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謝國村; Hsieh, Kuo-tsun 黃秀霜; Hsiu-Shuang Huang; 國民教育研究所 2004


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 謝國村; Hsieh, Kuo-tsun
  • 黃秀霜; Hsiu-Shuang Huang; 國民教育研究所
  • 主題: 行動研究; 平衡閱讀; 平衡閱讀教學; 語文領域; balanced reading; language field; action research; balanced reading instruction
  • 描述: 本研究採行動研究的方式進行。主要的目的在於探討平衡閱讀教學對國小學童語文領域讀寫能力提升之成效;省思教師在平衡閱讀教學課程實施中所扮演的角色;並探究學生在平衡閱讀教學歷程中的態度及實際教學情境中,平衡閱讀教學實施的限制與因應。為達研究目的,研究者乃依據文獻探討結果,自訂教學設計架構、自編教學活動設計,採用「中文年級識字量表(黃秀霜,2001)」、「國小兒童書寫語文能力診斷測驗(楊昆堂、李水源、吳純純、張世慧,2001)」為測驗工具,對研究對象進行前、後測工作;除對照比較外,再以前、後測得分計算其效果值(effect size)。同時結合教學日誌、學生作品、觀察記錄、訪談記錄、反省札記、協同教師的討論對話等多元資料,持續分析、交叉驗證,以比較平衡閱讀教學實施前後,學童各方面的轉變情形。研究結果歸納如下:一、平衡閱讀教學對國小學童讀寫能力提升之成效:(一)識字能力大幅增加。(二)書寫語文能力提高。(三)理解力提高、觀察力提升、組織能力增強。(四)一般字彙知識提升、正確用詞能力增加。(五)多元觀點強化、表達能力增加、創意浮現。二、教師在平衡閱讀教學課程實施中,在發展性功能層面上,扮演研究者、引導者、媒介者、激思者、觀察者角色;在矯正性功能層面上,扮演設計者、示範者、訓練者角色;在補救性功能層面上,扮演評鑑者、行動反省的反省者角色。三、學生在平衡閱讀教學歷程中,對教學者、教學內容均持正向態度,並且對自我的要求是嚴苛的;對書籍的親和度增加,同時慢慢地建立起閱讀習慣。四、實際教學情境中,平衡閱讀教學實施的限制與因應:(一)課程時間不足,採課程外加、化整為零、培養學童自行獨立閱讀以因應。(二) 教師專業能力不足,採進修充實、建立協同教學機制以因應。(三) 動態評量、檔案評量的限制,採對學童深入了解分析、借重科技、引導學童自   我監控及後設認知學習以因應。(四)傳統語文教育的窠臼限制,採建立平衡觀念、重塑語文教學信念以因應。(五)文化不利地區限制,採開放資源共享、鼓勵大量閱讀以因應。 最後,研究者依據上述結論,對學校教學、行政及未來研究方面提出建議,以供對閱讀教學有興趣者之參考。
    This thesis is base on Action Research. The main goal is research how the Balanced Reading Instruction to promote the ability of literature and language field in elementary children. We can examine carefully the roles which teachers can play in the Balance Reading Instruction. In the other way, we can inspect the limited in the usage of the Balance Reading Instruction and find out how to solve the problems in the real situation and the students’ attitude. For the research purpose, writer use the technical documents and get the result. Design teaching structure, compose teaching activities, induced by “Aliterature Chart of the 3rd-4th-grade students”(Huang, H.S. 2001) “The Writing Test of the Elementary Children”(Yang, Kun-tang Li,Shui-yuan Wu,Chun-chun Chang, Shi-hui 2001) . Base on two articles to be the test tools---before and after for the object; contrast or comparison with object. Then, count the points of the effect size. At the same time, sum up the information of teaching diary, students’ works, observe records, survey records, inspect diary, the dialogue of coworker teachers. Analyze and double check the data to compare the change of the students in usage of the Balance Reading Instruction. Now, writer induces four conclusions I. The effect of the Balance Reading Instruction to promote writing ability of the elementary children. 1. Promote the aliterature ability highly.2. Promote the writing ability 3. Consolidate the understanding, promote the observation, enforced the organization. 4. Raise the common vocabulary ability, increase correct grammar usage. 5. Strengthen diversity point of view, intensify ability of expression, and pop up creative idea.II. Teachers in the progress of the Balance Reading Instruction can play many roles in three functions. Teachers can be a researcher, a leader, an intermediary, a thinker, and an observer in the development function. Teachers can be a role player, a demonstrator, and a trainer, in the corrected function. Teachers can be a criterion, and an examination-maker, in the remedy function.III. Students in the progress of the Balance Reading Instruction faced teachers in positive attitude with the courses. Students ask themselves criticize gradually. Students ask for reading more books and love to read.IV. The limited and settle with the Balance Reading Instruction in the real teaching situation1. Shortage of the teaching time, so teachers add the Balance Reading Instruction in the spare time, uses the time freely in order to cultivate the reading behavior.2. The teachers lacking the professional ability, they need extra trainings and make a coworker institution.3. The limited of the activities test and profile test should penetrating analyze students by technology, leading students’ self-control and recognizant learning.4. The limited of the traditional literature education, should set up a balance view and remold new literature education.5. In the lower culture stimulate area should use resources openly and encourage great quantity reading. At last, writer accords with the conclusions making some subjects for school education and administration. Hoping the reference materials can assist the interested of the Balance Reading Instruction.
  • 建立日期: 2004
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
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