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張乃云; Chang, Nie-yun 李漢偉; Hann-wei Lee; 語文教育學系教學碩士班 2006


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 張乃云; Chang, Nie-yun
  • 李漢偉; Hann-wei Lee; 語文教育學系教學碩士班
  • 主題: 外遇; 情慾; 台灣女性小說家; 廖輝英; Taiwan Femal Writers; lasciviousness; Hui-Inn Liao; extramarital relations
  • 描述: 小說可以反映現實,並且呈現當代的社會現況。而「外遇」的發生,在現今社會也日益普遍。「外遇」的問題,更是現代婚姻所潛藏的一個心頭大患。在台灣女性小說家當中,描寫「外遇」最多樣化也最透徹的莫過於廖輝英的文本。廖輝英從八0年代開始,書寫了一系列有關男女兩性間的愛情故事,她筆下的都會空間,更是致力於描繪出傳統與現代並存的台灣社會中,婦女在愛情、婚姻、家庭中的遭遇和命運。隨著時代的變遷,婦女不再以家庭為唯一出路,努力的開拓屬於自己身心與社經的一片天,進而開發女性意識,追求情慾的自主。透過剖析廖輝英「外遇」文本中的男女,進而了解外遇可能發生的原因;並從文本所呈現的情慾書寫,挖掘出女性小說家在情慾背後所欲表現的內涵。「外遇」抑或「外慾」,又是否為女性小說家在面對父權壓抑下的反制?本論文之書寫以文化研究及主題學的觀點為主,章節之安排如下:第一章為緒論。共分為三節,分別敘述本文的研究動機與目的、範圍與方法及研究價值。第二章為廖輝英「外遇」小說的書寫背景,從台灣的社會變遷對兩性關係的影響以及女性地位的轉變談起,剖析當代社會「外遇」發展成因,以及略述廖輝英的書寫背景。第三章分析文本,結合心理學與社會學上的外遇類型釐清文本中的外遇種類。第四章探討女性小說家在描寫「外遇」情節中的情慾書寫,討論女性小說家在情慾表現之外的自我解放。第五章結論綜結本文,以及對女性小說家日後的期許。
    A procedure is Novels reflect the reality and display the present situation of modern society. And the occurrence of extramarital relations is getting more and more common nowadays. Problems resulting from extramarital relations are no doubt the biggest disaster for marriage. Among the Taiwan female writers, Huei-Inn Liao depicts the story of extramarital relations in every aspect and by the most thorough way. Since 80’s, Huei_inn Liao had published a series of books on love stories. She devoted to the description of the fate of women in love, marriage and family in Taiwan society which meets the coexistence of tradition and modern times. As the times move on, women no longer consider housewives the only way for life. They work hard to establish their own world outside the families. Moreover, with the development of the autonomy of women consciousness, they seek for the control right over sex desires. By analyzing the characters created by Huei-Inn Liao, we can realize the possible reasons for extramarital relations. And from her description of sex desires, we dig out what she tried to express behind the stories. Yet, is the phenomenon of extramarital relations, (or the extramarital “passion”) a counterblow to the oppression of our fatherhood society?The discourse is based on cultural study and the study of matter. Chapters are arranged as follows.First chapter, the exordium, contains three sections and describes the motives, aims, ambit, and the values of this study.Second chapter is about the background of the novels by Huei-Inn Liao. From the influence, caused by Taiwan society changes, on the relations between man and woman, and the transformation of women social status, I dissect the reasons for extramarital relations of modern society. Also, the writing background of Huei-Inn Liao is included.In chapter three, by the psychology and sociology, I analyze the kinds of extramarital relations in the novels.Chapter four discusses the description of sex desires in the argument of extramarital relations by female writers. The self emancipation of female writers outside the novels is also discussed.Chapter five is the conclusion of this study and contains the expectation for female writers henceforth.
  • 建立日期: 2006
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
