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顏新洲; Yen, Hsin-chou 蔡貞雄; Chen-hsiung Tsai; 運動與健康研究所(92~95) 2007


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 顏新洲; Yen, Hsin-chou
  • 蔡貞雄; Chen-hsiung Tsai; 運動與健康研究所(92~95)
  • 主題: 身體自我概念; 健康體適能; 第二代新式健身操; health-related fitness; the second generation of new-type calisthenics; physical self-concept
  • 描述: 國內教育主管單位和各級學校正值大力推展第二代新式健身操之際,到底第二代新式健身操對國小學童健康體適能與身體自我概念影響如何呢?本研究以國小五年級學童共60名為研究對象,其中實驗組30名;控制組30名。實驗組接受12週、每週3次、每次兩個循環的第二代新式健身操實驗課程;控制組則不實施體能訓練。實驗組與控制組都進行:一、身體組成(身體質量指數);二、柔軟度(坐姿體前彎);三、肌耐力(一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐);四、瞬發力(立定跳遠);五、心肺耐力(八百公尺跑走);六、兒童身體自我概念量表前、後測。以獨立樣本 t 考驗兩組的同質性及實驗後兩組的進步情形;以相依樣本 t 考驗前、後測的差異情形;顯著水準定為 α= .05。結果發現:一、健康體適能方面:第二代新式健身操對國小五年級學童在身體組成方面沒有顯著的影響(p > .05);在柔軟度、肌耐力、瞬發力和心肺耐力方面有顯著的影響(p < .05)。二、身體自我概念方面:第二代新式健身操對國小五年級學童在外表自我概念和肥胖自我概念上沒有顯著的影響;在「整體」身體自我概念、柔軟度自我概念、力量自我概念、彈性自我概念和耐力自我概念方面有顯著的影響(p < .05)。本研究證實,以第二代新式健身操為運動處方的訓練課程可以明顯提升學童柔軟度、肌耐力、瞬發力和心肺耐力,讓學童對自己的身體與體能有較高的自我評價,強化兒童對自己身體的肯定,增加身體自我概念的自覺能力。因此,建議教育主管單位和各級學校能推廣實施此項活動,讓學童身心都可以得到健全發展,達到體育的教育目標。
    While our educational institutions and schools of all levels are promoting the second generation of new-type calisthenics, we are wondering what exactly is its influence on elementary school pupils’ health-related fitness and their physical self-concept? The subject of this research is based on sixty fifth graders, among them thirty in experiment group and thirty in control group. Experiment group receives the second generation of new-type calisthenics courses during twelve weeks, three times a week and two cycles each time, whereas the control group does not implement physical training. Both experiment group and control group carry out: (1) the make-up of body (BMI- body mass index); (2) flexibility (curved body in sitting position) (3) muscular endurance (one-minute sit-ups with bended knees); (4) power (standing long jump); (5) cardiovascular endurance (800 meters run and walk); (6) children’s physical self-concept before and after the test. We use the independent sample to examine the homogeneity of two groups and their progressive situations after the experiment; use the dependent sample t to examine the difference of two groups before and after the test; use the progressive range to compare the progressive situations of two groups and the showing standard is defined as α=. 05.The findings are as followed:Health-related fitness: The second generation of new-type calisthenics does not have apparent influence to the fifth graders in body mass index (p>.05); whereas it has apparent influence in flexibility, muscular endurance, power and cardiovascular endurance (p<.05).Physical self-concept: The second generation of new-type calisthenics has no apparent influence to the fifth graders in self-concept of appearance and fat self-concept; whereas it has apparent influence in the “whole” physical self-concept, flexibility self-concept, strength self-concept, elasticity and endurance self-concept (p<. 05).This research verifies that the second generation of new-type calisthenics taken as a physical training program can obviously improve pupils’ flexibility, muscular endurance, power and cardiovascular endurance which enables them to have a higher self-evaluation on their body and physical fitness; strengthens their affirmation on their own body and enhances their physical self-concept ability. Therefore, we would like to suggest that the domestic educational institutions and schools can popularize this activity so as to perfectly develop the pupils’ body and mind and finally reach the goal of our physical education.
  • 建立日期: 2007
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
