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廖介佑; Liao, Chieh-yo 蔡貞雄; Chen-Hsiung Tsai; 體育教育學系 2004


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 廖介佑; Liao, Chieh-yo
  • 蔡貞雄; Chen-Hsiung Tsai; 體育教育學系
  • 主題: 基本體能; 羽球選手; 跳繩運動; badminton player; sport of skipping rope; basic fitness
  • 描述: 跳繩運動普遍被用於專項運動的輔助訓練,對於國小羽球選手影響如何呢?本研究的目的就在探討跳繩運動對國小羽球選手在基本體能上的影響。期望能了解國小羽球選手以跳繩運動作為輔助訓練與只做羽球技能訓練,在肌力、瞬發力、心肺耐力、柔軟度、敏捷性、平衡性等各項體能上的影響情形。本研究以海佃國小四、五、六年級的羽球隊學生為對象,依年齡、性別平均分派男生10人,女生8人為實驗組;男生9人,女生8人為控制組。實驗組在實驗期間,早上接受跳繩訓練,下午接受羽球技能訓練;控制組則是兩個時段均接受羽球技能訓練。在實驗前、後均做非慣用手握力、慣用手握力、腿肌力、立定跳遠、修正登階、坐姿體前彎、巴比、鶴立及姿勢改變之動態平衡等測驗。經十二週的實驗,以獨立樣本t考驗兩組的同值性及實驗後兩組間的差異情形;以相依樣本t考驗前、後測的差異情形;以進步幅度比較兩組進步的情形,顯著水準定為ㄐ?05。結果發現:一、國小羽球選手在相同的訓練時間裡,增加跳繩運動訓練對其基本體能並沒有顯著的影響。二、增加跳繩運動訓練或只做技能訓練,除了握力及柔軟度以外,可以明顯的增進腿肌力、瞬發力、心肺耐力、敏捷性及平衡性的發展。三、增加跳繩運動訓練,除了柔軟度以外,其他的進步幅度均較優於只做技能訓練者。因此,建議國小羽球教練,在球場數量允酗坐U,可以只在球場上做羽球技能訓練;若球場數量不足,可以分組,在相同的時間裡一部分選手做技能訓練,一部分選手利用其他適合的場地做跳繩訓練,一樣可以明顯的促進其基本體能的發展。
    The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of the sport of skipping rope on the basic fitness of elementary-school badminton players, in the hope of understanding how it affects the muscular strength, explosive strength, cardiopulmonary stamina, suppleness, agility, and balance among the categories of fitness of elementary-school badminton players, both in the case of using the sport of skipping rope as an auxiliary training and in the case of undergoing training in badminton technique only. The subjects of this study are fourth-grade, fifth-grade, and sixth-grade students on the badminton team of Hades Elementary School, with 10 male students and 8 female students assigned to the control group, in accordance with age and gender. During the experiment, the former underwent training in skipping rope in the morning and trained in badminton technique in the afternoon, while the latter underwent training in badminton technique during the two periods of time, Both before and after the experiment, tests of dynamic balance were conducted in such categories as gripping strength of the habitually used hand, gripping strength of the non-habitually used hade, leg muscular strength, standing jump, modified step, the body bending forward in a sitting posture, Burpee, standing on one leg, and changing postures. After the twelve-week experiment, independent samples were used to verify the homogeneity of the two groups and the post-experiment differences between them; dependent samples were used to verify the variations before and after the experiment; rates of progress were used to compare the progress of the two groups, with the significant level set as =.05. the research resulted in the following findings:Ⅰ. During the same period of training time, the addition of the training in skipping rope had no effect on the basic fitness of elementary-school badminton players.Ⅱ. Except for gripping strength and suppleness, either the addition of the training in skipping rope or undergoing the mere training in technique could significantly stamina, and the development of agility and balance. Ⅲ. Except for suppleness, the addition of the training in skipping led to better rates of progress that those achieved by players who just trained in technique. Therefore, it is proposed that under the permission of enough badminton courts, elementary-school badminton coaches provide training in badminton technique only; with insufficient courts, they divide players into two groups, with some players undergoing training in technique, while at the same time the rest train in skipping rope at other suitable locations, thus similarly promoting the significant development of their basic fitness.
  • 建立日期: 2004
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
