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陳盈材; Chen, Ying-chai 姜麗娟; Li-juan Jiang; 教育經營與管理研究所 2006


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 陳盈材; Chen, Ying-chai
  • 姜麗娟; Li-juan Jiang; 教育經營與管理研究所
  • 主題: 教育改革; 教育鬆綁; deregulation of education; educational reform
  • 描述: 本研究之研究目的在探求我國自八十三年因應教育改革活動提出「教育鬆綁」之理念至今,該理念於國民小學現場之現況,並就「教育法規鬆綁」的層面進一步探討,教育法規是否鬆綁以及對國民小學現場是否有影響。本研究之研究方法採質性研究訪談法,並以訪談及文件分析蒐集所需資料,並以目的性抽樣原則,以滾雪球的方式抽取十二位國民小學校長為研究對象,進行訪談,以瞭解教育鬆綁及教育法規鬆綁於國民小學之圖像。本研究之主要發現為: 一、 民國八十三年的教育鬆綁理念被提出以後,國民小學的教育法規在生產數量及修改的次數上,均高出八十三年前多。二、 教育鬆綁倡議至今,解除管制、彈性自主及權力下放等基本理念雖常被提及,在國民小學的圖像則是片面地表現在三方面,分別為九年一貫課程的實施、學校本位自主、及社會觀念的鬆綁。三、 教育鬆綁在教育法規部分的落實,在國民小學階段具體體現表現在四個主要法規,分別為《教育基本法》、《教師法》、《師資培育法》及《學校教育法》,各自對國民小學皆造成衝擊,這些法規對於社會、學生、家長、教師而言可能是鬆綁,但對國民小學行政實質上的助益不大。四、 除了中央頒佈的教育法規以外,教育部依其權責所頒訂的眾多辦法及方案亦對國民小學造成綑綁,看似周延齊全,在國民小學卻被認為其是對社會的宣示,除了增加遵守的依據外,並無彈性或鬆綁可言。五、 除了來自教育部的教育法規,來自其他部會的法規亦進入國民小學,國民小學則需配合該法規,制定相關課程時數配合並推行相關活動,這些法規擾亂原先在學期之初就定好的課程規劃,對國民小學行政造成困擾。六、 針對國民小學教育法規鬆綁,受訪校長提出相關之檢討與建議,包括法規的制定與實施之間的落差、教師對法規的素養不足、各校自主空間不足、權責劃分欠明確及教育法規的制定過於草率等。最後,根據研究結果對教育單位及後續研究提出相關建議。
    It has been a couple of years since the idea ‘Education Deregulation’ was announced in 1994. In order to know what happened through the years, this research aims to inquire how the situation is since the idea was put into practice till now. Beside, it has a further inquiring in how the idea, ‘deregulation of educational laws’, influenced the education laws and nowadays elementary schools. Qualitative interview method was adapted in this research. Data needed were collected with interviewing and documentary analysis. According to the purposive sampling principle and snowball sampling method, 12 elementary school principals were selected as samples and interviewed to realize the remain picture of educational deregulation.The main findings are:1. After 1994, when the idea ‘education deregulation’ was announced, educational laws of elementary school were fixed more frequently than before, and more new education laws were made as well.2. the picture of education deregulation existed in elementary schools contains three parts, including the administration of Grade 1-9 Curriculum, school-based management and the deregulation of society.3. The deregulation of educational laws can be found in four of them, including Educational Fundamental Law, Teachers’ law, Teacher Preparation Education Law and Compulsory Education Act, which shocked elementary schools a lot. Those mentioned above maybe can be considered as deregulation to the society, students, parents and teachers, however, they didn’t make great improvement to the administration in elementary schools.4. Not only education laws established by the central bureau, but also numerous rules and regulations made and announced by Ministry of Education regulate the elementary schools exhaustively. Those laws and regulations might be seemed complete, however, they are also considered an announcement to the society, which brings nothing flexible or deregulated, but just a basis for elementary schools to obey.5. In addition to educational laws and regulations from education apartment, there are still others from other government units affecting the elementary schools. With those extra laws and regulations, schools have to spare times to promote the regulated activities which often bother schools’ schedules made at the beginning of the semester and their school administrations.6. Principals provided some suggestions about deregulation of educational laws that need to be improved, including the gap between law’s making and practicing, the lack of teachers’ sense about the laws, the lack of the capacity which elementary schools can decide for themselves, the ambiguous line between rights and responsibilities, and the hasty process of educational law making.Fanally, according to the conclusion, some comments to the government and following reseach were recommanded.Key words: educational reform, deregulation of education
  • 建立日期: 2006
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
