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陳依璟; Chen, Yi-ching 謝碧雪; Bih-Sheue Shieh; 數學教育學系 2007


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 陳依璟; Chen, Yi-ching
  • 謝碧雪; Bih-Sheue Shieh; 數學教育學系
  • 主題: 回憶單; 後設認知; 數學; mathematical field; memory list; Metacognition
  • 描述: 本研究目的為探討「數學回憶單」對國小高年級學生在數學領域學習的效果。透過皮亞傑認知理論與後設認知相關文獻的分析,以實驗研究法的方式,對國小六年級的學生施以數學回憶單的書寫活動。本研究中的「數學回憶單」為研究者自創,內容類似學習單。以台南市海佃國小六年級學生共122名為實驗對象,其中實驗組40人,接受「數學回憶單」的書寫活動;控制組82人,接受「一般傳統數學教學」。實驗實施期為一學年。以南一版數學第十一冊為施測內容,分別以「期中評量」、「容量與重量」、「怎樣列式」、「期末評量」四項成績做實驗組與控制組之比較。另以自編之「數學回憶單問卷」對實驗組進行問卷調查,以瞭解實驗組學生對數學回憶單活動的支持程度及其數學態度改變情形。茲將主要結果摘述如下:一、數學回憶單對於提升國小高年級學生數學理解能力的效果顯著。二、數學回憶單可以提昇學生的專心程度,進而增加學習成果。三、數學回憶單對於中、高分組的學生較有成效。四、書寫數學回憶單不會造成學生的壓力,普遍呈正向支持的態度。
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the learning achievements of “mathematical introspection sheet” to the senior students in the elementary school. Based on the literature analysis of Jean Piaget’s cognition and metacognition theory, an experimental research with implementation of mathematical introspection sheet writing activities for 6th graders was conducted. The research of “mathematical introspection sheet” was designed by the author herself. The subjects were comprised of 122 students in 6th grade who were divided into two groups at Tainan Municipal Haidian Elementary School. There were 40 students in the experimental group teaching the “mathematical introspection sheet” writing activities ,and 82 students in the control group teaching “traditional mathematical curriculum”. The experiment was treated for two semesters (one year). Moreover, the change of the mathematical attitude for the experimental ones in the mathematical introspection sheet activities was also studied as well. The main results are as follows:1. Mathematical introspection sheet improves significantly the mathematical understanding ability. 2. Mathematical introspection sheet makes students more concentration that improves the learning effects. 3. Mathematical introspection sheet is effective to middle and high level students. 4. There is no pressure for students and the learning attitude is positive in writing the mathematical introspection sheet.
  • 建立日期: 2007
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
