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謝永祥; Hsieh, Yung-hsiang 王志明; Chih-ming Wang; 社會科教育學系碩士班 2006


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 謝永祥; Hsieh, Yung-hsiang
  • 王志明; Chih-ming Wang; 社會科教育學系碩士班
  • 主題: 曾文溪; 永續家園; 生態平衡; 移民墾殖; 河道變遷; sustainable homeland; course change; immigrants’ cultivation; ecological balance; Zengwun River
  • 描述: 本研究以曾文溪及流域中的移民為主要研究對象,採用文獻分析、地圖判讀及野外實察等方法,探討「河道變遷」與「開發墾殖」的互動關係。研究中發現曾文溪的河道變遷迅速頻繁,北自將軍溪南至鹽水溪無不受其影響,擺盪幅度達25公里,河性極不穩定。曾文溪河道變遷以中下游為主,中游以支流菜寮溪的變遷最為顯著,菜寮溪即為昔日之木岡山溪,原是流入曾文溪,後於康熙21、22年壬戌、癸亥年間,因隙仔口附近的馬鞍山崩毀,木岡山溪遂改道由新港溪入海,後大概又於同治、光緒年間以後,木岡山溪(菜寮溪)再經由卓猴溪於今玉峰大橋附近注入曾文溪。曾文溪下游的河道變遷大致發生在蘇厝、檨仔林以下河段,主要歷經五個時期、四次大改道。漚汪溪時期(1823以前),主要循今之後營大排水、菜寮溪及將軍溪入海。鹿耳門溪前期(1823至1871),主流於檨仔林改道經菅�F溪、鹿耳門溪出海,北分流大抵循今曾文溪流路在公地尾折往西南匯入鹿耳門溪,南分流則循今之鹽水溪入海。鹿耳門溪後期(1871至1904),原前期之北分流成為主流,南分流則與曾文溪分道揚鑣。三股溪時期(1904至1911),原主流於公地尾附近,改道西北循排洪道三股溪入海。曾文溪時期(1911以後),則主流衝破沙洲西出,成為現今之曾文溪。 曾文溪河道變遷的原因,主要分為自然及人文因素。自然因素係受地理位置、地形特徵、地質背景、板塊作用、氣候因素及水文特性等內外營力及環境背景的作用;人文因素則受統治者拓墾政策、人口與糧食壓力、民生工程的興築及土地利用的變遷等的影響。研究區因河變洪災,不但造成地理上的變遷,也引發了許多的人文效應。在地理上,主要影響到沙丘的演化、海埔地的陸浮、海岸線的變遷、水文的變異及土性的改變。於人文上,則影響到統治者的治台政策與態度、人民生命財物的耗損、土地開發的利用、聚落變遷的興衰、地方治安的紛擾、宗教信仰的形成及居民性格的形塑等等。 經由研究結果也得知,人與環境的互動歷程是多向的,而人與河的主從關係則為雙方均受自然規律所約制,故人應試圖與環境和諧相處,並跟生態系中所有物種建立良好的夥伴關係。為了可長可久,筆者也提出四項思維、七項建議作為建立「永續家園」的參考。四項思維即:人是萬物之「一」而非萬物之「靈」、科技非萬能而資源終有盡、追求經濟成長不如尋求環境安定、生態平衡是跨越時空的機制。七項建議是:政府應擬訂完善的環保政策並確實落實、教育並建立民眾正確的環保意識、維持適度人口的穩定度、做好自然保育、培育山林做好水土保持的工作、做好防患及興利的水利工程、建立有效的防災及救濟體系。
    This research examined the interactive relationship between the Zengwun river course change and the cultivation of Zengwun river channel. The immigrants of the river channel are the main subjects of this research. The study methods included literature review, map interpretation and field work. The research found that Zengwun river courses changed frequently and rapidly. The river course changes extended over twenty-five kilometers, from the northern Jiangjyun river to the southern Yanshuei River. Majority of the course change were at the middle to the lower region of Zengwun river. In the middle region, the Cailiao river branch underwent the most prominent transformation. The original name of Cailiao river was the Muganshan river. Muganshan river used to flow into the Zengwen river. However, during the Kangxi Renwu(1682 A.D.) and Guihai(1683 A.D.) years, a landslide disaster at the Ma-an mountain caused Muganshan river to change course and flowed into the ocean via Singang river. After the Tóngzhì and Guāngxù years (about 1908), Muganshan river (Cailiao river) changed course again and flowed into the Zengwun river via Jhuohou river which is near todays Yufong bridge. In the lower region, the river course change occurred mainly at the lower reaches of Sucuo and Siangzihlin. There were four major river course changes which progressed over five time periods. During Ouwang river time period (1823), the main stream flowed into the ocean through Houying drainage, Cailiao river and Jiangjyun river. However, in the early phases of the Luermen river time period (1823 to 1871), the main stream flowed into the ocean through Guanliao river and Luermen river. Northern branches flowed southwestwards into the Luermen river at Gongdiwei. Southern branches flowed into the ocean through Yanshei river. Until the later phases of Luermen river time period (1871 to 1904), the northern branch became the main stream, the southern branch split with the Zengwun river eventually. In Sangu river time period (1904 to 1911), the original main stream was around Gongdiwei, but it changed course flowed into the ocean through the Sangu river. At Zengwun river time period (after 1911), the main stream flowed westwards across the estuarine landform and became today’s Zengwen river. The reasons for Zengwen river to change course mainly consisted of natural factors and cultural factors. The natural factors included geographic positions, topographic conditions, geologic conditions, hydrologic conditions, environmental conditions, plate movements and climate change. Whereas cultural factors included cultivation policies, population densities, food provisions, civil constructions and land exploitations. In the study, areas that experienced natural disasters not only caused geographic change, but also experienced cultural effects. Geographically, it brought changes to the developments of sand dunes, coastlines and land reclamation. Culturally, the effects included changes in the governing policies, governing attitudes, people’s well-beings, and security of people assets. Furthermore, the developments of lands, public order, population, religious beliefs and habitant’s habit formations were factors for course change. The study also found that there is a multi-way interaction between human beings and the environment. Simply, the relationship between humans and the river were conditioned by the laws of the nature. Therefore, humans should try and build a harmonious relationship with the environment by establishing a positive and sustainable partnership with the ecosystem. In conclusion, the researcher suggested four ideologies and seven recommendations for building a “sustainable homeland”. The four ideologies included: humans do not exist alone on this earth; technology is not omnipotent; resources will deplete; pursue environmental stability instead of economic growth; ecological balance is the key for longevity. The seven recommendations included: the government should propose extensive environmental policies and ensure its practicability; educate and build up people’s environmental consciousness; maintain population stability; practice conservation of the nature, forest, water and soil; take precaution against calamities by establishing effective water conservatory projects and relief systems.
  • 建立日期: 2006
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
