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王雅惠; Wang, Ya-hui 林奇賢; Chi-Syan Lin; 資訊教育研究所碩士班 2006


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 王雅惠; Wang, Ya-hui
  • 林奇賢; Chi-Syan Lin; 資訊教育研究所碩士班
  • 主題: 學習行為; 個人學習名片; 網路學習; Learning Behaviors; Networked Learning; Learner Profile
  • 描述: 本研究係在建置一個能提供有關學習者個人背景資訊與學習狀態之個人學習名片,讓學習者能藉此了解本人與其他學習者的相關資訊內容,以促進學習者於網路學習情境中的網路學習行為之表現。因此本研究主要目的是在網路合作學習的情境中提供一個人學習名片,並整合智慧型虛擬人物的應用,透過實證研究來評估探究所建置的個人學習名片對學習者在網路合作學習活動中學習行為之影響。本研究以APEC各會員體之K-12師生為對象,所得有效樣本人數總計有91人,然後依據受試者在網路合作學習活動中的「瀏覽」、「學習檢視」、「人際互動」三類網路學習行為之記錄,透過獨立樣本t考驗進行研究分析。經資料分析與討論之後,本研究得到下列結論:一、學習者檢視自己或他人的學習名片皆會對瀏覽、人際互動兩類網路學習行為造成影響,但不會對學習檢視行為造成影響。二、學習者在檢視他人的學習名片方面,檢視自己團隊內成員或他隊成員的學習名片會對瀏覽學習行為產生影響,而對人際互動行為的影響則並不特別顯著,但皆不會對學習檢視行為產生影響。根據研究結果,本研究並進一步提出對未來研究上的相關建議,期盼能作為日後相關研究之研究者參考。
    For providing individual learners’ personal backgrounds and learning states to facilitate learning in networked learning environments, a learner profile system is designed by the study and implemented along with the interface of intelligent agents. The goal of the study is to investigate the impacts of learner profile on learner behaviors in collaborative and project-based learning programs with empirical methodology. The study was administered in APEC Cyber Academy, which is an international K-12 networked learning platform. There were 91 subjects participated in the study. The study traced three categories of learning behaviors, which are navigation, ongoing assessment, and interpersonal interaction, in the empirical process quantitatively. The quantitative data then were analyzed with statistic measures.Results of the study reveal that (1) There are significant impacts on both navigation and interpersonal interaction either with accessing self’s or other’s learner profile. Nonetheless, there is no significant impact on ongoing assessment neither with accessing self’s or other’s learner profile. (2) The only significant impact either with accessing learner profiles of self’s own team members or other’s team members is on learning behavior of navigation. The impact on ongoing assessment is not significant at all under both of the circumstances. As to the impact on interpersonal interaction under both of the circumstances, it is confounding in the results.The suggestions for further studies are also presented in the end of the thesis.
  • 建立日期: 2006
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
