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黃瑞祥; Huang, Rui-hsiang 林風南; Feng-nan Lin; 教育學系課程與教學碩士班 2006


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 黃瑞祥; Huang, Rui-hsiang
  • 林風南; Feng-nan Lin; 教育學系課程與教學碩士班
  • 主題: 動作協調能力; 國小學童; 動作教育; Motor coordination; Elementary school students; Movement education
  • 描述: 因材施教」是教育過程的理想狀態,教師必須瞭解兒童身心發育的特徵和需要,使每一個孩子都能被適當的指導而發展身體機能。動作協調能力較差的孩子,如果不及時給予切適的運動指導,他與同儕之間的差距將繼續擴大,對其身心發展及社交發展會造成負面的影響。教師或家長如果能充分瞭解學童動作協調能力的程度,就可以提供比較確切的指導。本研究以一套簡單而客觀的方法,檢測台南市東區復興國小三年級(8、9歲)全學年共619位小朋友,試著瞭解現階段兒童動作協調能力的發展狀況,並依照學童的測驗分數劃分五個等級;比較現階段學童與1989年的同齡學童動作協調能力發展的差異;探討學童體型與動作協調能力的關聯性。研究的結果與發現如下:一、受測者成績被評為等級最差的「障礙嫌疑」者,8歲男童18.1%;8歲女童26.4%;9歲男童38.8%;9歲女童36.2%。全部有障礙嫌疑的學童平均有26.3%。二、比較現階段的8歲男童、8歲女童、9歲男童、9歲女童與1989年同齡四組學童,發現現階段學童的動作協調能力落後一大截,都有顯著差異。三、身材體型會影響學童的動作協調能力的表現。 調查研究8、9歲學童的結果,動作協調能力不良的比例偏高,而能力優良者比例極低,顯示整體學童的動作能力發展正在退步中。為瞭解全國各地學童的動作協調能力,應進行全國各年齡層學生的普查,制訂參考常模,以利進行因材施教。同時應在學童神經發展未成熟以前,多安排時間進行動作教育,刺激其運動協調能力之成長。
    To teach student in accordance with their aptitude is an ideal teaching process. Teachers must understand the features and needs of the mental and physical development of the students so that each student could be guided properly. For students with poor motor coordination, without proper guidance, the gap between those and their peers would be widened, and thus, affect their mental and physical development and social skills. If teachers and parents could understand the level of the motor coordination of the students, they could provide proper guidance. This study used a simple and objective method to test the motor coordination of 619 third grade students (8 and 9 years old) of Tainan Municipal Fusing Elementary School, and divided them into five levels based on their scores. This study compared the data with that of 1989 to find out about the relationship between the types of build of the students and their motor coordination. The results are as follows:1. The students with lowest scores are categorized as “suspected handicap” are 18.1% 8-year-old male students, 26.4% 8-year-old female students, 38.8% 9-year-old male students, and 26.3% 9-year-old female students.2. Compared the 8-year-old male and female students, and 9-year-old male and female students with the same groups in 1989, the motor coordination of the present group is lower.3. The types of build of the student affect their motor coordination.The results showed high ratio of poor motor coordination, and the ratio of students with good motor coordination is low. It shows that the motor coordination of students is declining. To understand the motor coordination of students in all areas, nationwide survey should be conducted and reference model should be developed to provide proper guidance to students. The students should receive movement education before their nervous systems are fully developed.
  • 建立日期: 2006
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
