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王念湘; Wang, Nian-xiang 管志明; Jhih-ming Guan; 台灣文化研究所 2005


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 王念湘; Wang, Nian-xiang
  • 管志明; Jhih-ming Guan; 台灣文化研究所
  • 主題: 西阿里關; 後堀仔溪; 聚落; Xi-A-Li-Guan; development; Hou-Ku-Zih-Si
  • 描述: 台南府城是閩粵移民渡台較早開發之地區,西阿里關位於台南縣最東南端,地處內地,開發較晚,查閱地圖,在全臺前後山小總圖 (1878)中尚未見到本聚落,在晚近資料記載中,最早是平埔族拓墾所形成的聚落,時間約在明治年間,本文首先針對平埔族聚居西阿里關的事實作實證的處理。日治時期的戶籍資料,是研究社會史的一項重要史料,其內容與價值可以進一步反映日治時期家戶資料的變革與特色。始於昭和19 年(1944)改寫戶籍資料顯示人群組織多為平埔族群,並且其中明確記載從明治14年(1881)開始已有婚姻入戶居住的記錄。大正四年(1915)噍吧哖事件,對於南庄、菁埔寮、竹頭崎地區造成大量人口傷亡,但相鄰之西阿里關卻毫無影響,直至民國12年(1923)除戶簿才有人員死亡資料記錄,由此可以解釋西阿里關聚落的形成約在此時期之後。  日治時期至民國政府年間,本區家族姻親的發展主要基於境內通婚,直至近代因女性適婚年齡的人口減少,造成外籍配偶通婚比例有逐年增加的情形。  根據民國35年初設籍(1946)至民國57年(1968)戶籍資料分析,發現族群結構、性別比例及人口成長情形,與日治時期的狀況已有所不同:除平埔族人口大量流失外,現居住人口中男性比例偏高,人口數與戶數均有顯著的增加。  以信仰結構來看,本區信仰的結構尚屬單純,咸信專屬平埔族的阿立祖信仰目前在此間不曾發現;而耀靈宮是此間唯一的廟宇,祀奉神農大帝以及土地公,開基以來雖歷經新建及重建,是聚落的信仰中心,屬性上是屬於漢人移民的傳統信仰,可以作為族群變遷的間接證據。  南化水庫水源保護區的限制,對於原有以農林業為主的經濟發展,產生衝擊,而生態環境保育政策的推動,迫使本區經濟轉型發展觀光旅遊。  本文針對西阿里關的拓墾,藉著探討聚落人群組織的發展以及聚落通婚等現象,討論各個時期的聚落發展及擴張範圍,並釐清地名的由來;同時對於當前特定目的開發行動,所造成的經濟發展影響作必要的說明。
    Tainan is an early-developed city by Fukien and Kwangtung’s immigrants. Xi-A-Li-Guan which locates in the most south-east inland of Tainan County is late developed . Consulting to the map in 1878, we can barely find the village. Pinpu is the first tribe to exploit this village in the Ming-Zhi period according to the early reference. The census data of Japanese colonization plays an important role in historical research. With its content and value, it can further reflect the variations and features in every household. The census revision in 1944 shows that Pinpu was the majority in human organization and clearly records their marriage and living condition since 1881. In 1915, Jiao Ba Nian event caused great death toll in Nan Jhuang、Jing Pu Liao、Jhu Jou Ci but it did not influence the adjoining area Xi-A-Li-Guan. Until 1923 such information were added in census, so we find that Xi-A-Li-Guan Village forms nearly after 1923. From Japanese colonization period to now, people in this area usually marry with local citizens but now it changes. Owing to general women who are fitting to marriageable age decreases, women start to marry with people living in other places.Based on the census data by 1946 to 1968, we can see that there is a sort of difference in tribe organization, gender proportion and population growth compared with the status in the period of Japanese colonization. Including a great number of Pinpu tribes move off, the male percentage is considerably higher than the female, the number of population and household are remarkable increasing.With regard to religious belief, the structure in this area is quite simple. However; Yao Ling Gong, the only temple here, worships Shen Nong Da Di / Tu Di Gong as their gods. Although Yao Ling Gong was under re-establishment and reconstruction for many times, it still became the religious center. The faith in Yao Ling Gong belongs to Hann immigrants’ traditional belief, making the indirect evidence of tribe’s changes. With the limit of Nan Hua reservoir protection, it comes with great impact on its economic development. The enforcement of ecological protection policy forces this area to change its mainly economic industry from agriculture to tourism.The purpose of this essay focus on the exploit of Xi-A-Li-Guan, discussing about the human organization and the intermarriage phenomena in different tribes, also clarifying the origin of every place name and explaining the economic influence of modern development.
  • 建立日期: 2005
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
