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龔瓊玉; Kung, Chiung-Yu 張清榮; Ching-Jung , Chang; 語文教育學系教學碩士班 2006


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 龔瓊玉; Kung, Chiung-Yu
  • 張清榮; Ching-Jung , Chang; 語文教育學系教學碩士班
  • 主題: 九歌現代少兒文學獎; 單親兒童問題; 單親題材少兒小說; 少兒小說; the modern juvenile''''s literature award of Chiu K; the problems of single parent children; the juvenile novel of single parent''''s subject ma; the juvenile novel
  • 描述: 中 文 摘 要在臺灣的兒童文學創作裡,文學獎的設立乃具重要的推手地位。其中,九歌現代兒童文學獎自一九九二年創辦以來,即帶給臺灣少兒小說創作者極大的鼓舞作用,進而使臺灣兒童文學界出現許多少兒小說的佳作。九歌所辦理的十三屆兒童文學獎得獎作品中,則以現實小說的比例最高,其得獎作者們多從現實生活中取材,將兒童、少年們的悲、歡、喜、樂藉由文字呈現於作品中,讓少兒讀者們可以藉由作品成長自我、超越自我。然而,近年來由於現實生活中的家庭問題層出不窮,經常造成很多的問題少年,其中,又以單親問題對兒童、少年們的心理影響最深。因此,研究者係以二○○二年前的「九歌現代兒童文學獎」和二○○二年後的「九歌現代少兒文學獎」之得獎作品,作為本研究的範疇,針對「九歌現代少兒文學獎」之得獎作品進行探究,從中篩選出具單親題材的十二本作品作為研究文本,以期從「以現實生活取材」的少兒小說中,藉由文本的內容和作者處理文本的手法進行分析,深入探究文本中單親兒童所呈現的內在心理及外顯言行。本研究係以文本內容和作者運用人物心理刻畫的模式進行分析,研究結果發現:一、少兒小說作家在單親題材少兒小說的創作中,多以心理層面、人際關係、經濟困境、學業表現、偏差言行、家庭生活適應和個人未來發展等七個層面做為作品情節安排的方向,藉以呈現出社會中的單親兒童問題。二、作者對於文本中之單親角色的安排,以性別而言,男、女比例相同,可以看出創作者對女性角色和男性角色的成長歷程,投入同等的關注和重視;以年齡層而言,大多偏重於小學五、六年級的學生,此安排與少兒小說的主要閱讀對象「少兒」之年齡十分契合。三、對於單親因素的安排,文本作者偏重於父母一方死亡,其次是父母離婚、分居。這樣的單親因素安排,與目前以父母離婚居多的單親家庭因素的實際社會現象稍有差異。四、文本中與單親兒童互動的角色,以家人、同儕的互動角色比例最高。其中,在同儕關係上,以同性同學的同儕關係互動比例最高;在與家人的互動上,以呈現「與父親或母親」之互動最頻繁。五、作者對於文本中單親兒童所呈現的問題安排上,在心理層面可分成個性傾向問題、情緒反應問題、安全感的問題、自信呈現的問題和挫折容忍力的問題。在人際關係的問題上,可依互動角色分成同儕關係之問題、師生關係之問題和與其他人關係之問題。在經濟困境的問題上,包括食、衣、住、行等方面的問題。在學業表現的問題上,包括學習機會、學習態度和學習成就等三方面的問題。在偏差言行的問題上,包括偏差言論的問題和偏差行為的問題二類。在家庭生活適應問題上,包括與家人的互動問題和生活作息問題。在個人未來發展的問題上,包括個人生涯規畫和對人生未來期望兩方面的問題。六、文本作者對於單親兒童問題的轉化,其所運用的處理模式包括「由敘述心思展示」、「由動作演示」、「由表情顯示」和「由對話表示」等四種心理刻畫技巧。其中,在心理層面問題的轉化上,作者以「個性傾向轉化」的處理比例最高,偏重於運用「由對話表示」的心理刻畫技巧。在人際關係問題的轉化上,作者以「同儕關係的轉化」之處理比例最高,偏重於運用「由對話表示」的心理刻畫技巧。在經濟困境問題的轉化上,作者以「住的問題」之處理比例最高,偏重於運用「由動作演示」的心理刻畫技巧。在學業表現問題的轉化上,作者以「學習態度問題」之處理比例較高,偏重於運用「由敘述心思展示」的心理刻畫技巧。在偏差言行問題的轉化上,作者以「偏差言論問題」之處理比例較高,偏重於運用「由對話表示」的心理刻畫技巧。在提升與家人互動的問題轉化上,作者以「與父親或母親的互動問題」的處理比例最高,偏重於運用「由對話表示」的心理刻畫技巧,在個人未來發展問題的轉化上,作者以「單親兒童對人生未來期望問題」的處理比例較高,偏重於運用「由對話表示」的心理刻畫技巧。七、就作者在文本裡所呈現出「單親事件」對單親兒童所造成的影響來看,「單親事件」對單親兒童「人際關係」、「心理層面」和「家庭生活適應」三方面的影響最頻繁;在「心理層面」、「家庭生活適應」和「經濟困境」三方面的影響最先呈現;在「心理層面」、「偏差言行」和「對未來發展的期望」三方面的影響最深遠。八、就作者在文本裡所呈現單親兒童問題的涉及層面而言,大多不夠深入,普遍偏重於個人的內在心理問題、單純的人際關係問題和失序的家庭生活問題。九、就作者對於文本裡單親兒童所呈現問題的處理而言,大多將結果安排得過於圓滿,甚至以理想化或含糊的方式,讓問題理所當然似的被解決。最後,研究者期待本研究所得之結果,能有助於重視單親兒童問題者了解單親兒童的內心世界,並進一步協助單親兒童適應單親生活、解決問題,同時,也可以減少日後因單親兒童而引發的社會問題。另一方面,更希望本研究可以提供日後從事單親題材少兒小說創作者在問題呈現的層面和處理上,能更契合少兒的真實生活與需求,並充分發揮少兒小說對少兒心理輔導功能,使兒童文學的研究在文學欣賞與寫作技巧的探究外,更能擴展到它對於少兒心理輔導方面的重大影響。關鍵詞:少兒小說、單親題材少兒小說、單親兒童問題、九歌現代少兒文學獎
    ABSTRACTIn the creation of literature in Taiwan, the establishment of literature rewards has made important influences in the field of literature. Among them, the establishment of modern children''s literature by Chiu Ko in 1992, has brought juvenile creator''s a great encouragement function of novel to Taiwan, and that has made the Taiwanese children''s literary circles present the fine pieces of writing of a lot of juvenile novels. In the 13th annual children''s literature award, works of Chiu Ko are mainly focused on realistic novels. These were novels which contain draw materials in actual life, children, compassion, sadness, anger and happiness. These works appear to work by characterizing teenagers and these works have helped juvenile readers to grow up and surmount one-self. However, the cause of family problems in actual life emerges in an endless stream in recent years, often causing a lot of problem in teenagers. Among them, the deepest problem would be with the psychological impact on children, teenagers of single parent''s are the most affected group. Therefore this researcher attempts to use the award-winning works by Chiu Ko modern children''s literature in 2002 with the modern juvenile''s literature reward after the 2002, as categories for this research. The researcher attempts to screen 12 works