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林秋先; Lin, Chiou-Shian 尹玫君; 國民教育研究所 1998


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 林秋先; Lin, Chiou-Shian
  • 尹玫君; 國民教育研究所
  • 主題: 網路寫作; 寫作成效
  • 描述:   本研究主要目的是要比較傳統寫作組和網路寫作組學生寫作成效和寫作態度之差異性,及了解透過電腦網路寫作學生的寫作成效、寫作態度和電腦網路態度,並探討老師對網路寫作教學、學生對網路寫作學習的看法,及網路寫作過程中師生或學生與學生之間的互動情形。  研究中以臺南師範學院附屬實驗國民小學六年級37名學生為研究對象,分為實驗組20人,控制組17人,總共進行五篇的網路寫作。實驗教學期間利用寫作評分表、寫作態度量表、電腦網路線上溝通態度量表學生網路寫作訪談及教師網路教學訪談進行資料的搜集。  其研究結論如下:  一、傳統寫作組和網路寫作組學生的寫作成效並沒有顯著的差異。  二、網路寫作組學生的寫作成效確實有顯著的進步。  三、傳統寫作組和網路寫作組學生的寫作態度並沒有顯著的差異。  四、網路寫作組學生的寫作態度確實有顯著的提升。  五、網路寫作組學生對電腦網路態度基本上是積校且肯定的。  六、老師對網路寫作教學提出無法掌握學生學習情況、網路不穩定及學校活動太多等困難點,並給予網路互動性環境及寫作教學上的建議。  七、學生對網路寫作學習提示網路寫作可提供同學觀摩、寫作指引架構清楚且可隨時提取、網路溝通困難及溝通技巧不足、網路寫作發表可得到另一種寫作成就感、網路文章欣賞可集思廣益、寫作回饋意見太過籠統等看法。  八、老師與學生的互動性較低;而學生與學生之間的互動包括:修改文字、標點符號的指正、文章格式的建議、文章內容的回饋、人際的互動、其他。  最後,根據本研究的結果分別在以下四方面提出建議:  一、電腦設備與寫作環境設計方面:  增加電腦網路的穩定性、擴充電腦相關設備、結合不同的溝通媒介、增加線上支援系統、提昇操作環境的親和力、網路教學環境的設計。  二、教師方面  充實網路教學的涵養、提昇教師科技的涵養、學習新的網路教學技巧、學習新的網路教學管理技巧、參與網路教學的設計。  三、學生方面  訓練軟體操作系統使用的基本能力、訓練文書處理的基本能力、培養學生文章欣賞的能力、訓練學生溝通的能力培養獨立、自主的學習態度、學習基本的網路倫理。  四、對未來研究的建議  延長寫作時間、網路寫作教學內容多樣化、促進合作學習的功能、採用匿名的溝通方式、提高網路學習者的互動性、探討網路學習者的學習動機。
      The purpose of this thesis is to study the difference of writiong achievement and writing attitude between the conventional writing group and the computer-networked writing group. Moreover,to investigate the writing achievement,writing attitude and computer-networked attitude by using computer-networked writing .Furthermore, to discuss the opinions of both teachers to network writing instruction and students to network writion learning , and the interaction between the teachers and the students in the process of computer -networked writing.  A group of 37students from the sixth grade of Tainan Education College primary school is divided into two groups. one having 20 students called experimental group ,the other having 17 students called controlled group. Collectively, there are five comp9uter-networked writing articles. During the period of writing instruction,the data about writing scoring tables, writing attitude tables. the attitude tables of computer-networked writing are collected.  The results to this thesis can be summarized as follows:  1.The difference of writing achievement between conventional writing group and computer-networked writing group is very small.  2.The writing achievement of computer-networked writing group shows a pronounced improvement .  3.The difference of writing attitude between conventional writing group and computer-networked writing group is very small.  4.The writing attitude of computer-networked writing group shows a pronounced promotion.  5.Essentially, the attitude of computer-networked writing group to the computer network is optimistic and convinced .  6.The teacher proposes the opinions about computer-networked writing, including difficulties in hardly grasping students'''''''' learning condition ,network unstableness, too much school activities ,and suggestions in networked interactive circumference and writing instruction.  7.The students propose the opinions about computer-networked writing, including emulation among students, clear writing guide, convenience of picking up anythime, difficulties in computer-networked communications and communicating techniques,achievement grom computer-networked writing, collection about everyone''''''''s opinion, and uncertain opinions about writing feedback .  8.The interaction between teachers and students is not good enough, The interaction among students includes correcting characters and punctuation marks, modifying the style of articles., feedback to the contents of articles. and interaction among people''''''''s relationship. etc.  Finally, according to the results of this study, suggestions to teachers, students. computer appliances, writing environment designs, and advanced studies in the future are proposed.
  • 建立日期: 1998
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
