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姜豐裕; Chiang, Feng-Yue 曾燦燈; Tsahn-Deng Tseng; 教育經營與管理研究所 2006


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 姜豐裕; Chiang, Feng-Yue
  • 曾燦燈; Tsahn-Deng Tseng; 教育經營與管理研究所
  • 主題: 滿意度調查; 校園e化環境; Satisfaction Investigation; Campus E-environment
  • 描述: 在二十一世紀的數位經濟的時代,企業為滿足顧客的需求,e化經營模式隨著競爭力而白熱化。在此e化浪潮衝擊下,校園e化環境的建置當然也備受衝擊。本研究採問卷調查方式,以瞭解目前國民小學校園e化環境建置的現況與教師對校園e化環境使用的滿意度情形。共發出問卷 950 份,回收有效問卷有768 份;以自編的「國民小學教師對校園e化環境滿意度之調查問卷」為研究工具。調查所得資料以 SPSS 10.0版的電腦統計套裝軟體進行t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計方法處理。調查研究結果如下:一、教師使用e化設備仍以行政或個人使用為主,而將校園e化設備與使用上仍只有較少的受訪者將之使用在教學與學習之上。二、校園e化環境滿意度以校園e化系統滿意度最高,其次為校園e化服務滿意度,校園e化設備滿意度則最低,雖屬滿意但平均得分均不高。三、對於數位相機、單槍液晶投影機、多媒體之教材等教學設備,教師普遍反應的滿意度均偏低,但整體而言,受訪教師還是均給予正面、肯定的評價。四、不同性別、教育程度、學校規模及學校地區之國民小學教師對校園e化系統、校園e化服務、以及校園e化設備滿意度並沒有顯著差異。五、不同年齡之國民小學教師對校園e化服務、校園e化設備滿意度並沒有顯著差異;而在校園e化系統滿意度上有達顯著差異。六、不同服務年資之國民小學教師對校園e化服務、校園e化設備滿意度並沒有顯著差異;而在校園e化系統滿意度上有達顯著差異。七、不同現任職務之國民小學教師在校園e化服務上並無顯著差異;而在校園e化系統滿意度、校園e化設備滿意度上有達顯著差異。
    In 21st century in order to confront the intense competition and satisfy the customer demand, the enterprises are dedicated in the electronic management. Thus this trend also has great effect upon our campuses This study aims on the current status of electronic-campus and teacher’s opinions about this kind of environment. Totally 950 sets of questionnaires sent and 768 sets of valid ones received. That information we gather is analyzed by SPSS version 10.0 through T test and single -factor coefficient of variation. The results are as following:1. Mostly teachers use electronic equipment for the administrative management or personal matters, only the minority utilizes them for student teaching. 2. The satisfaction at the electronic systems has the highest comment, the second is at the electronic service;the electronic equipment has the lowest grade.3. Teachers are not so satisfied with the teaching aids such as the digital camera, LC Overhead projector and multimedia teaching material…etc. But as the whole, they approve their benefit to the teaching. 4. Different sex, education level, school scale and location make no apparent disagreement of opinions about the electronic service and the electronic equipment. However, there is a distinct diversity of satisfactory with the electronic system.5. Different ages of school teachers makes no disagreement of opinions about the electronic service and the electronic equipment. However, there is a distinct diversity of satisfactory with the electronic system.6. Different seniority of teachers makes no disagreement of opinions about the electronic service and the electronic equipment. However, there is a distinct diversity of satisfactory with the electronic system.7. Different function of office makes no disagreement of opinions about the electronic-service. However, there is a distinct diversity of satisfactory with the electronic system and the electronic equipment.
  • 建立日期: 2006
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
