覺.想像—「時間」為主題之觀點創作思考,由主題內容的探索與思考、媒材實驗的應用與結合及平面介入空間的形式與轉變,將個人的創作思維以主觀與直接的方式探討。「時間」不僅僅是一種外在物象變化過程,透過生活物象傳遞,由創作實踐中賦予作品生命時間的精神,進而探尋藝術創作與個人生活內在的脈絡軌跡。本文撰寫內容,主要架構包括第一章緒論:闡述本研究之動機與目的及研究方法範圍與架構。第二章:創作學理基礎由哲學觀、文化及心理層面、藝術史、以時間為主題之相關論述。第三章:個人創作理念,探討創作表現形式、媒材技法、創作元素及歷程發展。第四章:時間系列的創作意念及作品的分析與詮釋。第五章:結論:闡釋本創作研究歷程與結語,以及對未來創作發展的省思與期許。關鍵詞:時間、記憶、直覺、想像。
    Artistic works reveals the inner thoughts of their creators. Their work reflects the self-exploration of one’s spirit and their ideas and emotions can be analyzed by applying related theories and aesthetics. Originality is inspired from a tiny point in life. During the creation process, either perceptual or rational, the individual experience of temporal aesthetics is constructed. The study aims to understand the motivation of works made between 2002 and 2006 that are related to memory, instinct, and imagination, i.e. a series in time. It explores the subjects, application of experimental media and integrates shape and transition into space. Individual thoughts are studied directly and subjectively. Time is not only an exterior transition. By transmitting the objects, the works reveal the spirit of time and inner thoughts can be traced.  The study’s contents include the introduction in Chapter I. It explains the motivation and study method as well as range and frame. Chapter II provides the theory foundation based on philosophy, culture, psychology, art history as it relates to time. Chapter III describes the ideas of the creator and the creative process including performing form, and used media etc.Chapter IV analyzes and interprets the works and Chapter V clarifies the study process and results as well as expectations of future projects.Key words: time, memory, instinct and imagination
  • 建立日期: 2006
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR


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