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李佳蓉; Li, Chia-Jung 黃政傑; Chen-Chieh Hwang; 教育學系課程與教學碩士班 2006


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 李佳蓉; Li, Chia-Jung
  • 黃政傑; Chen-Chieh Hwang; 教育學系課程與教學碩士班
  • 主題: 國民小學; 校長; 課程領導; Elementary School; Principal; Curriculum Leadership
  • 描述: 本研究旨在瞭解兩所個案學校校長的課程領導背景與理念,探討校長課程領導的作為與策略,分析影響校長課程領導的因素,以及校長課程領導的成效、問題與未來規劃,俾供未來國小校長進行課程領導與教育行政機關改進課程領導之參考。本研究採個案研究的方法,以台南市兩位國民小學校長為研究對象,透過觀察、訪談以及文件分析等方式蒐集所需資料,根據比較與分析的結果,本研究之結論如下:一、 校長課程領導的背景與理念方面(一)學校既有條件欠佳,也有機會透過校長課程領導成為辦學績優學校。(二)校長的理念決定校本課程的主要發展方向。(三)校長自我角色之認定影響實際領導作為與深度。二、校長課程領導的作為方面(一)就整體而言:1.就校長課程領導整體作為而言,兩所學校的校本課程發展突出。2.校長領導校本課程有助學校九年一貫課程精神的發揚,或引導教師團隊的運作方向。(二)就規劃階段而言:校本課程是在地生長或由外移入影響總體課程發展。(三)就實施階段而言:1.校長課程領導帶動教師團隊的運作,但兩所學校的運作風氣有所差異。2.校長的授權方式影響主任層級的課程領導。3.校本課程的運作方式影響教師層級的課程領導。(四)就評鑑階段而言:學校已能運用行動研究作為校本課程的評鑑方式,但仍將之視為非正式評鑑。三、校長課程領導的策略方面(一)規劃階段:1.校長在課程領導時採取柔軟的身段是融入新環境的首要。2.校長於課程規劃階段的策略運用是教師專業發展的起點。(二)實施階段:1.教師團隊運作的成績在實施階段即可高度展現。2.校長可將課程一物多用以進行學校形象領導。3.課程制度化實施能確保學生的學習。(三)評鑑階段:1.校長在課程領導評鑑階段的策略明顯較規劃、實施階段缺乏。2.良好的溝通平台不失為正式評鑑不足的彌補方式。四、校長課程領導的影響因素方面(一) 校長所學所長攸關校本課程主題。(二)學校既有形象影響校長領導方向。(三)教師學歷、年齡與人數是影響課程發展活力的因素。(四)新的校長遴選機制影響校長對學校的投入程度與領導作風。五、校長課程領導的成效方面(一)本研究的校長課程領導已能解決許多過去常出現的問題。(二)校本課程的推動可發揮由下而上的課程決定功能。(三)學校成員普遍能掌握校本課程精神。(四)課程評鑑機制已啟用,但其使用知能還需加強。六、校長課程領導的問題方面(一)兩位校長在「課程」與「領導」的結合方式上有差異。(二)學校所推動的校本課程是「校長」的校本課程而非「學校」的校本課程。(三)兩所學校的校本課程與總體課程結合的程度有落差。七、校長課程領導的未來規劃方面:課程領導能強化學校組織運作績效。 最後依據研究結論,分別對國民小學校長、教育行政機關以及後續相關研究提出建議。
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the relevant issues on curriculum leadership of two elementary school Principals. The study includes the background and beliefs of principals’ curriculum leadership, the behavior and strategies of principals’ curriculum leadership, the influences, achievements, difficulties, and future plans of principals’ curriculum leadership.In order to understand these questions, a qualitative study was taken. The data were collected by means of interviews, observation and documents analysis. The results of the study are as follows:1.The aspect of background and beliefs of principal’s curriculum leadership(1) Principals’ curriculum leadership would make up for the weak background of school and still lead an excellent school. (2)The main approach of school-based curriculum is dominated by Principals’ beliefs. (3)The leading behavior is affected by Principals’ self-cognition.2. The aspect of behavior of principals’ curriculum leadership(1) On the whole part:Ⅰ.Two elementary schools both have paid much attention to school-based curriculum.Ⅱ. School-based curriculum led by principals either promotes the values of grade 1-9 curriculum or guides the school team.(2) On the stage of designing: The developing of Integrated curriculum would be influenced by the development of school-based curriculum is grounded or migrant.(3) On the stage of supplement: Ⅰ.Principals’ curriculum leadership obviously influenced how the school team works. However, there are differences in ambiance between two schools. Ⅱ.The leadership of assistant principal is determined by the forms of principals’ authorization. Ⅲ.The way how the based-curriculum works truly affects the curriculum leadership of teachers.(4) On the stage of evaluation: Although action research has been using to evaluate based-curriculum, it is still not recognized as a formal evaluation.3. The aspect of strategies of principals’ curriculum leadership(1)On the stage of designing:Ⅰ.The most important thing for principals to immerse in a new environment is to be less-dominated. Ⅱ.Principals’ strategies on the curriculum design stage coulde be the starting point to improve teachers’ profession.(2)On the stage of supplement: Ⅰ.The outcome of teacher team could be shown at this stage. Ⅱ.Principals could build school’ image by making good use of curriculum . (3) On the stage of evaluation: Ⅰ.Principals have less strategies at evaluation stage than the former two stages. Ⅱ.A well-communicated platform could make up for the lack of formal evaluation.4. The aspect of influences of principal’s curriculum leadership(1) The subject of School-based curriculum depends on principals’ major. (2) The schools’ traditional image affects the approach of principal’s curriculum leadership. (3) Teachers’ educational background, age, and number are the factors of curriculum spirit. (4) New principal selection system affects principals’ devotion and leading style.5. The aspect of achievements of principals’ curriculum leadership(1)This research of principals’ curriculum leadership has answered a lot of old problems. (2)School-based curriculum would help to build bottom-up curriculum decision-making. (3)Generally speaking, school members could catch the spirit of school- based curriculum. (4) Curriculum evaluation system has launched, but the using capability needs to be improved.6. The aspect of problems of principals’ curriculum leadership(1) Two principals are different in integration between curriculum and leadership.(2) The school-based curriculum is principals’-based not schools’-based one. (3) The two schools are different in integration between school-based curriculum and integrated curriculum.7. The aspect of future plan of principal’s curriculum leadership: Curriculum leadership would promote the utilities of school institution.Some implications are also provided for principals, educational authorities, and researchers who want to examine the field of Curriculum Leadership in the future.
  • 建立日期: 2006
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
