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康旭雅 尹玫君; 初等教育學系課程與教學碩士班 2004


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 康旭雅
  • 尹玫君; 初等教育學系課程與教學碩士班
  • 主題: 網路倫理; 資訊倫理; network ethics; information ethics; cyber ethics
  • 描述: 本研究的目的旨在透過文獻探討,設計適於國小實施的資訊倫理教學,並探討教學成效。瞭解接受資訊倫理教學的學生,其資訊倫理行為和知識的表現是否與對照組有所不同、資訊倫理教學實施的情況、學生的學習結果、學生與教師對資訊倫理實驗教學的看法與建議。期望研究結果能作為國小實施資訊倫理教學的參考。 本研究以台南師範學院附屬實驗國民小學六年級兩班學生為研究對象,一班為實驗組,一班為對照組,實驗組進行資訊倫理教學,對照組則無,兩班學生均為35人。教學設計以社會學習理論和價值澄清法為基礎,進行四個單元:隱私權、網路交友、言論自由和著作權,每單元兩節課,為期兩個月的教學。教學者由該班導師擔任。實驗設計採不等組前後測設計,實驗組與對照組於教學前後,均接受國小學生資訊倫理量表的測試。資訊法律知識測驗,因考慮測驗練習的因素,採取不等組後測設計,兩組於教學後接受施測。教學期間研究者進行課堂觀察,分析學習單內容。教學後,訪談教師意見,並請學生填寫意見調查表。本研究獲致的結論如下: 一、經過資訊倫理實驗教學後,實驗組學生在國小學生資訊倫理行為量表和資訊法律知識測驗的表現,與對照組間未達顯著差異 二、學生在學習單的表現,呈現學生有充分思考資訊倫理的議題 三、學生在課堂討論與發表的表現,充分顯示有思考資訊倫理的議題 四、學生對資訊倫理實驗教學給予肯定 五、教師對資訊倫理教學給予肯定 最後依據結論,從資訊倫理的教學、資訊倫理的學習、資訊倫理的評量及未來研究方向等四個方面,提出建議。
    The purpose of this study was to design an information ethics program for elementary students, to evaluate the effects, and to understand students’ and the teacher’s opinions about this program. The program was designed based on social learning theory and values clarification teaching method, including four units: privacy, cyberpals, speech issues and copyright. Two sixth grade classes were involved in a quasi-experimental design, using pretest and posttest on behavior measures and posttest on knowledge measures. Results showed no significant differences between the two groups on both behavior and knowledge measures after this program. Qualitative analyses through class observation and activity sheets indicated students developed cognitive knowledge on information ethics issues and accomplished teaching objectives. From student questionnaire and teacher interview, both students and the teacher granted positive comments on the program. Suggestions to teaching, learning, and assessments on information ethics for elementary students and further studies were proposed.
  • 建立日期: 2004
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