which provide single parent''s subject matter to analyze. It expects to analyze the content of the text and the author''s tactics of dealing with subjects of '' real life ''. The analysis will focus on inherent psychology and what children appears to demonstrate.This research department analyses '' the analytic approach of the text '' with ''the analytic approach of the psychological portray skill'', the result of study found:First, the juvenile novel writer appears to pay attention on single parent''s subject matter relating to the psychological aspect, interpersonal relationships, and the economic problems, academic performance, deviation words, deeds, and the adaptation of personal life in the future. There appears to be seven different aspects shown in these juvenile novels. These are necessary in order to fully demonstrate the different problems that might appear in single parent juveniles in today’s society. Secondly, the role of a single parent is arranged in the text. The numbers of male and female characters are in equal proportions. The author puts an equal concern and attention to the growth of the role of women and men. The age level, it targets are mostly grade five and grade six students, these are suitable as its was meant for juveniles to read. Third, using single parent as a factor, the author puts more weight on the issue of death of one party of parents for texts, and the issue of divorce or living separately are secondary.Single parent''s is an arranged factor, there is also a minor difference to the real social phenomenon which affects majority of single-parent family.Fourth, the content on the juvenile novels mainly focuses on the:1) interaction between single parents and their child, 2) family member, 3) classmates. Amongst these topics the issues on the interaction between classmates of the same sex are the highest proportion; interaction between families members (father or mother) are shown most frequently.Fifth, author''s arrangement of single parent child, can be divided into the individual character and incline to question the psychological aspect. The problems are focused on confidence, reaction of mood, sense of safety, expression of self-confidence, and tolerating strength of setback. Problems in relation to people can be narrowed down to relations with classmates, with teacher and with others;the economic predicament, the problems in including the food, clothing, living, walking, etc. Problems encountered in academic achievement are shown in three respects, learning opportunity, attitude towards study and academic achievement. The problems of the words and deeds, including the problems of the deviation of speech and problems of the deviation behaviors are secondary. On problems that could include adaptation to family life, the problems faced could influence personal development in the future. There are two personal problems such as self-developments; including self-planning and one''s wishes in terms of life. Sixth, the author used a form in order to transform issues shown in single parent children, treatment used by writer. These are: '' narrate by attention exhibition'' , '' using body language '' , '' by facial expression '' and '' by dialogue '',etc. Psychology aspects are four kinds of skill. In them is the transformation of the problems in psychological aspect. The author pays the highest proportion with the treatment that '' the individual character inclines to transform '', and overweight the psychology used ''shown by the dialogue'' and portrays the skill, on the interpersonal transformation related to problems. The treatment of ''the transformation of the relation of the same generation'' takes the highest in proportion, and, still uses '' expressed by using dialogue '' the most. The author pays attention to the skill of portraying. On the transformation