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傅淳鈴 黃秀霜; 國民教育研究所 1998


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 傅淳鈴
  • 黃秀霜; 國民教育研究所
  • 主題: 國小學童; 後設語言
  • 描述:   本研究之目的係針對國小一年級至三年級學童的後設語言覺知能力發展狀況、後設語言覺知能力與認字能力的相關情形、後設語言覺知能力之實驗教學成效及其在兒童認字上的影響進行探討,故本研究主要可分成發展研究、相關研究與實驗教學研究三部份。在發展研究中,主要探討學童之音韻覺知能力、聲調覺知能力、詞素覺知能力之發展狀況,此外,亦探討學童在音韻覺知測驗、聲調覺知測驗、詞素覺知測驗中各分測驗之發展狀況;在相關研究中,主要探討學童之音韻覺知能力、聲調覺知能力、詞素覺知能力各與其認字能力之相關情形;在實驗教學研究中,主要探討接受實驗教學之學童其在接受教學訓練後之音韻聲調覺知能力、詞素覺知能力與認字能力之發展狀況。  就研究對象而言,發展研究與相關研究之受試對象為臺南市媵利國小一至三年級學童,共計117人,包括男生61人、女生56人;實驗教學研究之對象為臺南市媵利國小二年級國語科低成就、智力正常、本國籍學生、無情緒障礙、無生理感官缺陷學生,並經『中文年級認字量表』(黃秀霜,民87)篩選後,其認字能力為百分等級30以下學童,共計24人,其包括男生16人、女生8人。  本研究所使用之研究工具有自編之『音韻覺知能力測驗』、『聲調覺知能力測驗』、『詞素覺知能力測驗』與『中文年級認字量表』四種測驗。  研究結果如下:  一、後設語言發展狀況分析  (一)音韻覺知方面:  就整體而言,三個年級之學童其音韻覺知能力有顯著差異;就分測驗方面,在音素切割測驗、異音測驗中,三個年級的表現達顯著差異,而在混音能力測驗、刪音能力測驗中,三個年級的學童刪音能力未具顯著差異。  (二)聲調覺知方面:  不論是就整體而言或是就各分測驗而言,各年級之表現差異並未達顯著水準。  (三)詞素覺知方面:  不論就整體而言或就各分測驗而言,三個年級之表現具有顯著異。  二、後設語言覺知能力與認字能力之相關研究  就所有學童而言,後設語言覺知之音韻覺知能力、聲調覺知能力、詞素覺知能力皆與認字能力達顯著相關,但僅有詞素覺知能力對認字能力之回歸係數達顯著水準。  三、後設語言覺知實驗教學成效分析  (一)有接受後設語言覺知之音韻聲調教學訓練、詞素覺知教學訓練之學童,其在所接受訓練這所屬測驗後測上,其表現皆顯著優於前測。  (二)若以各測驗之前測成續為共變數後,則在各測驗的後測表現上,有接受某教學訓練之學童在該測驗的後測上,其表現會顯著優於其他未接受教學訓練的學童。  (三)在認字測驗之後測上,接受詞素覺知能力教學訓練之學童,其表現顯著優於控制組學童。
      This study investigated the Chinese metalinguistic awareness in elementary school childlren. There wer three main purposes:(1)Study One:the development of metalinguistic awareness (phonological awareness, tone awareness and morpheme awareness ) in elementary school students; (2)Study Two:the relationship between metalinguistic awareness and character recognition ability, and (3) Study Three:the training effects of metalinguistic awareness on Chinese characters recognition ability.  Participants in Study One and Study Two were 117 children from the first to third grades. Study Three were 24 second graders whose percentile rank in “the Graded Chinese Characters Reading Test”(Huang, 1998) was lower than 30 percentile rank.  The test materials in the research included:Phonological Awareness Test , Tone Awareness Test ,Morpheme Awareness Test, and the Graded Chinese Characters Reading Test.  The results were summarized as follows:  (1)The main effects of the grades on the phonological awareness and morpheme awareness were significant, but the effect on the tone awareness was not significant .The results showed that the abilities of phonology and morpheme were found to develop with grade level.  (2)Metalinguistic awareness was signlificantly related to character recognition ability.  (3)The results from the training study suggest that the metalinguistic awareness training can help children to raise subsequent metalinguistic awareness ability and character recognition ability.
  • 建立日期: 1998
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
