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吳梨華; Wu, Li-hua 蔡志展; none; 台灣文化研究所教學碩士班 2004


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 吳梨華; Wu, Li-hua
  • 蔡志展; none; 台灣文化研究所教學碩士班
  • 主題: 清代; 台灣; 平埔番; 文化; Taiwan; Pingpu Fan and culture; Ching Dynasty
  • 描述: 從來沒有人能不帶任何色彩的眼光看這世界,一組特定的風俗制度和思考模式塑造了我們對世界的看法人類學家潘乃德(R.Benedict) 耕田鑿井自艱辛,緩急何曾叩比鄰;構屋斫輪還結網,百工俱備一人身。輕身趫捷似猿猱,編竹為箍束細腰;等得吹簫尋鳳侶,從今割斷伴妖嬈。誰道番姬巧解釀,自將生米嚼成漿;竹筒為甕床頭掛,客至開筒勸客嘗。種秫秋來翦入場,舉家為計一年糧;餘皆釀酒呼群輩,共罄平原十日觴。土番舌上掉都盧,對酒歡呼打剌酥。聞說金亡避元難,颶風吹到始謀居。番兒大耳是奇觀,少小都將兩耳鑽;截竹塞輪輪漸大,如錢如碗復如盤。老翁似女女如男,男女無分總一般;口角有髭皆拔盡,鬚眉都作婦人顏。竹弓箬矢赴鹿場,射得鹿來交社商;家家婦子門前盼,飽惟餘瀝是頭腸。(土番竹枝詞 郁永河)本研究謹以人類學家潘乃德(R.Benedict)之名言及清朝台海使槎錄所收錄郁永河所作之『土番竹枝詞』為開場,展開清代台灣平埔番族社會文化之研究的序幕,希望透過台灣文獻叢刊選擇其對清代番俗等有所著墨之書籍、日治時期伊能嘉矩等日本學者、目前國內有關平埔族之研究論述,以及十七世紀以後,西方旅行家在台灣的旅行報告之描述等資料,以期建構一個漢人與非漢人觀點的清代台灣世界,解讀及分析另一種台灣平埔族之歷史文化。藉以從不同的視角,認識這個曾經在清朝及日治時期活動力充沛,活潑的族群,何以會有消聲匿跡的危機!故本研究希望透過相關文獻資料進行分析及解讀,並以建構:一、清代台灣生番、熟番之分類。二、清代台灣平埔番社之社會風貌。三、清代台灣平埔族之社會文化:生活習性、生命禮俗、信仰文化、兩性文化。四、清代台灣平埔族之物質文化:衣飾文化、飲食文化、居住文化、載運工具。以上四個主軸進行研究,在此說明本文所提到的「平埔番」、「生番」、「熟番」「番」是當時通行的詞彙,故本文乃以當時文獻資料上的稱呼為依據,而不是歧視的語詞,所以不代表任何歧視的意思(其中清代文獻採「番」,日治時期文獻採「蕃」)。
    No one sees this world without prejudice; a set of certain cultural systems and ideology modes build the view we look at this world.By R.Benedict, AnthropologistEither cultivating or digging wells is all by themselves, no matter how hard the condition is, the savages never ask for help from other tribes; with various skills, every one of them can not only build houses but make wheels and nets. They are as nimble as monkeys. Around the men’s waists, the girdles made of bamboos are tied until at last they marry fine ladies, then they will cut the girdles .The savage women are effective at brewing wine by chewing raw rice until it becomes serosity; the bamboo tubes used as the urns are hung by the bedsides, when there come the guests, they would be persuaded to have a great measure of it.When autumn comes, people will lay up the rice, part of which is as the yearly foodstuff, and the rest is used to brew wine, to invite their relatives and friends to celebrate with the wine for days. These savages adorn their heads and necks and celebrate with wine on every festival and special day. It says that for Chin Dynasty’s decadence, their ancients ran out of the control of Yuan Dynasty, and the storm brought them to where they started settling down.The savages with big ears are surprising. From the youth to the aged, all bore holes through their ears; bamboo pieces are pressed in the holes of the ears, and the holes are getting as big bowls or plates.The aged are similar to females and women look like males, they all look alike; all men are different from women, for the whiskers around their mouths are all pulled.They carry bows made of bamboo and arrows to hunt deer, then take what they catch to the intermediaries; their wives and children stand in front of the house looking forward their returning with the most precious intestines of deer.(Savages Classical Poems by Yu Yung-ho)The two openings of the study are respectively quoted from the famous saying of the anthropologist, R.Benedict, and the Savages Classical Poem written by Yu Yung-ho, which is collected in Formosa Aboriginal Documents of Ching Dynasty. This prologue reveals the researches of Pingpu tribes’ societies and culture of Chin Dynasty. We do expect to construct Taiwan in Ching Dynasty from the view points of Han people as well as from other folks, through every book, which is selected from Taiwan documents collections, relates to the customs of Taiwan aboriginals of Ching Dynasty, from some Japanese scholars, like Ino Kanori of Japanese domination period, their investigations and reports, Taiwan current discourses and studies about Pingpu People, and the description materials from the western travelers traveling in Taiwan after seventeenth century, to analyze another historical culture of Pingpu Tribes. We try to know them from different angles, to get access to the decadence crises the tribes confronted, who used to perform the energetic and vital characteristic during the domination of Ching Dynasty and Japan. By analyzing the relevant documents and sources, the purpose of this study is to build the four fields, which are as the followings:I.The classifications of Taiwan cooked aboriginals and savages in Ching DynastyII.The social features of Pingpu Tribes of Ching dynastyIII.The social culture of Pingpu Tribes of Ching dynasty: customs, ceremonies, religions and sexes.IV.The material of Pingpu Tribes of Ching Dynasty: clothes, diets, dwellings, transportation, and utensils.According to the document materials, “Pingpu Fan”, “savages”, “cooked aboriginals” and “Fan” are all the contemporary popular dictions in the past, there is no any offensive and discrimination in this study. ( Pingpu Tribes in the documents of Ching Dynasty are “Fan” and in the ones compiled during Japanese domination are called “savages”)
  • 建立日期: 2004
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
