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高雅鈴; Kao, Ya-ling 林懿貞; Yi-chen Lin; 科技管理研究所 2006


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 高雅鈴; Kao, Ya-ling
  • 林懿貞; Yi-chen Lin; 科技管理研究所
  • 主題: 系統思考; 微流體生物晶片; 行銷策略; Microfluidic Biochip; marketing strategy; system thinking
  • 描述: 根據工研院經資中心生醫組發表之《由生物晶片發展看我國產業發展機會》研究之預測,全球生物晶片市場在2008年將達到46.9億美元,微流體晶片預計將成為未來3年內成長幅度最大的項目,由2002年的1.3億美元成長至2008年的7.1 億美元,且微流體晶片在整體生物晶片產業中之比例亦將提高至15%。截至目前為止,台灣尚未有任何一家實驗室晶片的製造公司成立,主要原因為核心技術的微流體晶片模組尚未成氣候,遑論整合模組的生物晶片問世。微流體晶片明顯地將是未來3年全球生物晶片產業發展的重點,實屬市場指標性產品,但目前國內微流體生物晶片之行銷機制尚無一個完整之架構,所以完善的市場規劃及行銷策略機制是業界所殷切需求的,因而引發本研究動機。本研究主要目的為藉由SWOT分析,瞭解微流體生物晶片系統在市場上可以爭取到的地位以及價值後,尋求微流體生物晶片系統在區域間之最適定位,以擬定出最佳的產品、價格、通路及促銷之行銷策略。並藉由系統思考探討組織行銷時所面臨的組織問題,進而找出適合的應用方法來規劃微流體生物晶片系統行銷策略。本研究設計包含二部分同步進行,第一部分為消費者調查,主要研究對象為醫師、醫檢師、學生、教師、研究人員、R&D生技公司職員,第二部分為進行生技產業調查研究,主要研究對象為台灣生技公司之高階經理、行銷經理、研發經理、行銷及研發專案負責人;本研究共經歷了三個步驟,首先,質化測量法-包含文獻回顧與引導式訪談。其次,量化測量法-包含問卷擬定、問卷發放和資料的統計分析。最後,再次採取質化測量法來確認研究發現。本研究利用職業與購買儀器動機為分群基礎發現,其目標市場為:(1)學生及教師之學術單位且為研究單位作實驗;(2)臨床醫師及醫檢師等醫療機構且為臨床檢測疾病;(3)研究機構人員且為研究單位作實驗;(4)一般生技公司職員且為研究單位作實驗。經由多位產學專家及顧問確認式訪談結果,提供微流體生物晶片系統最佳定位為啟動全民即時防疫引擎之生醫檢測系統整合者。最後,本研究藉由消費者行銷組合調查與生技產業行銷策略調查二者相互參照,藉以分析出微流體生物晶片系統的最佳行銷策略。產品:整體生技公司普遍認為微流體生物晶片技術應生產尋求特定客戶的高附加價值產品。價格:微流體生物晶片的訂價策略應採取認知價值訂價法,本研究分析出四個消費群認知的價格後及成本分析結果後,提出最適的訂價策略。通路:R&D市場應採行混合行銷系統,建立兩個或兩個以上的行銷通路方式,醫療機構市場應採行垂直行銷系統,與製造商和經銷商結為一體。促銷:整體消費者最認同人員推銷的方式,因此微流體生物晶片系統應積極舉辦銷售發表會及展示會,使消費者體認到有此一新產品可供選擇,並藉由商展與一般生技公司進行實務經驗交流,亦可從中發掘到可能的新合作夥伴。
    Infectious diseases are the second leading cause of death worldwide. Effective treatment of infections requires rapid detection of the infectious organisms. Recently, MEMS/Nanotechnology has proved to be an enabling technology for chemical and biomedical applications. Various micro devices and systems for DNA/proteins/cells applications have been demonstrated. Regarding the competences balance between what companies are recognized to need and what they could effectively access (internally or externally), it can be concluded that the most problematic area is management, and particularly, marketing. The aims of this research are: identify the segments of this biotechnology market and select the target markets for fast diseases diagnosis; develop the right marketing strategy for fast diseases diagnosis market; explore a conceptual framework of system thinking to further suggest better marketing solution for microfluidic biochip systems.The investigation into the consumer and biotechnology industry were carried out by this research. This consumer research applies a conceptual framework with consumer psychological factors, consumer behavioural factors and marketing mix for the biotechnology industry. The sampling contains the potential buyers from the medical organizations, research organizations, university, and R&D biotechnology companies in Taiwan. Furthermore, this biotechnology industry research aims to investigates the effects of SWOT on STP; STP and systemic thinking on marketing strategy. The sampling contains the CEO, marketing department head of the R&D biotechnology companies in Taiwan. Firstly, 13 professionals were selected for the pilot. Secondly, the consumer and biotechnology industry questionnaires were sent to the target population, of which 125 and 87 questionnaires were useful for data analysis respectively. Finally, the pilot professionals were visited again and asked with 3 empirical consultants to confirm the research result. As a result of the research process a preliminary understanding of the biotechnology industry has been characterized by the experts’ interview and questionnaire analysis. First of all, we sum up the most important key elements of SWOT, and examine them in accordance with their degree of importance. This research has used cluster base segmentation in accordance with statistical analysis and interview results to ensure that the segments make sense given the firm’s objectives. Hence, this research provides companies with the direction and right segments to develop the appropriate marketing strategy for microfluidic biochip systems.
  • 建立日期: 2006
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR


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  • scope:("NUTN"),scope:(NUTN_ALEPH),scope:(NUTN_IR),scope:(NUTN_SFX),primo_central_multiple_fe
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