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柯玫君; Ko, Mei-chun 蔡秋桃; Chiu-Tao Tsai; 幼兒教育學系碩士班 2004


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 柯玫君; Ko, Mei-chun
  • 蔡秋桃; Chiu-Tao Tsai; 幼兒教育學系碩士班
  • 主題: 生涯轉換; 幼兒教育學系; 轉任教師; transfer-teacher; department of early childhood education; career transition
  • 描述: 本研究之目的,在探究幼教系畢業生轉任國小教師生涯轉換歷程、轉任國小教師前、後生涯規劃問題並分析轉任國小任教的優劣勢,據以提出結論與建議,期能提供教育相關政策、師資培育機構及幼兒教育學系學生生涯規劃之參考。本研究對象為144位國立台南師範學院85至90級幼兒教育學系畢業生轉任國小的教師,資料蒐集採質量兼具的問卷調查及深度訪談,資料分析量化部分以卡方考驗交叉分析,質性資料則加以分類歸納整理,最後綜合研究發現作成結論如下:一、幼教老師生涯存在著家庭、社會、工作及生涯的一些問題,使得幼教老師對其職業的不滿意度相當高。二、幼教系畢業生轉任國小教師的原因,主要為私立幼稚園待遇福利差,工作沒保障,幼稚園工作時間長、壓力大、工作量及雜務多,公立幼稚園教師名額少又難考,以及幼教老師社會地位差且專業不受重視…等因素。三、轉任教師們從自己生涯轉換過程中發現,轉任之過程經歷生涯轉換的不同階段;雖然每一個人的歷程不盡相同,但轉換的歷程皆一一印證不同學者之轉換理論。四、轉任教師對國小職場劣勢多表不贊同,困擾因素也因年齡、進修與否、戶籍地與服務地是否相同、及任教地區而有差異。五、轉任教師對國小職場優勢之贊同度很高,整體而言非常滿意在國小任教。
    The purpose of this study is to examine the process of career transition from early childhood education graduates to elementary school teachers, problems of career planning before and after transition, as well as the pros and cons of transition, in order to draw conclusions and provide suggestions as a reference for relevant educational policy, teacher training institutes, and career planning of students majoring in early childhood education. The sample of this study contains 144 early childhood education graduates of the National Tainan Teachers College from Year 1996 to 2001, who have made the transition to become elementary school teachers. The data collection adopts both qualitative and quantitative methods, including survey by questionnaire and indepth interview. The quantitative data are analyzed by the method of Chi-square test, while the qualitative data are organized by category. The findings of this study are generalized into the following conclusions: 1. There are some family, social, job and personal life problems existing in the career life of early childhood education teachers, which lead to a high degree of dissatisfaction with job among the teachers.2. The multiple causes for career transition of the early childhood education graduates include low salary and poor benefit of private kindergartens, job insecurity, long work hours of kindergarten, overload and trivial chores of kindergartens, little vacancy of teaching positions in public kindergartens, difficulty in passing the qualification examination of public kindergartens, low social status of early childhood education, and low social respect for early childhood profession, etc.3. The transfer-teachers discover that they have experienced different stages through the process of their career transition. Though different in process for each individual, each different process of transition matches with one of the theories of transition proclaimed by various scholars.4. Most of the transfer-teachers do not agree with the disadvantages in teaching at the elementary school. The factors that annoy the teachers vary, depending on age, whether or not participating in continuing education, whether or not living at the same place where the job is located, as well as the job location.5. The transfer-teachers strongly agree with the advantages in teaching at the elementary school. In general, they indicate great satisfaction with teaching at the elementary school.
  • 建立日期: 2004
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