of the economic predicament, the author cares the most, the problems faced in life. Overweight the psychology aspect ''demonstrated by movements'' and portray the skill. In the study the author displays the transformation of the questions. The author is relatively high in proportion with the treatment of ''the problem of attitude towards the study'', overweight issues and uses ''showed from the attention of narrating''. Psychological portray skill, the transformation is a deviation of words and deed issues, it is by treatment of '' speech deviation problem''. The example is relatively high, and it over-weighs the psychological aspects of a child ''shown by the dialogue'' and the portray skill. These skills are used to improve and interact with family members. There is an increasing amount of the treatment of problems, most in proportion of the treatment by '' the problems not inter-dynamic of father or mother''s, and the skill of portrayal is used heavily in the psychology that is used '' shown by the dialogue ''. The author used on the transformation of the personal development, problems that might appear in the future. There is a relatively high proportion of treatment that '' the single parent children might face in the future of life '', and in '' overweight application '' to show '' psychological portray skill ''. Seventh, the author demonstrates the influence and the cause on '' single parent issues ''. The issue of single parents and the effects on children in different aspects such as: 1) interpersonal relationship, 2) psychological aspect and 3) the adaptation to different families. These three issues are the most frequently shown. In terms of '' psychological aspect '', '' family life adaptation'' and '' economic predicament '' appear to show up first. In '' psychological aspect '', '' deviation words and deeds '' and '' future expectation of development '', these three influences are the deepest. Eighth, the author found that topics involving the aspect on the problem of the single parent mainly presented in the text are rarely in depth. Most of them are about children are scarcely deep enough, and generally partial. They are mostly inherent in personal psychological problems, simple interpersonal relationships problems and out-of-sequence problems concerning life of family. Ninth, treatment to the problem that the single parent child appears to be ambiguous, they are mostly happy and idealize endings without a clear solution to the psychological aspect and the interpersonal relationship that one might have to deal with. It covers mostly the inner feelings of one-self. Finally, the researcher looks forward to using the result of this research to contribute to those who pay attention to the problems of single parent children, and to help them get into children''s inner world, insist children adopt to their single parent life and provide help in problem solving;meanwhile, to reduce the social concerns caused by single parent children.On the other hand, the researcher wishes to offer and be engaged in the juvenile novel creator of single parent''s subject matter in the future on aspect and treatment then the problem appears, in order to find a more suitable novel for the juvenile''s true life and demands even more. It is fully worthy of waving the juvenile function to juvenile''s psychological consultation of the novel. The ones that made the research of children''s literature appreciated with writing technique in literature were probed outside, and it can further expand its greatest influence on juvenile''s psychological consultation. Keywords:the juvenile novel , the juvenile novel of single parent''s subject matter , the problems of single parent children , the modern juvenile''s literature award of Chiu Ko
  • 建立日期: 2006
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
