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顏美雀; Yen, Mei-chueh 謝宗欣; Tsung-Hsin Hsieh; 自然科學教育學系碩士班 2006


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 顏美雀; Yen, Mei-chueh
  • 謝宗欣; Tsung-Hsin Hsieh; 自然科學教育學系碩士班
  • 主題: 入侵植物; 個體生態學; 馬纓丹; Lantana camara L.; invasive plant; autecological
  • 描述: 馬纓丹是一種入侵性極強的外來入侵植物,普遍入侵臺灣海拔1000公尺以下地區。本研究對台灣野生馬纓丹族群進行調查,藉此探討此入侵植物之個體生態學性狀、在臺灣的分布型與生育地的氣候條件、繁殖能力及馬纓丹在野外不同海拔及不同人為干擾程度地方的入侵的情形。馬纓丹在台灣有三種不同色系的野生族群,三種野生馬纓丹的染色體均為2n=4X=44,都是四倍體。馬纓丹在溫暖潮濕環境幾乎一年四季開花結果,一個花序上約有20-40朵花,平均結果率約為44%。果實的發芽率為57%,種子的發芽率為73%。莖的無性繁殖率有84%。花序觀察發現馬纓丹開花在溫度高時較多而且較快,表示在溫暖的地方有助於馬纓丹開花。馬纓丹在臺灣屬於廣布型,普遍分布於海拔1000公尺以下,海拔1000公尺以上鮮少發現野生馬纓丹族群。平地調查有馬纓丹及沒有馬纓丹兩類樣區發現,馬纓丹因會形成濃密灌叢,所以會佔掉其他植物的生長空間。而且馬纓丹無法與木本植物競爭,但會危害底層植物的生長,所以馬纓丹是植被演替過程中,在喬木未出現前的優勢植物。不同海拔的樣區分析發現,馬纓丹在越低海拔生長情形越好。在人類活動頻繁程度不同的地區調查分析結果,發現人類活動越頻繁又缺乏管理的地方,馬纓丹的入侵越嚴重。在臺灣南橫公路調查結果,馬纓丹在西部入侵較東部嚴重;海拔700公尺以下,馬纓丹的入侵很嚴重,700公尺以上馬纓丹族群漸漸變少,1000公尺處只剩下零星族群及園藝品系。海拔700公尺以下,有人管理的地區,馬纓丹的生長受到人為抑制,無人管理的荒廢地馬纓丹的入侵較為嚴重。
    Lantana camara L., is an introduced invasive plant in Taiwan. The aim of this study is 1.) to study the autecological characteristics of Lantana camara L.; 2.) to investigate it’s geographical patterns and habitats; and 3.) to evaluate it’s reproductive capacity in Taiwan. There were three types of wild population belonging tetraploid (2n=44), and could be divided by different flower colour. Lantana produced flowers and fruits around the year in hot and humid temperature. Each flower head was made of 20-40 flowers, which 44% could produced fruits. Germination rate of fruit was 57%, but seed was 73%. Lantana invaded many areas belows 1000m above sea level in Taiwan, but severe in the wast area. Compared the plots with or without Lantana, Lantana could cover large areas and kill understory speies, but apparent inability to compete with the taller native forest plants. Lantana could invade many areas below 700 meters, especially in the ruderal sites created by man.
  • 建立日期: 2006
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
