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陳典懋; Chen, Dian-mao 朱紋皆; Wen-Chieh CHU; 視覺藝術研究所(91~94年底) 2006


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 陳典懋; Chen, Dian-mao
  • 朱紋皆; Wen-Chieh CHU; 視覺藝術研究所(91~94年底)
  • 主題: 感官; 記憶; 失焦; Senses; Remembrance; Blurred
  • 描述: 藝術創作的靈感,不斷地透過自我在生活經驗中的累積獲得體悟,也藉由了實際的技法磨練尋求至臻的境界。本文主要探討的重點在於二○○二年至二○○五年期間,回溯作者的創作發展歷程和個人與生活的對應關係,將感知於外物的種種收受訊息,內化為個人對生活世界的主觀認知,透過理性的文字書寫,表達出感性的創作歷程,以達到追求自我的探索目的。對於研究論述之創作呈現,試圖以感覺器官的覺醒,屏除自我設限的意識行為,重新面對個人的生活空間,以主觀與直接對話的方式,將個人的創作思維,以及對環境空間的參與活動作探討。文中所探討的藝術感官活動、記憶心理以及生活課題等層面,其相關理論牽涉到「認知心理學」的涵蓋範疇,基與此因素,便開始觸及了這股興起於二十世紀六十年代,堪稱為現代心理學中最重要的一門心理顯學。期盼能夠藉由對人類的認知結構,以及知識的吸收、貯存、取用等過程,探討自我在平凡的藝術創作歷程中,所面臨的感官與記憶失焦瞬間的問題,希望提出更合理的文字論述。透過歷史研究、內省法以及創作研究實踐等研究方法,進行探討知覺對個人創作的影響與發展,運用理論模式與創作實踐兩者的交互平行研究,從中瞭解自己為何而作,進而省思藝術創作與個人心理與生活的關係。論文撰寫的內容,主要架構包括-緒論:闡釋本研究之動機與目的及研究方法和研究範圍;第一章:關於創作的學理探討,包括西洋藝術史、藝術社會學分析、感官與記憶等各個部分之相關論述;第二章:回溯個人創作意識與歷程的發展,進行自我剖析,陳述本主題的創作理念和創作元素;第三章:探討作品創作對於表現形式、媒材技法的個人經驗,以及說明作品的整體思維與創作觀點;結論:為針對本論文之創作研究論述,提出綜合性結語,以及對未來發展方向的省思。芥子納須彌,一沙一世界,藝術創作可從小中見大,平凡中見真章,期望能透過藝術創作者的眼睛,深刻地藉由感官與記憶失焦瞬間,解讀大千世界的精采。
    My inspirations for art always come from self-reflections in daily life as well as improvements on skills. This thesis aims at the relevance between the development of my artworks and my actual life during 2002 till 2005, which I transferred the sentimental messages from outer world via rational language or artistic works in order to pursuit the real self.The theoretical framework of my art works is to awake from senses despite of subconscious stereotypes, and to reface my personal life with subjective and direct attitude, therefore I research my activities in the space by the pieces I did. Artistic perceptual activities, memorial psychology and living life…etc. got involved in this thesis were inspired by the most influential theory “Perceptional Psychology” risen up in 1960’s. I hope to research my own senses and remembrance- blurred issues out of my art works by human cognitive and knowledge learning structures, further more, to deliver a more reasonable text. Through historical research, introspection and art works making, I studied the influence of human perception on my art works. With the alternate pattern between theory and practice, I realized why I make art works and the relationship of art with individual life.The content includes Introduction that explains the research motive, methodology and study boundary, following with the First Chapter about studio theory referring western art history, esthetical sociology analysis, sense and remembrance; later Second Chapter is to review my artistic concept and development, self-portrait, motif description and the elements in my art. The Third Chapter is the discussion over forms, material, skills and personal experience, together with defining the thoughts and viewpoints of my art works. Conclusion finally proposes a general comments and prospective for future.You see cosmos in one piece of sand; art could be seen from a micro sight or things ordinary. We may read the world from the eyes of an artist at the senses- and-remembrance- blurred moments.
  • 建立日期: 2006
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR


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