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王龍雄; Wang, Long-shiung 湯堯; none; 教育經營與管理研究所 2006


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 王龍雄; Wang, Long-shiung
  • 湯堯; none; 教育經營與管理研究所
  • 主題: 校長儲訓; 校長甄選; principal selection; principal training
  • 描述: 本研究旨在探討台南市國小校長甄選及儲訓制度的情形。主要研究目的有四:一、了解台南市教師兼主任及組長參加校長甄選意願之現況。二、了解台南市學校行政人員對參加校長甄選意願影響因素之現況。三、分析台南市國小校長、教師兼主任及教師兼組長對國小校長甄選、儲訓制度之意見。四、根據研究結果,提出具體建議,以期有助於台南市國民小學校長甄選及儲訓制度之改進。本研究以文獻分析及調查研究法為主,研究工具為自編「台南市國小校長甄選儲訓制度之研究意見調查問卷」乙份,研究對象為台南市公立國民小學的現任校長、候用校長、教師兼主任以及教師兼組長等共發出621份問卷,回收550份,回收率為88.57%,有效問卷522份,可用率為84.06%。所得資料使用次數分配、百分比、卡方檢定等統計方法進行分析。根據問卷調查結果,本研究獲致以下結論:ㄧ、台南市國小學校行政人員參與校長甄選意願的主要考慮因素有「可發揮教育理念」、「個人的生涯規劃」、「甄選項目的可行性」、「個人人格特質不適合」、「校長工作壓力太大」等。根據調查結果約有二成的國小主任及組長有意願參加校長甄選。二、台南市國小學校行政人員認為國小校長甄選的最需改進項目為「平時表現」項目。校長甄選的初試錄取名額上以「不限定名額,但須達到一定資歷評分標準(例如:積分達70 分以上)」、「不需限定名額,只要達到基本條件(基本的學歷與經歷要求)即可」最為填答者認同。三、台南市國小學校行政人員認為國小校長甄選項目的配分,以「資歷評分20%、筆試30%、口試30%、平時表現20%」意見百分比最高。四、台南市國小學校行政人員認為在國小校長甄選時,「資歷評分」項目,應包括「處室歷練」、「服務年資」、「服務成績」、「進修」、「學歷」、「法定參加校長甄選基本條件」等經歷。五、台南市國小學校行政人員認為國小校長甄選的筆試方式以兼重教育理論和學校行政與實務的申論題四至五題即可。六、台南市國小學校行政人員認為國小校長甄選的口試應以指定口試內容為主,並分為兩試,每試十至十五分鐘。七、台南市國小學校行政人員認為國小校長甄選的平時表現評分應遴選專業化的訪評委員、評分標準及內容的一致性。並透過隨機訪問學校同事、隨機請固定數量之校內同事進行問卷調查等,加以評分。八、台南市國小學校行政人員傾向以「三峽國民教育研究院」為國小校長儲訓單位。以八週的時間進行「校長專業責任」、「行政管理實務」、「校務發展」、「師傅校長經驗分享與活動」等兼重學術理論訓練與實務訓練課程,藉由「實務演練」、「問題解決方案討論」、「團體討論」等授課方式達到儲訓目的。九、台南市國小學校行政人員認為國小校長儲訓實習時間應有「一學期」或「一年」。且以「實際參與實習學校的校務運作,由原學校校長做最後決策」的方式進行。十、台南市國小學校行政人員認為國小校長儲訓之行政見習方式應以「教育局各課輪流見習」為主,其次為「辦理專案業務見習」。而行政見習時間以「一學期」為主,其次為「一個月以內」,亦有不少意見認為不需行政見習。
    This study aims at probing into the selection and training of elementary-school principals in Tainan city. The main purpose of this study is:1. to understand the expectations of teachers in Tainan who are directors or group leaders participating in the selection of the principal; 2. to understand the factors influencing the selection of principals by teachers concurrently serving as directors or group leaders; 3. analysis of the opinions of those teachers concurrently serving as directors or group leaders on the selection and training of the principal; 4. and to raise some practical suggestions for reform of the process of training and selecting principals. Documentary analysis and survey research are taken as the core of this study. The questionnaire was designed to collect the opinions of those people in the institutions selecting and training principals. All staff members were enrolled for randomized sampling. The questionnaires were delivered to 621 subjects in Tainan, including present principals, principal candidates, and teachers concurrently serving as directors or group leaders. Overall, we received 550 return forms, and 522 (84.06%) of them were available for statistical analysis; the distribution of frequencies, percentages, and chi-square testing were all calculated. The results of available questionnaires showed that:1.The main factors elementary school staff in Tainan consider in principal selection include “being able to elaborate their educational ideal,” “personal life goals,” “appropriate personality,” “ability to handle stress,” and etc. According to the survey, 20% of teachers concurrently serving as directors or group leaders were willing to attend to principal selection. 2.They believed that the ordinary, daily activities of the principal should count for more in the selection process. As for the examination itself, respondents favored one of two approaches: either “no restrictions on test scores, but certain criteria must be attained” (Ex. Total points should be above 70), or “no restriction on the numbers, but some basic qualifications (basic academic credentials and experience) must be met.” 3.Respondents favored the following distribution of points in selecting a principal: 20% grades, 30% written examination, 30% oral examination, and 20% prior teaching experience.4.Respondents said the records to be considered should include “training received”, “academic credentials”, and “legal ability to serve as principal.”5.Respondents thought the written examination for the principal selection should consist of 4-5 questions concerning educational theory and school administration.6.Respondents said that the oral examinations of principal candidates should rely mainly on pre-determined, standardized content, and be divided into two parts, 10 to 15 minutes each.7.Respondents thought that specialized commissions, with set criteria, and with consistent content, should score the ordinary activities of principal candidates. School staff should also be randomly sampled for interviews and questionnaires. 8.Respondents wanted the National Academy for Educational Research to be the primary institution for the training of elementary school principals. Training should take eight weeks, and consist of courses on subjects such as the “principal’s professional responsibility”, “the administrative practice”, “administrative affairs of school development”, and courses where master-principals share their experiences. These curricula will train teachers by methods of practical exercises, problem-solving discussions, and group discussions. 9.Respondents decided that the period of training and practice should last for a duration of either one semester or one year. Also, potential principals should shadow current principals, acting as principals, but requiring the final approval of the current, acting principal. 10.Respondents believed that potential principals should become familiarized with every department of the school system, and secondly, that they should complete a special project before they are formally hired as principals. The period of administrative practice should last for a period of one semester, or, failing that, a period of one month. However, there were a few opinions stating that administrative practice was unnecessary.
  • 建立日期: 2006
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
