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陳玉雯; Chen, Yu-wen 鄒慧英; Huey-Ing Tzou; 教育學系測驗統計碩士班 2013


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 陳玉雯; Chen, Yu-wen
  • 鄒慧英; Huey-Ing Tzou; 教育學系測驗統計碩士班
  • 主題: 補救教學; 保護因子; 數學復原力; remedial instruction; protective factor; Mathematical resilience
  • 描述: 本研究旨在發展一份適用於國中生的「數學復原力量表」和「數學保護因子量表」,以探討未參與數學補救教學和參與數學補救教學生在數學復原力和數學保護因子上的差異,並進一步探討數學復原力與數學成就之間的關係。最後亦討論補救教學對學生數學復原力的影響。研究樣本為國中七、八、九年級共1108位學生,其中未參與數學補救教學學生共963位,有參與數學補救教學學生共145位。研究結果顯示「數學復原力量表」和「數學保護因子量表」具有良好的信、效度,其信度分別為.92和.90。兩量表驗證性因素的適配度指標亦落在理想範圍內,顯示資料與理論模式相符具有良好的效度。研究同時發現有無參與數學補救教學學生的保護因子沒有差異,進一步從多元迴歸分析得知,學生在數學保護因子若具有良好的「學校環境」和「家庭與同儕環境」等正向保護,對於學生的數學復原力是有幫助的,且學校環境的助益大於家庭與同儕環境。在數學學習成就方面,數學復原力與學校數學段考成績呈現正相關,無論有無參與數學補救教學,擁有高數學復原力的學生其數學成績表現較好,但學生數學學習的成長情況,並未因數學復原力的高低和成長好壞而有差異,補救教學對學生的數學復原力亦未發現明顯助益。
    The purpose to this study was to develop a mathematical resilience scale and protective factors scale in order to explore the relationship to remedial education for junior high students. Twelve schools were selected using a purposive sampling in order to be representative of grades 7 to 9. Excluding those problem cases, the final sample is consisted of 1108 students, including 145 students participating the After School Alternative Program (ASAP, remedial instruction). The result provided good validity and reliability evidences for both instruments. The internal consistency of mathematical resilience scale and protective factors scale were .92 and .90. All the goodness-of-fit indicators of confirmatory factor analysis were in the ideal range.The study also found that no matter the student jointed in remedial instruction or not, they had similar protective factors. Both of "school environment" and "family and peer environment" factors were good predictors to students'' mathematical resilience, especially the former.Overall, there exists a positive relationship between mathematical resilience and mathematics achievement. The remedial instruction doesn’t change students’ mathematical resilience. However, students’ math achievement has been improved after taking the remedial instruction.
  • 建立日期: 2013
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
