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陳佳勇; Chen, Chia-yung 姜麗娟; none; 教育經營與管理研究所 2006


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 陳佳勇; Chen, Chia-yung
  • 姜麗娟; none; 教育經營與管理研究所
  • 主題: 初任教師; 行政實習; 實習教師; beginning teacher; administrative practicum; student teacher
  • 描述: 本研究旨在透過實習及初任教師來瞭解國民小學行政實習之規劃情形及其對行政實習之感受,並從教務主任之角度來瞭解學校規劃上之考量因素,以作為制度改善、修正或執行之參考。為達此目的,本研究以改編之「實習及初任教師對行政實習規劃看法之調查問卷」為研究工具,對台南縣市之實習及初任教師進行問卷調查,實習教師發出537份,初任教師發出356份,實習教師回收率為54.87%,初任教師回收率為50.22%。而調查所得資料,以百分比次數分配、平均數與標準差及二因子變異數分析等方法進行分析。另外,再依問卷分析結果擬定訪談大綱,對研究區域之實習學校教務主任八位進行訪談,訪談資料係以逐字稿方式整理。而根據以上研究結果,提出以下結論:一、問卷結果顯示實習期間行政實習時間之安排平均每週在8小時以下,且大多數實習教師有被臨時召集之經驗。訪談結果對此現象的回應為在不影響教學實習的前提下,行政實習例行性的時間安排訴求對學校行政之起碼瞭解,而臨時召集則會先行告知協調,以維護教學活動之連續性二、問卷結果顯示各處室輪流為行政實習主要安排方式,其中教務處行政實習之比例最高。訪談結果的回應為各處室輪流並輔以讀書會之舉行是為顧及學習內容之完整性,而與教學業務相關之教務處實習比例則較高三、問卷結果顯示師資培育機構與實習學校所規範之行政實習內容大都一致,訪談結果的回應為實習學校規劃行政實習會透過座談會調整其間之落差,且以配合實習學校實際運作情形為主四、問卷結果顯示行政實習整體感受偏向正面,感受上男性實習及初任教師皆優於女性,小型學校實習及初任教師皆優於大型學校。訪談結果回應行政實習各層面感受較高者為時間及輔導層面是因時間負擔不重及知覺到被照顧,感受較低者為形式與專長層面是因實習學校規劃無法面面俱到五、由訪談結果可知行政實習規劃在時間的安排及學習內容上受到教師甄試影響,因此學校多以提升實習教師教學能力為主要訴求六、由訪談結果可知行政實習規劃因校而異,若無意見反應各校仍將以維持現狀為主關鍵字:行政實習、實習教師、初任教師
    This study aimed to understand not only current situation and reception of the administrative practicum plan for student teachers and beginning teachers in the elementary schools but also the major point teaching affair director in the elementary school to plan administrative practicum.In order to reach the purposes, the researcher used the revised vision “Questionnaire for student teachers and beginning teachers whose view of administrative practicum plan” , and sent to Tainan City. 537 surveys were sent to student teachers and 356 were sent to beginning teachers. As a result, 355 surveys were returned from student teachers and 225 were returned from beginning teachers. The response rate of student teachers is 54.87% and beginning teachers is 50.22%. The data were analyzed by Frequency Distribution Analysis, Mean, Standard Deviation, and two-way ANOVA. In addition, the interview schedule is designed from the consequence of questionnaire analysis, and 8 elementary school directors of teaching affairs of Tainan City were selected to conduct the interview. The interview data will be arranged word by word by the researcher, and the conclusions of this study are in the follows: 1. According to the consequence of questionnaire analysis, administrative practicum average time arrangement is below 8 hours during the intern, and great majority student teachers have experience to gather for the occasion. The consequence of the interview shows that prerequisite is not to affect teaching practicum, routine time to arrange demands basic understanding of the school administration. For the purpose of the continuity of teaching activity maintaining when gathering for the occasion should be told and coordinated before.2. According to the consequence of questionnaire analysis, the main mode of administrative practicum is taken turns in each administration unit and is always arranged in the Dean’s office. The consequence of interview shows that the demands for study in the integrity, administrative practicum is taken turns in each administration unit and hold study group is main mode, and is always arranged in the Dean’s office because it’s correspondent with teaching affairs.3. According to the consequence of questionnaire analysis, the norm of administrative practicum content of the teacher training institution is corresponds with intern mentor school. The consequence of interview shows that intern mentor schools adjust the drop height by holding an informal discussion meeting, it should match up with intern mentor school real works.4. According to the consequence of questionnaire analysis, the whole administrative practicum taste tends to positive. Male student teachers and beginning teachers are better than female, on another hand, student teachers and beginning teachers in the small-scale schools are better than they in the big-scale schools. The consequence of interview shows that the higher area is time and mentor, because time loading is slight and student teachers are always felt to be cared. The lower area is form and special skill because the plan of intern mentor school isn’t well-rounded.5. According to the consequence of interview, time arrangement and content of administrative practicum is affected by teacher selection, intern mentor school demands enhancing teaching ability of student teacher.6. According to the consequence of interview, administrative practicum plan is different from intern mentor school. If there is no other response of opinion, every school tends to maintain current condition.Key Word: administrative practicum, student teacher, beginning teacher
  • 建立日期: 2006
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
